Universal Sword God

Chapter 40: Jingyan bet

的 The battle that Li Tianfu participated in turned out to be too easy!

I can say that many of the people in the hall came to fight against Li Tianfu. In other matches, they may not bet, but in Li Tianfu's battle, they will definitely bet.

Although Li Tianfu's battle odds are usually very low, but the battle is almost stable, who will give up?

I do n’t make money, silly?

"Look and see!"

"Li Tianfu's opponent information is released."

In the sky above the hall, another huge red banner was printed out, marked with Li Tianfu's opponent information in large letters.


"Which city ’s Battle Association is here?"

"Oh? City to the east?"

"No! The East Lincheng Battle Association, aren't the two resident Nine Heavenly Warriors, Li Tianfu and Ryusan?"

"Your pig's head? Don't know the words? You didn't see that ... Seven ... Seventh Heaven?"

The person who said this sentence, almost seeing Qi Zhongtian repairing a few words, almost blinked out his eyes.

How is this going?

Is the Extreme Battle Association wrong?

Seventh-day warrior, Li Tianfu against Nine-day Sky?

我 "I trust! Am I hallucinating? Is the Jingyan on the banner the Jingjia's Jingyan? No, isn't Jingjing's Jingyan three-day martial arts? How did it become the seventh heaven?

A big man with a stubble on his face slammed his thigh and shouted.

"You! You!"

At this time, a staff member of the Battle Association stepped out and stood on a high-altitude platform suspended above the hall.

Seeing that the staff of the Battle Association came out, thousands of warriors and ordinary people in the hall calmed down quickly.

没有 Few people go to bet before they figure out what is going on. To be honest, the information on this hanging banner is too unacceptable, and many people think that the Battle Association is wrong.

告诉 "Tell you a high-level battle that is about to begin."

"You are not mistaken. On this side of the battle, one side is Li Tianfu, a player from the Extreme Battle Association, and the 9th Heavenly Warrior. The other side is Mr. Jing Yan, who is a martial artist from the east of the city.

"This battle is very difficult to see. To be honest, I haven't seen the Seventh Sky Battle against the Nineth Sky Battle for so long working in the Extreme Battle Association. However, this battle is absolutely true. We are in charge of adults, and we personally arrange the battle. Time is after an hour. "

也就是说 "That is to say, you only have one hour to make a bet. In this battle, floating odds are used. Now, you can bet." The staff spoke quickly.


Poke the crowd, rushing towards the betting counter.

Since it is determined that the battle is real, how can you miss it?

"I bet a hundred spirit stones Li Tianfu Sheng!"

"I bet two hundred spirit stones!"

"Hurry up, I bet the fifty spirit stones, this is all the spirit stones, Li Tianfu wins."

"Hum, the fifty spirit stones are also the name fight, the poor ghost one. I come, I bet five hundred spirit stones."

It's a mess.

Fortunately, there are a lot of betting counters, which is enough to satisfy the bettors here that they have the opportunity to make bets within an hour.

The battle between Li Tianfu and Jing Yan started with the odds of one for one.

"One for one!"

"Li Tianfu lost two!"

"I rely, in the blink of an eye, I lost three."

On the avoidance of odds crystal, the odds of Li Tianfu and Jing Yan are constantly changing. Li Tianfu's odds are getting lower and lower, and Jing Yan's odds are getting higher and higher.

"Jing Yan's odds are five to one. Betting on one hundred spirit stones will earn five hundred spirit stones. Damn, what a tempting odds, unfortunately, that Jing Yan cannot win You will lose as many bets as you like. If Jing Yan is a ninth heaven practice, I would be willing to take a risk. "

Bet is still underway.

In a room on the second floor of the Extreme Battle Association, Jing Yan also looked at the changing numbers on the odds crystal, and his mouth rose slightly.

"OK, good." Jing Yan nodded slightly.

Wu Jingyan's odds soon reached a one to ten. At this time, the change in the odds started to slow down. Obviously, the number of people betting began to decrease.

"I should bet, and stimulate again." Jing Yan looked away and looked out of the room, "Come!"

Wu Jingyan yelled.

The reason why Tong Jingyan didn't bet in the first place was because if he invested 5,000 spirit stones in the beginning, it would most likely pull his odds down suddenly, which might cause some people to hesitate.

After all, the results of this battle were obvious. So, how can someone get into the water and bet so much on Jing Yan at once? Is there a problem in this?

It was because of such concerns that Jing Yan didn't bet in the beginning.

Alas, at this time, it's time to stimulate. Thousands of spirit stones are cast, and they can instantly lower their odds. If his own odds are lowered, then Li Tianfu's odds will naturally be higher.

Those bettors will definitely be more excited when they see that Li Tianfu's odds are high. Even re-raising is possible ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mr. Jing Yan, please tell me. A female warrior entered Jing Yan's player preparation room and looked at Jing Yan and asked.

"There are 5,000 spirit stones here, please trouble me to bet." Jing Yan said to the female warrior with a smile, and at the same time he took out the 5,000 spirit stones that had been prepared.

After removing these 5,000 spirit stones, Jing Yan had only more than twenty spirit stones.

"Oh?" The female warrior frowned, her brows frowning.

"Mr. Jing Yan, I'm really embarrassed. As a contestant, you can't bet on Li Tianfu." The female martial artist expressed an apology.

But in her mind, it was another thought.

景 This Jingyan is a problem in my mind, I don't even know this rule.

的 The betting rules of the Battle Association are very clear. Players participating in the battle must not bet on opponents. Otherwise, a player places a heavy bet on his opponent and then deliberately loses during the match, which is definitely not the case.

The maidservant was defamatory in her heart, but her face did not show anything, she still smiled softly, and she declined the request of Jing Yan very gently.

"Who said that I would bet Li Tianfu?" Jing Yan couldn't help laughing.

Bet on Li Tianfu? Even if the rules allow it, Jing Yan won't do that. Now the odds, Li Tianfu has lost more than a dozen to lose one, 5,000 spirit stones bet, how much can be harvested in the end? Hundreds of spirit stones. Moreover, it is still too early to start the battle, and the odds will definitely continue to change. It is really hard to say how many spirit stones can be obtained in the end.

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