Universal Sword God

Chapter 970: 3000 sanctuaries

Listening to Zhang Li's words, Jing Yan could only be silent. Even though he doesn't agree with this brutal jungle law, but with his current ability, he can't change anything at all. He is just a small virtual warrior.

"Jingyan Taoist, in the lower world, life should be much easier, right?" Zhang Li looked at Jingyan.

"Well, although it is not easy for ordinary warriors to obtain resources in my world, at least there is legal order. In the big picture, it will not be so cruel." Jing Yan nodded.

"Yeah, although resources are scarce in the lower world, they are much safer. Because of this, there are many people in our divine world who would rather go to the lower world than stay. However, those who go to the lower world always It ’s very few, ”said Zhang Lishui.“ In the lower world, it ’s difficult to form even the lowest-level **** crystal resources. Those martial arts soldiers going to the lower world have basically no ambitions in martial arts. ”

"Captain Zhang Li, how many low-level worlds do we have in the glorious **** realm?" Jing Yan was really curious about this question.

He knew that the divine realm was connected to many lower worlds, and the one he was in was just one of them. But he doesn't know the exact number.

"The glorious realm has discovered and established low-worlds connected to the Void Channel, probably more than 100 million, and some new low-worlds have been continuously discovered. Of course, some low-worlds have been destroyed for various reasons and no longer exist. Said Zhang Li.

"One hundred million?" Jing Yan's eyes widened.

This number is really amazing.

"Yeah, there are more than 100 million. The space node like the guard that leads me to the temple is connected to about 10,000 lower worlds. Jingyan Taoist, you came from the lower world No. 139 . We in the Divine Realm, call the warriors from the lower world like you are indigenous warriors. "Zhang Lidao," In the entire glazed **** domain, the number of space nodes is also more than 10,000. Our Luo Jiu Shrine is connected There are about 10,000 temples. "

There are 10,000 space nodes, and each space node is connected to about 10,000 low-level worlds. This number is really terrible.

Jing Yan also knows that this glorious **** realm is just a stun in the whole **** world. It is said that there are three thousand conventional **** realms in the **** world, and Liuli **** realm is one of the three thousand conventional **** realms.

The whole divine realm is too huge and boundless. It is the power of the Lord God level, I'm afraid I don't know how big the **** world is.

"Captain Zhang Li, indigenous warriors from the lower world will be absorbed into the four shrines?" Jing Yan paused for a moment and asked again.

"of course not."

"Indigenous warriors who come to the Divine Realm have a relatively high probability of appearing talents, but most of them are not eligible to join the four shrines. Of course, warriors like Jing Yan Tao You, join us Luo Jiu There must be no problem with Jingu. "Zhang Li said with a chuckle.

"How can those indigenous warriors who cannot join the four major shrines stand in the realm of the gods?" Jing Yan looked at a group of warriors who were killing at the far end of the line of sight.

"Indigenous warriors only want to save their lives in the Divine Realm, the chances are still very high. When the Indigenous Warriors have just entered the Divine Realm, they will absorb the atmosphere of chaos, and their cultivation will be greatly improved. And the Indigenous Warriors can come to the Divine Realm, Generally, at least you must have a sacred state. The strength of the sacred state is increased once again, then it is relatively strong, and many can reach the level of half-step virtual gods. "

"But it's almost impossible to get a foothold here."

"Jingyan, you friends, you are killing in the wilderness of Luo Jiucheng, and there is no lack of godliness. Therefore, the best way for indigenous warriors to save their lives is to join some small forces. If you can be lucky to join some Larger tribes are naturally better. "Tension is to lead the guards of the temple and understand the indigenous warriors more naturally than ordinary people.

The warship quickly flew to Luo Jiucheng.

I saw a lot of slaughter along the way, but no one was near the warship of tension. Jing Yan observed that those warriors, whether under the sacred state or at the level of sacred path and virtual gods, would avoid the first time after seeing the warship of tension. Even the warriors in the killing will suspend the killing to make way.

You can understand without saying tension.

On this warship, there are signs of Luo Jiu Jing Temple. Those who killed martial arts were not afraid of tension, but were afraid of Luo Jiu Shrine, one of the four shrines in the glaze gods.

After flying for ten days, Jing Yan finally saw a city.

"Jingyan Taoist, Luo Jiucheng is in front. Before entering the city, we need to go down from the warship, walk through the gate, and fly to our Luo Jiu Shrine." Zhang Li said.

Cities are powerful and terrifying.

If the warship is close to the city, the restrained power will be slightly stimulated, and the holy warship of tension will be destroyed.

You can only enter the city from the gate. After entering the city, the warship cannot be used, but the warrior can fly. After all, the city is too big, and if the warriors are walking on the street, it will not only be slow, but also crowded.

Of course, Jing Yan would have no objection. What Zhang Li said, he would do it.

Entering the city was smooth. Tension took out the identity token of Luo Jiu Jing Temple, and the gate guard immediately released it.

Speaking of which, if you want to enter Luo Jiucheng, you also need to have an identity.

Warriors without identity shall not enter unless they are strong enough.

This is also one of the reasons for the fierce fighting in the wilderness.

If you can enter the city at will, those who are unwilling to kill will be safe as long as they enter the city. Within the city, killings must be strictly controlled.

After entering Luojiu City and flying for more than half an hour, Zhang Li told Jingyan that Luojiu Shrine has arrived, which is a very beautiful water-blue building in front.

"This building doesn't look very big ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jing Yan looked at the water blue building and muttered.

"Jingyan Daoyou say this now, but when you enter the palace, you will understand that it is not what you think." Zhang Li laughed lightly.

With a little doubt, entered the halo gate of the aqua blue building.

"This ..." Jing Yan really stayed.

He also instantly understood the meaning of tension.

too big!

The hugeness of Luojiu Shrine is completely beyond the expectation of Jing Yan. Looking outside, it is a more spectacular ordinary building. But inside, it looks like a large world. Moreover, the aura of this world is still very strong.

When he was outside before, Jing Yan didn't feel how pure the spiritual world was, but when he entered Luo Jiu Shrine, he was really shaken. Surrounded by endless laws, the rich aura has a refreshing and comfortable feeling.

It is indeed one of the four shrines in the glorious gods realm.

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