Universe dominance

Chapter 93, New Product Launch

The Imperial National Stadium, the entire huge stadium has been booked by Fuyun Technology Group from Jiangnan Province for a whole week as a launch venue for its new products, from December 1st to December 7th, just right A week's time.

The Imperial National Stadium with the "Bird's Nest" outside is very large, covering an area of ​​21 hectares. There are more than 90,000 seats in the stadium, enough to accommodate more than 100,000 people.

At 9 o'clock in the morning on December 1, outside the Bird's Nest, the world's major media who had heard the news were already waiting anxiously at the door. In addition, because this Fuyun Technology press conference was fully open, so Any tourists and individuals can come to attend this conference.

At the same time, it is the Golden Week of Tourism. Countless people who come to the imperial capital, the Bird's Nest is a must-visit attraction. Now I just happened to encounter the new product launch conference of Fuyun Technology Group. Naturally, there are many people out of curiosity. I also wanted to come in and see what new things Fuyun Technology would have this time. At this time, at the entrances of the Bird's Nest, huge teams of more than 2,000 people were waiting to enter, taking pictures.

"Fuyun Technology Group? I have never heard of it before. It actually holds a new product launch conference in the Bird's Nest. Is it to attract people's attention? Otherwise, how can people come in to visit and experience it at will?"

"A technological product that changes the world, an epoch-making technological product! Don't say anything to others, just say such big words. It's not about attracting people's attention. Even fruit companies don't dare to make such a banner."

Zhang Lei looked at the long queue, then looked at the huge advertisement printed on the Bird's Nest and the logo of Fuyun Technology Group, and couldn't help but shake his head and said to his friend Li Qiang beside him.

Zhang Lei and Li Qiang are students from a university in the imperial capital. They are taking advantage of the National Day holiday to visit major attractions in the imperial capital. Naturally, they cannot miss the classic landmark building like the Bird's Nest. Naturally, they also work for Fuyun Technology Group. new product launch conference.

"I just searched Fuyun Technology Group. Don't tell me, this company is quite amazing. Maybe it can actually come up with something good."

Li Qiang in front looked at the searched information on his mobile phone and said with some enlightenment.

"Quite amazing? Tell me, how amazing it is."

Zhang Lei became interested immediately upon hearing this, and quickly went up to take a look.

"The founder of this company is called Li Fu. He is the famous fourth-year student at Yanhuang University who pioneered a new field of biotechnology viruses and developed drugs to treat AIDS. He is the winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine."

Li Qiang smiled and read out the information about Fuyun Technology Group. Of course, Fuyun Technology Group's reputation is definitely not as great as that of Li Fu, so when talking about Fuyun Technology Group, they are basically talking about Li Fu.

"In that case, the new products released this time are likely to be related to biotechnology. Could they be new drugs to treat some disease? If it is just a new drug to treat a certain disease, there is no need to go to the Bird's Nest. It’s a waste of money and it doesn’t have much effect.”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Lei frowned and thought carefully. He naturally knew Li Fu's name very well.

"I don't know. Fuyun Technology hasn't revealed any rumors, but judging from the advertising slogans they put out, it must be something very amazing. After all, they can even develop drugs to treat AIDS, and nothing more will come out." It’s strange.”

Li Qiang shook his head, his curiosity aroused at this time.

At 9:30, all major entrances to the Bird's Nest were released on time. People who were not in a hurry were already waiting to file in. They were eager to see what kind of epoch-making technology Fuyun Technology Group would have this time. Product stuff comes out.

Soon, Zhang Lei and Li Qiang also entered the Bird's Nest. The Bird's Nest was very huge. In the middle was a very huge stadium, which was enough to hold football, track and field and other competitions. However, at this time, the central area was destroyed. Cloud Technology Group arranged a venue with a fantasy and science fiction feel.

There is a huge temporary stage in the middle. There are many people wearing Fuyun Technology Group work clothes with smiles around the venue. Next to each person is a table with several things placed on it, some like Cell phones, some look like headbands, some look like watches, etc.

There are a lot of neatly arranged seats in the venue. At a glance, you can tell that they are prepared for media reporters and visitors. People who come in front naturally sit in the front seats as quickly as possible, especially Those media reporters, etc., are even more so, for fear of falling behind others.

