Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 296 The Lonely Handsome Man

While waiting for someone, Love Brain hummed a song, "Love Cycle". She swayed her feet on the chair to the melody, but her movements were still a little jerky.

And Malu also heard some strange creaking sounds.

After about 5 minutes, another figure finally appeared outside the restaurant.

The person was less than 1m2 tall and looked like a primary school student. He held a heart-shaped pink balloon in his hand and carried a schoolbag behind him. The schoolbag was printed with Han Xin's head.

He came to the door but did not come in. He looked inside through the gap in the curtains.

But the door was opened before he looked at it twice. Malu walked out and raised his eyebrows, "Lonely handsome man?"

But what he didn't expect was that the primary school student was startled when he heard the name, and then said, "Uncle, you are so second-year student."


"You are not a lonely handsome man, so why are you wandering around in front of my store?"

"Because a very handsome brother gave me 5 yuan and asked me to give the balloon in my hand to the little sister inside." The primary school student said.

"Oh, then just give it to me, I'll help you get it in," Malu took the balloon and then asked, "Why didn't he come by himself?"

"He saw an old lady fall down at the intersection, and he was busy saving her. He would probably be late for a while. He also asked me to help him apologize to the lady inside."

"Ah, it's okay." The voice of the love-brain came from behind Malu, "He is saving people, this is doing good things! Wow, he is really reliable and full of positive energy."

"An old lady fell down, and it happened to be on the way he came. What a coincidence?" Malu couldn't help but look suspicious when he heard it.

But he also saw that the love-brain was just eating this kind of thing. Obviously, the lonely handsome man had already taken her seriously.

Even the balloon that cost less than 10 yuan, the love-brain couldn't let it go and held it tightly in his arms.

"This, this is what I have always wanted! Hahahaha, the lonely handsome man and I really have a rapport, and we are a perfect match."

Malu felt that the plot was becoming more and more familiar.

It's like, too much like, too much like that kind of... pig-killing dish that is common on the Internet.

Those scammers will look for prey on social forums or dating websites, try every means to get close to the victims, show concern for them, cater to their preferences, and package themselves as soul mates in their eyes.

When the victims let down their guard and trust them, they will show their fangs and start to use the guise of investing in stocks to defraud money from the victims until they squeeze out the last bit of value from the victims and disappear.

Like the love-brained little girls who have rich families, simple minds, and love in their minds are their most ideal targets.

In order to evade legal sanctions, many of the operators of the pig-killing scheme are abroad, so they often find various reasons to refuse or postpone offline meetings.

In Malu's opinion, the so-called essay about the lonely handsome man taking care of the injured old lady should be that the old lady is in a critical situation and he stepped forward to send her to the hospital, or he was entangled by the old lady's family and could not get away.

In short, there is a legitimate excuse to skip tonight's date, which also makes Malu feel ominous. This meal tonight will not be ruined.

How much should I charge Love Brain?

Malu was about to go to the kitchen to tell Lao Wang not to rush to deal with the remaining ingredients, but at this moment, another figure appeared outside the restaurant.

Malu subconsciously glanced at the traveler bracelet on his hand and found that the time was exactly the last minute of Love Brain and her mysterious online lover.

Seeing that figure, Love Brain also became excited. He didn't even hum "Love Cycle". He straightened his back and sat on the chair properly, and put his hands on his knees like a primary school student.

He tightly grasped the balloon.

Malu opened the door again. In his imagination, this should be another person who came to report the news... In order to finish the story of the lonely handsome man who missed the date.

However, when he saw that person, he was stunned.

Love Brain has told him many times that her boyfriend is very handsome, and looks like a combination of young Kimura Takuya and Takeshi Kaneshiro.

He is 185cm tall, has eight abdominal muscles, wears black-framed glasses, likes to wear a white sweater with a khaki windbreaker on the outside, has deep eyes, and exudes both intellectuality and primitive wildness.

As a result, except for the abdominal muscles that Malu can't see, all other descriptions are matched.

He is also very polite and pushes his glasses, "Excuse me, is this the Universe Infinite Canteen? My girlfriend has reserved a seat here."

"Oh oh oh." Malu finally reacted, "Are you a lonely handsome man?"


"Please come in, your girlfriend is already here."

The man took out the car keys and locked the black Taycan on the roadside.

Malu can understand why Love Brain is so obsessed with lonely handsome men. The hexagonal man in the pig-killing dish was actually materialized in reality and stood in front of him.

How did Love-brained have such great luck that she could find such a perfect boyfriend while playing games?

But now is not the time to worry about this question.

Malu led the lonely handsome man into the restaurant and led him to Love-brained.

"I'm sorry, I encountered something on the way." The lonely handsome man still looked normal in front of the love-brain who was dressed a little strangely and didn't show any body.

He pulled out the chair opposite her and sat in it, then asked Malu for a wet wipe and wiped the dust in front of him.

"I know, I know."

The love-brain tried to calm down, but anyone could hear that her voice was about to explode with joy.

"You are a hero again, saving an old lady on the way here!"

The lonely handsome man smiled, "I am not a hero, I just help people in need within my ability."

"Such a person is a hero in my eyes!!!"

Finally meeting the person she likes, the love-brain felt that she was so happy that she was about to faint. Her two legs overlapped and rubbed against each other, making that strange creaking sound again.

Before the lonely handsome man arrived, the love-brain had a lot to say to him, but when she saw the real person, she was busy with her heart beating wildly, and her mind was blank, so that she didn't think of what to say for half a minute.

Oh no, I have to think of a topic quickly, otherwise it will be a dull moment!

Love is a race of thoughts. Talk about the weather? Too cliché. Talk about the latest movie, what if he hasn't seen it? Propose to her directly? It's too fast without any preparation.

Before she could say anything, the lonely handsome man took out his phone.

"It will take a while before the food is served, how about we play a game of King of Glory first?"

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