Universal Sword God

Chapter 3581: 1 sword cut Kun Mi

From the perspective of the magic island master, if the two of them are intimidated with the Kunmi island master who is in a four-dimensional extreme state, it is undoubtedly dead. But if you choose to break out in the first place, there may be a chance to survive.

So he rushed to Jing Yan.

Jing Yan did not seem to hear his voice at all, and the figure rushed out.

"Thousands of hard hits!"

The ice-flame sword in Jing Yan's hands, the sword light is flourishing. The dazzling brilliance forms a bright glow over the black sea.

"Look to death!" Kumi Island also screamed in the main mouth.

He didn't expect that at this time, Jing Yan dared to take the initiative to attack him, a strong man in a four-dimensional extreme state.

Without any hesitation, the Lord of Kunya Island urged the Divine Principle, the weapon in his hand, and cut off the terrible fairy magic to Jingyan.

Kun Mixing Island is surrounded by more than 20 extreme Yuan Dynasty emperors, all of whom are fully alert to prevent Jing Yan and the island master from escaping from here.

Say it later and then faster!

When Qian Kun's slammed layers of sword curtain space emerged, it was possible to see the ancestral paths of surging.

Driven by the power of the Doctrine, the power contained in the thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-strike combined with the killing of immortals has reached an unprecedented strength.

At the same time, practitioners such as Magic Island Master also clearly understood the Yuanzu Taoism of Jingyan.

The number of Yuanzu Taoism is not that much, but ... there are five types of Yuanzu Tao that stand on their own!

The number of Yuan ancestors mastered by Jing Yan is relatively small compared to the mixed Yuan emperors such as fantasy island masters and Kunmi island masters.

For the first type of Yuanzu Taoism, Jing Yan has mastered nine articles. In the second type of Yuanzu Taoism, Jing Yan mastered nine. The third type of Yuanzu Taoism, Jing Yan has mastered nine. In the fourth type of Yuanzu Taoism, Jing Yan has mastered nine articles. In the fifth type of Yuanzu Taoism, Jing Yan only mastered one. In the sixth type of Yuanzu Taoism, Jing Yan mastered two. The seventh type of Yuanzu Taoism and the eighth type of Yuanzu Taoism each have one. In the ninth type of Yuanzu Taoism, Jing Yan mastered nine.

Add up all of them, and the number of Yuan ancestors mastered by Jing Yan is fifty.

But the number of ancestors is not the key.

The key point is that Jing Yan is already a mixed Yuan emperor in a five-dimensional state of creation!

When the master of the magic island saw Jing Yan's Yuan Zudao, his body was shocked. The original hopelessness disappeared in no time. In its place, it was an unprecedented shock.

It can be said that he never dreamed that Jing Yan had already entered the Five-Dimensional Extreme Realm.

He clearly remembers that not long ago when he saw Jing Yan outside the gate of the Sacred Heart of Thirteen Lakes, Jing Yan was still at the level of three-dimensional creation.

How long has this passed?

You have already logged into the Five-Dimensional Extreme Realm!

In other words, Jing Yan entered the land of solitude and then came out of the land of solitude, which is to break through two levels of extremes in succession!

This is simply heaven and earth!

But the fact is in front of him.

The Lord of the Magic Island put down the weapon that had been raised in his hand. He originally intended to shoot the Lord of the Kunmi Island with Jing Yan for a chance of survival, but at this time, it seems that he does not need to take the shot .

The Lord of the Phantom Island was shocked, and the Lord of Kun Mi Island was horrified.

I saw his eyes rounded and his mouth wide open. Even the divine power in the body seemed to show signs of slowness.

"How is it possible!" The Kumi Island Lord couldn't accept what he saw.

Jing Yan, how could it be a mixed Yuan emperor in a five-dimensional pole-building state?

fake! It must be fake! This Jingyan must have cultivated some special fairy art, which can create illusions to confuse opponents. Yes, that's right. Jing Yan is very good at attacking the soul, and his ability on the soul is outstanding.

The Lord of Kumi Island so comforted himself.

However, this psychological comfort effect lasts for a short time.

When the immortality performed by the master of Kun Mi Island was hit by Qian Yan's Qian Kun Qian, it was a touch. The master's immortal art of Kun Mi Island cannot stop Jing Yan's thousand-thousand blows.

After the dazzling sword light defeated the master of Kunya Island, he continued to attack the master of Kunya Island.

"No!" Kumi Islander panicked and drank.

He thought it was easy to kill Jing Yan by himself.

Outside the gate of silence, he had battled with Jing Yan. At that time, Jing Yan barely was able to confront him with a kind of subtle soul attack. But if he fights for a long time, he thinks he must be able to kill Jing Yan.

After coming out of the lonely land, he broke through another dimension, from three-dimensional to four-dimensional, and his strength has been improved. Under such circumstances, would it be laborious for him to kill Jing Yan?

I never imagined that at that time, the vision of three-dimensional pole-building would have become a five-dimensional pole-building!

If it had been known for a long time, he would certainly not have killed Taishi Xingdao.

"Master Jingyan, forgive your life!" As the master of the island of Kun Mi exerted various defense methods, he begged for mercy in his mouth.

Jing Yan sneered.

Begging for mercy, it's late!

The defense method of the Kumi Island Master couldn't stop Qian Qian's thousands of heavy blows. Those defensive energy light curtains were rapidly broken in succession under the smashing sword light.

In a blink of an eye, the shout of the Lord of Kumi Island stopped abruptly. His body was pierced by Jian Guang.

Perhaps only momentarily, the vitality of the Lord of Kumi Island completely dissipated. His body fell from the air to the sea.

Jing Yan glanced at the corpse of Kumi Island Lord.

Heiyue Mingtai appeared in his left hand.

"Floating World!"

The illusory world formed by the spirit power suddenly came.

The floating world envelops Kunming Star Island's more than 20 extreme monarchs. These twenty practitioners were covered by the floating world before responding.

Log in to Jingjing of the Five-Dimensional Extreme Realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The spirit body is much stronger than before. Following this, the effect of the floating world has also been amazingly improved.

The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, who was in a one-dimensional pole-building state, was shrouded in the current floating world, which basically had to wait for death.

The fact is the same.

There are more than 20 people of Kunming Star Island who are mixed with the Yuan Dynasty. More than half of them have lost their resistance directly in the floating world. Each one has a confused look and a dull expression. Some people even look like a fool. Same smirk there.

There is also a small half-man with a higher intensity of spirits. After they are trapped in the floating world, they can still have a little consciousness, and their faces show a painful look, and they want to escape from the illusion. It is a pity that, with their ability, although they still have a partial sense of autonomy, it is far from enough to break free of the influence of the floating world.

(End of this chapter)

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