Universal Sword God

Chapter 859: Dazzled

Outside the abyss of death, everyone in the Fang family stood up and gathered beside the patriarch Fang Jue.

"It really disappeared!"

"It should have died in it. This little hybrid would rather die in the abyss of death than to come out. It's abominable! It's such a death, it's cheaper for him!" Fang Jue, Fang's clan, hated his teeth.

He confirmed the induction many times and lost the spirit of Jing Yan.

In Fang Jue's view, there is only one possibility. Jing Yan has died and his spirits have disappeared. If it is physical death and the soul is still there, then the soul-locking lamp can still lock its breath.

Of course, within the abyss of death, if the physical body is destroyed, then the spirit is even less likely to resist the terrifying energy of destruction.

Jing Yan's death in the abyss of death was also within their expectations.

"This Jingyan has persisted in it for a short period of time, and its martial arts practice is indeed extremely profound." Fang Jiawu, a saint in the Three Realms, said on the side.

"The martial arts are so deep that entering the hopeless abyss is also a dead end. Even the guardian Chen Long, I am afraid to enter the abyss of death within this time!" Fang Ju sneered.


At this moment, Fang Jue's eyes moved, and she looked away.

The other Fang family members also looked intently.

A golden figure approached quickly.

"Matriarch Fang, are you?" The golden figure reached close by breathing, looked at the crowd, and asked.

"I've seen the Guardian!" Fang Jue bowed.

The other Fang family members also bowed in greetings.

The guardian Chen Long really felt the strangeness of the buffer zone, so he came to the sky temple to see what happened. I dedication

This buffer zone, the holy warrior of the Protoss, can indeed come. However, there are more than ten sacred martial arts soldiers at once, and there is something unusual in it.

The guardian was also worried about what would happen, so when he felt this situation, he set out to see what was going on.

Now, when he saw Fang Jue, the Fang family leader, holding a group of sacred states and holding him near the abyss of death, he naturally asked Fang Jue and others why they were here.

"Shooting a sacred martial artist named Jing Yan who killed my son Fang Jie in Tianxia God Realm's Seductive God Gate." Fang Jue said, "This hybrid is fast enough, and he escaped into the death abyss Now. "

There is nothing to hide.

Even the guardian cannot intervene in his revenge for his son. Furthermore, they did not enter the Tianyuan continent and did not violate the rules set by the Guardian.

"Jingyan?" Chen Long frowned slightly.

Chen Long knew that Jing Yan had left Tianyuan Continent, but Jing Yan killed Fang Jie, Fang Jue's son, and he was naturally unclear.

"The guardian knows this person?" Fang Jue's eyes narrowed.

"Well, I've heard of it. A talented young man." Chen Long nodded. "Has he entered the abyss of death?"

"Yes, I entered the abyss of death a few days ago, because the hybrid was so fast that we couldn't stop him. But now that he is dead, my soul-locking lamp has lost his spirit sense "Fang Jue nodded and sneered.

"Dead?" Chen Long frowned suddenly.

To be honest, he is more optimistic about the potential of Jing Yan, and he is so sad that he feels a pity.

"What does the guardian have to do with this Jingyan?" Fang Jue saw Chen Long's expression and asked subconsciously.

"I'm not familiar with it. I've only seen him once. I think he's very talented. It's a pity." Chen Long shook his head.

Chen Long didn't say much about Jing Yan's information. As for Jing Yan, a human being in the Tianyuan continent, he would not take the initiative to mention it.

"If the Guardian has nothing else, then we will leave!" Fang Jue arched.

He brought all the powerful people to the buffer zone just to kill Jing Yan. Now Jing Yan is dead, naturally he will not continue to stay in the buffer zone to waste time.

"Father Chief Fang please," Chen Long raised his hand.

Watching Fang Ju leave with the Holy Causes, Chen Long looked again at the abyss of death.

"do you died?"

"That's a pity!" Chen Long shook her head and sighed.

"Jingyan! If you leave the Tianyuan continent and come to the Temple of the Sky, will you be chased and killed by the Fang family ..." Chen Long said to herself, and then returned to fly away.

Inside the Temple of Death!

"So many treasures?"

Jing Yan entered the treasure house, only feel dazzled.

The amount of various treasures in the treasure house is really amazing.

I am afraid that any warrior in this world can't restrain his excitement when entering such a treasure house.

At this time, Jing Yan did not know that Fang's family leader and others had determined that he had died and left.

In fact, from the moment Jing Yan entered the Temple of Death, the soul-locking lamp controlled by Fang Jue could not lock the soul that sensed Jing Yan.

Temple of Death, what level of treasure is that? Entering it, the breath is completely shielded, including the spirit breath.

How could a sacred holy lamp want to pass through the shielding power of the Temple of Death?

"Jing Yan, start picking!" Said the fourth.

"You can pick any one of the treasures in this treasure house, and you can see for yourself which category you want. There is elixir, there are weapons, there are materials, and so on," said the fifth child.

"Can only pick one of them?" Jing Yan was dumbfounded.

He glanced roughly, the treasures in this treasure house were all good things, almost everything he wanted.

The oldest four and the oldest five said that he could only pick one.

"Yes! You can only pick one. This is the extra reward you get after challenging me and the fifth." The fourth nodded.

"Jingyan, of course, you ca n’t give all the treasures in this treasure house. If you died after leaving here, then we will continue to choose the inheritor of the temple of death ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you take away All the treasures, aren't the other inheritors useless? "The old man explained.

Jing Yan was silent!

Although he has received three-quarters of his inheritance, in the eyes of these temple guards, he may be better than ordinary martial artists.

"Choose it quickly!" The fourth child urged.

"Jingyan boy, you must not have the idea of ​​forcibly robbing treasures. Your strength is really strong, and my fourth brother and I are not sure to stop you. However, this is the Temple of Death, which only needs to use one percent of the temple power. Can kill you instantly. "The fifth child reminded Jing Yan.

"Oh ..." Jing Yan replied helplessly.

Later, he let go of the spirit and looked carefully.

"Well, there are too many good things, so many **** spirits. Isn't this Shenhui Cao? There are as many as ten strains?" Jing Yan widened his eyes.

... (Qian Kun Sword God: / 18/18135 /)-(Qian Kun Sword God)

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