Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 288 Privileges

Malu was somewhat confused by this mean curse.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with him fighting two against one. It was clear that the three fallen witches on the opposite side were besieging the hellhound before. As for greeting in advance, it was even more impossible...

Come on, this is a life-and-death battle, not a competition between friends. It is impossible to report the name of the moves before taking action like in cartoons.

The bald witch sent her subordinates away by herself, and her position was just right, making it difficult for him to give up such a perfect opportunity to jump into the face.

The battle ended too quickly, making the purple-haired girl feel a little unsatisfied, so she turned around and pounced on another fallen witch.

The latter had almost no power to resist her attack, and soon she was in danger and lost blood crazily.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other three fallen witches hiding in the dark also appeared one after another and joined the battle together.

However, their strength was not much stronger than that of other companions. The huge gap in numbers could not be made up simply by relying on numbers. In addition, the death of the leader had a great impact on their morale.

It didn't take long for new casualties to occur.

Malu succeeded in his attack but did not take it lightly. He retreated to Yun Que and the others. Then he placed a [Stone] in front of him as a barrier.

In this way, the Bird of Paradise and Ouroboros behind the stone were finally able to get rid of the harassment of the opponent's long-range profession and successfully completed the chant.

This also made it more difficult for the fallen witches to resist.

Malu, who had nothing to do, also tried to attack the enemy in front of him with the new weapon in his hand.

However, the red light arc that was extremely deadly to the revived plants did not happen after hitting the witch.

Could it be that the mode was wrong?

Malu thought about it and pressed the yellow button again. This time it worked. The fallen witch who was hit soon vomited and had diarrhea and lost her ability to move.

What kind of... laxative function is this?

Malu couldn't understand why the producer of this weapon came up with such a heavy-tasting mode. It was useful, but the taste was too strong.

The sudden appearance of the boulder and the abnormal reaction of his companions finally defeated the fallen witches.

The entire battle took less than three minutes from start to finish. After three minutes, there were no fallen witches standing nearby.

Since the bald witch wanted their lives right from the start, the hellhound was not polite to the enemies in front of it, and basically attacked the vital points. In addition, her attack power was much higher than that of the opponent, so no one was left alive.

On the other side, Skylark also killed two people with a sniper rifle, and even a fallen witch died at the hands of the water element of the Ouroboros.

In the end, only the fallen witch hit by the yellow arc survived.

And the witch saw the hellhound walking towards her step by step with a red short blade, and blood was still dripping from the tip of the blade.

Finally, her spirit could no longer support it, and she completely collapsed and began to cry and beg for mercy.

She said that she was also deceived by the bald witch, thinking that following her could avenge the Shrike, but she didn't expect that the latter just wanted to occupy the mountain here and want to have the addiction of being a local emperor.

She didn't dare to attack the knight team that came here to investigate, until she saw that Malu and his team were few in number, she jumped out and wanted to steal a batch of supplies and equipment from them.

Then she said that as long as Malu was willing to spare her life, she would do anything, and she was even willing to follow Malu back to the Temple City and wear the Ring of Order.

The hellhound was a little annoyed by her crying, especially seeing that her body was covered with vomit and excrement, and just wanted to end it all quickly.

But Malu then thought of something, stretched out his hand to stop the purple-haired girl's action, and then he looked at the still young fallen witch in front of him, "Are you really willing to do anything?"

As if she saw the hope of life, the fallen witch hurriedly said, "Of course, no matter what order you have, I will execute it without hesitation. It is my lifelong honor to serve a brave knight like you."

After saying that, she also tried to squeeze out a flattering smile on her face.

However, the man in front of him waved his hand, "No need to flatter me. I see you have been in this valley for a while and should be familiar with it. Have you seen a kind of activated plant called singer's physalis?"

Malu did not forget the original purpose of coming here. Although the harvest of this trip was rich enough, not only did he get a powerful weapon and a growth liquid formula that could increase the production of desktop farms, but killing these fallen witches also completed the task assigned by the church.

I guess Levi will reward him after knowing it.

Hey, Malu is obviously not so interested in promotion. After all, he is just a passer-by in this plane. It doesn't matter if he is promoted higher. In addition, he is not loyal to the church.

But in the end, he seemed to have become an excellent employee inexplicably, and even some people in the Paladin Order began to look at him as if he was a scab.

There is no way, mainly because Malu is really very competitive. Although the number of missions is not many, the completion rate every time is amazing.

Well, I've gotten off topic. Malu was still wondering about the whereabouts of the singer's physalis, so he asked about it.

Unexpectedly, he got something. The fallen witch nodded repeatedly, "Singer's physalis, I know, I know, it's in..."

She suddenly stopped talking halfway.

"Where is it?" Malu asked.

"Can you forgive me for what I said?" The young fallen witch looked at Malu with eager eyes.

So Malu looked at the bird of paradise again. She was the one who knew the most among these people. "How about it? Will the church accept the surrender of the fallen witch?"

"No." The bird of paradise said, "If you find a fallen witch, you will basically kill her directly unless you torture her for information."

"Ah, this..."

The young fallen witch's eyes also showed despair again when she heard it.

But then she heard the bird of paradise say, "But you are a master now, you can have some privileges, so it is not impossible to save her life."

"What privilege?"

"The privilege of interrogation, you can take her back to the Knights' prison and lock her up, and interrogate her personally." The bird of paradise said, "As long as the interrogation is not over, she will not be killed."

"Huh, is there such a way to play?" Malu was surprised, and said to the fallen witch, "What do you think?"

The latter looked a little hesitant. She knew that once she entered the dungeon of the Paladins, she would never come out again, but this was better than dying on the spot, and the bargaining chip she could use was not worth much.

She quickly weighed the pros and cons and said through gritted teeth, "I...I am willing to be interrogated by you."

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