Universal Sword God

Chapter 3589: Promise to go

Since Lu Sheng Luanyuan came to the Alliance's territory to find the two practitioners of Jingyan, the first thing after he arrived in the Alliance's territory was naturally to determine whether Jingyan could make Xie Niang.

In the territory of the Alliance, Jing Yan's refining of Sunedan is no secret at all. The two men inquired at will, and determined that Jing Yan could refinish Sunedan.

Jing Yan laughed lightly.

He looked at the two of them and laughed, "I can indeed make Sunede. I won't deny this."

Jing Yan did not deny this, nor could he deny it. Sunrider has been auctioned in the league. It is possible that even many practitioners of Xianzun level know that the evil elixir like Xie Niedan was made by King Yan Yan.

Seeing Jing Yan directly admitted that the breath of the two Lusheng mixed Yuan messengers instantly condensed.

"Now that you admit it, it's easy to handle." The tall emissary nodded: "Jing Yan, come with us!"

"Oh? Where are you going?" Jing Yan looked at each other.

"Naturally, it's back to Lusheng." The tall emissary said.

"You want me, follow you, go to Lusheng Luyuan?" Jing Yan asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, you have to go back to Lusheng with us." The short messenger's voice was low. "Jing Yan, you better not have any other thoughts. What you need to do is listen to us. In this way, it is still for you There is good for this so-called alliance. "

"Wait a minute first." Jing Yan waved his hand.

"You asked me to follow you to Lusheng Luanyuan, there must be a reason, right?" Jing Yan said.


"Okay, let's make it clear to you." The tall emissary nodded, and continued: "Xian Ni Dan, is the secret of my Lusheng mixed Yuan medicine sect. This Dan has a great relationship, whether it is right Lu Sheng's mixed Yuan is still very significant for the total mixed Yuan. "

"Our Lusheng Lunyuan will never allow this Dan's Danfang to spread. Therefore, you must follow us back to Lusheng Lunyuan. Otherwise, we can only kill you." The tall messenger threatened.

"The two misunderstood." Jing Yan explained: "I can indeed make Xianiedan, but my Danfang is not obtained from Lusheng Mixed Yuan Medicine Sect. In fact, I have never been to Luhan Sheng Yuanyuan. "

"Yes, I've got Dan Fang of Xie Niedang, but it has nothing to do with Lu Sheng's mixed Yuan medicine sect." Jing Yan said with a smile.

"Hmm!" The short messenger sneered, and then sneered, "Jing Yan, you say this to us is useless. To say, wait until you get to Lusheng Luanyuan, and see Yao Zong San Lao and explain!"

"In this case, I can't help but choose this matter. I promise to go, and if I don't, I'll go." Jing Yan's eyes narrowed.

"You can understand it this way, the two of us came from Lusheng Junyuan to the territory of your alliance this time. The only task is to bring you back to Lusheng Junyuan Yaozong. As for how to deal with you at that time, it will be the senior level of Yaozong Decision. Of course, if you refuse to follow us back to Lusheng Luanyuan, we can only kill you here. "The tall emissary nodded to Jing Yan.

"Okay! In this case, I'll take a trip with you." Jing Yan said with a smile: "Can I go back to my own mixed-yuan space before walking with you? During this time, I have been in the Alliance territory. Besides, I haven't been back for a short time. "

"No!" The short messenger directly rejected Jing Yan's request. He said, "You must follow us immediately."

Jing Yan's face sank slightly.

With Jing Yan's strength, he would not be afraid of these two messengers. Although he has not yet fought with the two men, it seems that these two messengers should not reach the extreme state of China and Uighur.

Jing Yan wants to kill these two people, maybe not too much trouble.

But less than a last resort, Jing Yan didn't want to kill the two people who came together. Lusheng Luanyuan was once a high-dimensional Luanyuan. In the Xuanyuan space, I am afraid that there are some Emperors of Luanyuan in the middle of the U.S. If the conflict with Lusheng Mixed Yuan intensifies, Jing Yan is also worried that it will bring a huge crisis to the territory of the alliance and his own mixed Yuan space.

Although Jing Yan didn't want to shoot at these two people, if the opponent is too much, then it is no wonder that Jing Yan has to turn his face on the spot.

"Jingyan, we started from Lusheng Mixed Yuan, and it took more than 10,000 years on the road. We reached this alliance territory and stayed for some time. We can't delay any longer." He paused and said, "In this way, we will give you one day. After one day, you must follow us."

"Okay! One day at a time." Jing Yan thought for a while and nodded.

"Two messengers, then we will leave first. One day later, I will go to Lusheng Luanyuan to explain the matter about Xie Nidan." Jing Yan said to the two again.

The tall messenger nodded.

Jing Yan and the leader of Jiao Yuan left the two messengers' residence first.

"Emperor Jingyan, do you really want to follow them to Lusheng Luanyuan?" After leaving the building, the leader of Jiaoyuan asked Jingyan.

"I'm afraid we have to take a trip, otherwise this matter will be difficult to resolve." Jing Yan nodded.

Emperor Huoyang and others are still waiting outside. When they saw Jing Yan and the leader of Jiao Yuan coming out, they immediately greeted.

"The Emperor Jingyan, the messenger of Lusheng mixed Yuan, what did you say?" The Emperor Huoyang asked Jing Yan the first time.

"They are here for Xian Nirvana. This Dan is the secret of the Lusheng Mixed Yuan Medicine Sect. It is of great importance. And they know that I can refinish Xianniedan, so they come from Lusheng Mixed Yuan. Find me in the territory of our alliance. "Jing Yan said to Emperor Huoyang.

"Then what are they going to do about it?" The Emperor Huoyang asked again.

"They asked me to go to Lusheng with them." Jing Yan said.

"How does this work?" Emperor Huoyang opened her eyes.

"Jingyan the Great, you can't go to Lusheng Luanyuan. If you go, on their site, I'm afraid ..."

"How do people who are mixed in Lusheng know that King Yanyan can make Xie Nidan?"

Several masters of mixed yuan have spoken ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Everyone is more anxious.

"Everyone." Jing Yan took a breath and said, "This matter must be resolved, otherwise our alliance will continue to have trouble. Lusheng Junyuan is an extremely strong mixed Yuan space, not something our alliance can temporarily confront. And, Lusheng Zunyuan is not far from the territory of our alliance. If the conflict intensifies, Lusheng Zunyuan can send a large number of strong men to our alliance at any time. Therefore, I have decided to follow them to Lusheng Zunyuan. "

"After a day, I set off with them!" Jing Yan said again.

"Big axe, come with me." Jing Yan said to King Axe.

"Yes!" The Great Axe answered.

The giant axe followed Jing Yan and exited the Jade Palace.

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