Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 281 Pointed Hat

After a 4-hour long flight, Malu and his party finally arrived at the end of the trip.

It is said that before the disaster, the mountains here were all red, which is the origin of the name of the Red Rock Canyon. However, now, like most places on this planet, the Red Rock Canyon has been occupied by various plants and has become a green kingdom.

Only in the gaps between the dense vegetation can you see sporadic red.

According to the church's information, there seems to be a fallen witch active in this area, so Malu is also very cautious this time and deliberately found a relatively hidden place halfway up the mountain to park the aircraft.

With the cover of nearby vegetation, it is not easy to find it whether you look down from the mountain or look up from the bottom of the valley.

It takes a little effort to go down the mountain by yourself, but it is not a big problem with the rope.

As soon as Malu went down, he opened the chessboard map and searched for the singer's physalis on it, but he did not see any activated plants with this name in the area shown on the chessboard map.

Malu was not too disappointed. After all, it had been more than 40 years since the last time the singer's physalis appeared in the Red Rock Canyon. No one had seen it since then.

This thing must not be so easy to find. Malu was mentally prepared. Then the five of them walked downstream along the river at the bottom of the valley.

Along the way, Malu also captured some activated plants and planned to take them back to cultivate them in the desktop farm.

With the current strength of the team, as long as they don't encounter activated plants above 6 stars, the battle is basically mowing the grass.

As a result, another hour and a half passed, and Malu's collection bag had more than 600 kilograms of food, but there was still no trace of the singer's physalis.

He didn't have any good way. Collecting specific ingredients requires luck, especially those rare ingredients. It's normal to fail to find them once or twice.

Before, when Boqi and his friends went out hunting, it often took two or three weeks, and they might return empty-handed in the end. In comparison, he had a chessboard map, and his search efficiency was hundreds of times that of others.

Seeing that they had walked a long way, and a small group of activated plants living nearby had just been cleared, there was no danger in this area, so Malu decided to let the team rest and eat something.

He was hungry after being out for so long, and Malu had no interest in the emergency food provided by the church. At this time, of course, he would rely on the mountain to eat.

So he flipped through the collection bag and found a mushroom as big as a fist, with a piece of asparagus, and planned to fry it.

Just as he went to the river to wash the ingredients, the reminder sound of the traveler's bracelet suddenly rang in his ears.

Malu was startled, and his first reaction was that some activated plants appeared nearby, but he had just checked the chessboard map not long ago and confirmed that there were no other creatures in this area except them.

But then he heard the traveler's bracelet continue.

——Ding! A mark point was retrieved 15 meters southeast of you, do you want to check it?

What is it?

Malu was confused, and it took him about ten seconds to remember what the mark was. He had upgraded the traveler's bracelet to level 6 before, and a mark interaction function was added.

But every time Malu wanted to use it, the bracelet would prompt that no mark point was found nearby, so he ran to ask Lao Wang, but Lao Wang's data happened to be damaged.

This caused Malu to not understand what this function was used for until today, until it suddenly came online again without any warning.

After Malu clicked to confirm, a transparent figure appeared in his southeast direction.

The figure had no facial features and was only about half the height of an ordinary person. It seemed to be wearing a pointed hat on his head, and the hat was almost as tall as him.

He just stood by the river. Malu thought he was enjoying the scenery at first, but soon a sharp voice rang in his ears.

"Wow, a new plane, a perfect landing, I'll take a piss and check in for a souvenir!"

After saying that, he reached into his crotch and dug it up. After a while, a stream of transparent water spilled into the river from his crotch.

Malu was just downstream of him, and immediately felt that the mushroom in his hand was not clean.

However, when he put away the mushroom and greeted the unexpected visitor, the latter did not respond at all.

He just kept repeating that sentence.

"Wow, a new plane, perfect landing, let's pee and check in for a souvenir!"

Then a new transparent liquid spurted out from his lower body.

Malu immediately realized that this was probably just a projection.

He waited for a while, and there was no new change around him. So... it was gone?

Malu was a little confused.

But he roughly understood what this function was for, and then he found that his marking option was also unlocked, so he took the opportunity to try to mark it and leave a message.

——No urination or defecation is allowed here.

Then he could find and play this message through the traveler bracelet.

And where he stood, a transparent figure with a similar outline to his appeared, repeating there that no urination or defecation is allowed here.

So the transparent figure he just met should also be a visitor from another plane.

That guy left a meaningless nonsense like "XXX was here" through the marking function.

This projection can't be seen by anyone except the wearer of the bracelet.

In Yunlark's eyes, Malu was standing by the river and talking to the air. A worry appeared on her face. "Sir Knight, are you under too much pressure recently?"

"You think too much. How can he be under so much pressure?" Hellhound said disapprovingly.

"Isn't the mission this time to deal with the fallen witch? Sir Knight might be struggling with it."

"Don't worry, that guy must have a countermeasure."

What the purple-haired girl said was right. Malu had indeed thought of a countermeasure early in the morning. He planned to let Ouroboros forge some traces of the fallen witch's activities, take a few photos, and preferably provide some expired codes or useless letters to report back.

Anyway, he and Levi had just killed the leader of the Witch Alliance, Shrike, recently, and he was about to be promoted to a master. He had worked hard for the church for so long, and no one should say anything if he got involved in the water.

The message he accidentally encountered on the road was just a small episode, and Malu didn't take it too seriously. He didn't know when the pointed hat came to this plane, but he estimated that he should have left.

However, he encountered several more marking points along the way, and without exception, all of these marking points were left by the pointed hat.

I don’t know if this guy is a natural chatterbox or is keen on checking in. In short, he leaves messages wherever he goes.

Although the content is not much each time, only one or two sentences, and the mark limit is reached in ten seconds at most, he still leaves a lot.

It’s like Qianlong writing poems.

Malu listened to him a lot and roughly figured out his identity and origins.

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