Long guns, short cannons, etc. were immediately brought out for preparation and aimed at the center of the stage. Some even started to broadcast on the spot, preparing to release the news about Fuyun Technology Group's new products as soon as possible.

Of course, many people saw that there were not many seats left, and even if they ran over, they would be far behind, so they simply didn’t rush to grab a seat and started looking around at the Bird’s Nest anyway.

"Hey, beauty, are these the new products of your Fuyun Technology?"

Zhang Lei and Li Qiang didn't grab a seat, so they simply looked around, looking very curiously at the things on the tables next to the Fuyun Technology Group people around the venue.

"Yes, sir!"

The beautiful employees of Fuyun Technology Group responded very politely.

"Then can you introduce it to us, or let us experience it?"

Li Lei looked at these things carefully. They seemed familiar, but they were unfamiliar. They looked like mobile phones, but they didn't have screens. They looked like watches, but they didn't have pointers or screens. As for headbands, I didn't know what they were used for.

"I'm sorry, sir. I can't tell you now, and I can't let you experience it. Only after the official start, when our company leaders say it's okay, can we allow you to experience our new products."

The beauty said with a smile on her face and apologized.

Zhang Lei and Li Qiang shrugged helplessly. It's already this time, but they are still keeping it a secret. Isn't this just to whet people's appetite.

"These few things can be called epoch-making products? This is so exaggerated."

Zhang Lei said to Li Qiang with a little dissatisfaction, and his voice was not controlled. The beauty next to him also heard it, but she always had a confident expression on her face.

"Wait a little longer, it will officially start at 10 o'clock. I don't know what these things are for. I always feel that they reveal strange applications."

Li Qiang smiled to comfort him and silently looked at the time. It will soon be 10 o'clock.

At 10 o'clock, all those who were discussing or guessing turned their eyes to the stage. Fang Zheng, CEO of Fuyun Technology Group, walked onto the stage in a black suit with a smile on his face.

"Thank you very much for coming to our Fuyun Technology Group's new product launch conference. This time, our Fuyun Technology's new product launch conference will last until December 7th. A whole week will allow everyone to get familiar with and know the epoch-making technology products launched by Fuyun Technology this time."

Fang Zheng bowed to express his gratitude to the many people who came to attend the new product launch conference, and at the same time confidently emphasized the significance of this product to everyone present.

"I believe everyone can't wait any longer. I won't waste time talking and will directly enter the theme of this time. Now I will hand over the hosting of this product launch conference to the host, Ms. Qin Mengyao." Fang Zheng smiled. As he finished speaking, a beautiful woman in a white jumpsuit slowly walked onto the stage. She was very young. This was a new graduate recruited by the company this year. She was also a very famous host in colleges and universities before. This time she was pulled over to take on the important task. "Okay, thank you Fang Zheng for giving us the opening speech. Now I will introduce our company's new products to everyone." The tall Qin Mengyao smiled and took over Fang Zheng's words. At the same time, a video began to play on the big screen. "According to the latest statistics, there are about 3,000 blind people in the world, of which there are about 5 million blind people in China alone. If we count the people with various eye diseases that cause functional visual impairment, there are more than 200 million people in the world who are deeply affected."

"In the world of these people, they cannot have light, color, and their lives cannot be taken care of by themselves. They can't even get a decent job. Their world is like an endless dark abyss."

As such voices were played, the lives of the blind people in the video were played one by one. There was silence at the scene. Humans may be selfish sometimes, but they are also the same in sympathizing with the weak. Those who have blind relatives around them even shed tears silently.

The video most realistically reflects the miserable life of the blind. The whole world has no light, no color, and everything is dark. They can only use sound and hands to feel the world. They can't work or even take care of themselves. Countless strong people even choose to end their lives because they can't accept all this.

The video was very short, but it fully set the atmosphere. Everyone was silent, and they secretly guessed that Fuyun Technology Group might have invented some new technology that could restore vision.

"Now, let's welcome the famous blind musician Sun Yan!"

At the end of the video, Qin Mengyao's voice sounded again.

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