Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 241 Purchase

A rain of blood fell from the sky, and it continued to rain for half a minute.

Malu regretted that he had thrown away his goggles just to show off, and now his face was covered in the iron-eating scarab's flesh and tissue.

Not far away, the hunters participating in the assessment and the newcomers who had just joined the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group all opened their mouths and fell into silence.

Even those who believed in Malu the most among them did not expect that the battle would end so quickly.

From the beginning to the end, not even a second was used.

The seemingly powerful iron-eating scarab didn't even catch the man's punch, and just turned into fireworks in the air.

Even Mai Mai, who had fought with Malu before, looked unbelievable at the moment.

"Deputy Captain...has this evolved again? But it's such a waste. An iron-eating scarab is just gone. If it can be dragged back, it will be worth at least millions of kilowatt-hours of electricity. Fortunately, there are still guild members. Bounties are available.

"But after excluding the round-trip air tickets and medical expenses, we can only maintain a profit-free situation." Mai Mai regretted after finishing the calculation.

And Malu had already come back at this time.

Looking at the figure stained red by blood, all the hunters present held their breath involuntarily, feeling a strong sense of oppression that seemed to be real.

Malu walked until he was in front of Boqi, then stopped again, lowered his voice and spoke again.

"Did you bring some paper? Just now...it seemed like some pieces of meat got into my eyes."


In short, the recruitment assessment of the Shuangyang Flower Hunting Group came to an end without any danger.

Except for Ace, who had fainted, everyone felt that the trip was worthwhile. They saw the shocking scene of the hunting group, no... the top master of the giant screen, killing the Iron Scarab alone.

Even if you don't get to join the Shuangyang Flower Hunting Group in the end, it's still worth the price of admission.

As for the final result, Boqi will have to discuss it with other members of the hunting group and make a final decision based on the current personnel structure.

After returning to the city, Malu first went to the cold storage. According to his previous agreement with Boqi, he helped Boqi activate his second telekinesis ability, and Boqi would give him 30% of the prey he hunted.

In the past month, there have been about 1,000 kilograms more goods in his cold storage, but most of them are 2-star and 3-star ingredients. The 4-star ingredient only has a flower-backed leaf toad leg, which weighs about 100 kilograms.

Malu put the toad legs into a collection bag, and took another hundred kilograms of earth dragon meat and imperial red-backed scorpion meat left over from before, planning to take them back to hold a BBQ party.

Although Pochi's strength is growing rapidly, at this stage, dealing with 4-star beasts is basically her limit.

Moreover, after experiencing the beast tide, the powerful beasts near the giant screen suffered heavy casualties. Not only the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group, but also other hunting groups have been unable to catch very rare prey in recent times.

However, after coming out of the cold storage, Boqi still gave Malu a surprise.

"Is this... a lava giant lizard?"

Malu raised his eyebrows as he looked at the fist-sized red lizard swimming in the boiling water pot.

"That's right," Pochi said, "We went hunting last week and picked it up under a patch of hot sand. It must have just metamorphosed, and it's still a female."

"Oh oh oh, that just matches the male I caught before."

Before Malu left last time, in addition to agreeing on a hunting share with Pochi, he also asked her to help find wild beast larvae, which he planned to bring back to the desktop farm for breeding.

Boqi not only found female lava monitors, but also selected young scythes, six-hoofed gray bison, black-crested red deer, three-humped wolf camels and other wild beasts through capture and purchase at his request. cub......

They are all one male and one female, and their combined weight does not exceed 300 kilograms.

Most of these ingredients only have 2 stars, and no more than 3 stars at most. They are not particularly outstanding in terms of rarity, but they have their advantages compared to those weird high-star ingredients.

Basically, you can find the corresponding kind in another dimension, and the most important thing is that those kind are all on the edible catalog.

Cooking such ingredients is easier for ordinary diners to accept, and there is no need to worry about the shape being too exotic.

After finishing the purchase of the desktop farm, Malu strolled around the market in the city, bought several kinds of meat, and filled the collection bag.

Because the traveler's bracelet has been upgraded to level 6, he can now be active for much longer than before. After finishing his business, he still has almost 4 hours left.

Malu originally wanted to go to the Little Bear Bar for a drink, but the news of his return has now spread in the city, along with his new record of killing an iron-eating scarab with one punch.

So now, no matter where he goes, he is surrounded by a large group of people.

Ma Lu's hands were weak after signing the autograph, and at this moment a motorcycle stopped in front of him.

Malu jumped on without any time to think, and then the two men quickly fled the scene on a dune motorcycle and stopped under an apartment building 10 minutes later.

The leather-clad rider in front of the motorcycle took off his helmet, and it turned out to be He Yueji with red hair.

"I've been waiting for you, so I guessed that you must have been blocked by the crowd, hahahaha."

"...Okay, you guessed it right, so is this your residence?"

Malu looked at the small building next to him.

"That's right." He Yueji said, "Since you are here, go up and sit for a while, otherwise you will be surrounded by people to visit again."

Malu thought for a while and realized that there was indeed a lot of time left, so he did not refuse.

He Yueji's suite was on the top floor. She walked up with Ma Lu and thought of something when she opened the door. Her face changed and she said in a panic, "Just wait outside for a moment."

After saying that, she quickly rushed into the house and closed the door with her backhand. After about half a minute, she opened the door again and gasped, "Yes, you can come in."

When Ma Lu walked in, the first thing he saw was an empty display cabinet, placed in the center of the room.

"What's in here?"

"No, it's nothing." He Yueji calmly kicked a travel bag under the sofa.

Malu didn't think much about it. He just asked casually. He Yueji didn't want to talk about it, so he stopped asking further.

The deputy leader of the Seren Hunting Group opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of wine and poured it into two glasses. Then he scooped up two spoonfuls of honey lizard eggs, put them into the glasses, made them into Bobo wine, and handed Malu a glass. , and then sat down next to him.

"Tell me about your journey this month."

Malu took a sip of wine and said, "What do you want to hear?"

"Anything is fine." He Yueji leaned over with a smile.

As a result, after Ma Lu said a few words, the room suddenly became dark.

"what happened?"

"Ah, my electricity card seems to be in arrears."

"Really or not, at this time?"

"Well, I bought some new equipment before, and I just spent all the money on the card, but it doesn't matter. Once the goods for this hunting are divided, I will have money again."

"Then why did you take off your clothes?"

"Because I bought new equipment and I'm going to try it on for you. You should take it off quickly." He Yueji urged.

"You try it on and show me why I have to take it off too?"

"Because of the power outage, the air conditioner can't run. The temperature in the room will rise soon. Take off your clothes to cool down." He Yueji said righteously.


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