Universal Sword God

Chapter 3659: Breathe

Jing Yan and Yao Zong just didn't recognize You Guang Dian's management power over Lusheng Junyuan, and didn't think that the supervision team didn't exist.

For one thing, the Lord of the Light Hall did not make a mistake, that is, to set up a monitoring team to control the use of resources in the mixed space. After all, Lusheng Zunyuan is about to face the attack of the doomed Zunyuan, so this supervision team is needed.

In short, Jing Yan decided to go to Youguang Temple in person to participate in this meeting of the supervision team.

"Sect Lord, what do you need to do or prepare for the Medicine Sect when you go to the Temple of Light?" The shadow hall chief asked Jing Yan.

"You don't have to do anything before you get my message." Jing Yan shook his head.

"What does the suzerain mean?" The shadow hall chief looked at Jing Yan.

"Wait for my message. At that time, I will tell you what to do next." Jing Yan said with a smile.

"Yes! Got it, lord." Shadow Lord nodded.

Jing Yan set out from Yaozong headquarters and went to Youguang Temple. He did not let any other Yaozong members follow him.

Within the ground of Youguang Hall, Jing Yan first met the Lord of Luo Di Hall.

"Jingyan Sovereign."

"Lord of the Luo Palace."

After the two met, they briefly said hello.

"Jingyan Sovereign, because something happened in the mixed Yuan, I was unable to wait for you to come out of the hidden space." Lord Luo Didian explained to Jingyan that he intended to wait for Jingyan outside the hidden space from the inside come out.

"I know. I didn't expect that in the ten years that I had entered the secret space, so many big things happened in Junyuan." Jing Yan waved his hand and said.

After a pause, Jing Yan continued to preach to Luo Jingdian: "This time I participated in the meeting of the supervisory group, I would like to take this opportunity to overthrow the management authority of Luguang Temple over Lusheng Temple. The reason why I told the Luo Luo Temple Master in advance When you meet, you just want to breathe with you first. "

Hearing Jing Yan's words, the main look of Luo Didian's eyes was fixed.

"Mr. Jing Yan, are you sure about this?" Luo Luodian asked, holding his breath.

"In the secret space, I have logged into the Seven-dimensional Extreme Realm." Jing Yan whispered.

The Lord of the Luo Didian first opened his eyes, his eyes flashed. Then, the smile on his face spread quickly.

"Hahaha ..." The Lord of the Luo Didian laughed out loud.

"Okay! What awesome! Lord Jingyan, I have been waiting for a day, I have waited too long. Earlier, I wondered why you directly killed the Lord of Youguang Temple, and guessed that you might log in to Gao Wei, But I ca n’t believe it. Now it seems that my thoughts are still a little conservative. ”The joy of the Lord of the Palace of Lord Luo was overflowing with words.

"Jingyan Sovereign, you can rest assured. I, as well as Luo Didian, and so on, will fully support you."

"Jingyan Sovereign, I think this time, it is not just to overthrow the Youguang Hall's management of Lusheng Mixed Yuan. Instead, you can become the master of Mixed Yuan directly and control Lusheng Mixed Yuan. With you as a high-dimensional activist, The possibility of our Lusheng Mixed Yuan resisting the broken broken Yuanyuan will be greatly increased. "Luo Zhuodian said continuously.

"Yes." Jing Yan glanced and nodded.

"Sovereign King Jingyan, go, we enter the Hall of Youguang. I think the Lord of Youguang will not expect you to come to the supervision group meeting. He must feel that even if you want to come, you dare not come." Said.

"I also want to see how the Lord of the Light Palace will react after seeing me." Jing Yan said with a smile.

Jing Yan and Lord Luo Luo arrived at Youguang Hall relatively late. When they arrived, the other members of the supervision team were already there.

The Lord of the Luo Palace has also appeared in front of the members of the supervision team.

"Are there any members of the group?" The glances of the Lord of the Temple of Luo Yan glanced, and then asked a high-rise of Youguang Hall.

"If you return to the Lord Lord, Lord Lord Luo Luo has not yet arrived," said the senior member.

"Oh, the main business of Luo Didian is busy, and it is normal to arrive later." The master of Youguang Temple chuckled.

Afterwards, he looked at the members of the supervision team and said, "Let's start this meeting! Lord Luo Didian, Dadu, don't care that we didn't wait until he arrived."

"Yu Guangdian, I don't know if you called me and other members of the supervision team to discuss what is going to happen." A leader of the mixed forces, asked the Lord of Yuguang.

"Yaozong betrayed Lusheng Junyuan. Taking into account the influence and influence of Yaozong in Lusheng Junyuan, its betrayal will have serious consequences that are difficult to estimate for Lusheng Junyuan. However, When the Yuan and Lusheng mixed Yuan war is coming, I think that even if it pays a large price, we should first clear up the scourge of Yaozong. "The owner of Youguang Palace said directly.

Eliminating Yaozong is the real purpose of the Lord of the Light Hall to convene a supervision team.

After hearing what the Lord of the Light Palace said, more than 20 members of the supervision team had different expressions. Some people have bland expressions, some have narrowed eyebrows, and others have excitement hidden in their eyes.

"Master of the Temple of Light, can you say that there is tangible evidence that Yaozong betrayed Lusheng Zhanyuan?" Someone asked the master of the Temple of Light ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The master of the Temple of Light condensed and looked to ask People in question.

"Master Dian Lord, Lord of the Luo Dian has arrived, and is entering the Temple of Youguang." At this time, a member of the Temple of Youguang came in and reported.

Master of the Light Hall narrowed his eyes and nodded with a smile.

"Master Dian Lord, Lord Luo Yi came in with the lord of medicine sect." The member of Youguang Temple said again.

"Huh?" The main hall of Youguang Dian's breath condensed, and his eyes broke out.

The members of the monitoring team also showed a startled expression.

The King of Medicine Sovereign Jingyan, have you come to Youguang Temple?

These people, of course, all know the King of the Medicine Sect, Jing Yan, who killed the great chief of the Youguang Temple. Yaozong also issued an announcement to publicly challenge Youguang Hall to manage Lusheng Mixed Yuan.

In this case, the King of the Medicine Sect, Jing Yan, dare to come to Youguang Temple?

What does the Lord of Jingyan think?

"Yaozong, who is coming?" Asked the Master of the Temple of Light.

"Yaozong has only his master Jingyan alone," said the man.

Youguang Hall's face changed again.

A person? Dare to come to Youguang Temple alone?

"Doesn't it feel like there is the Lord of the Luo Palace, I can't kill him?"

After a short while, there was a smile on the face of the Lord of the Light Hall again, and his eyes were killing.

"Even if the Lord of the Palace of Lord Luo stops, today ... I will kill you! Jingyan!" Growled in the heart of the Lord of the Palace of Light.

Two figures walked into the hall from outside the hall.

The crowd looked around, and it was Jingyan, the Lord of the Luo Palace and the Lord of the Medicine Sect.

The glance of the Lord of the Light Palace stared at Jing Yan's body. He sat there, his lips rising slightly.

"Yu Guangdian, I'm sorry, I came late with Jingyan Sovereign." Luo Luodian said with a smile to the owner of Yuguang.

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