Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 327 Experiment

"Experiment, what experiment?" Bird of Paradise couldn't help but ask at this time.

"Oh, I want to find an ideal social structure where different ethnic groups can live together equally, and there will be no more discrimination and oppression in the world."

"Are you kidding?" Ouroboros's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

"Obviously not, I've been doing this all my life," Yong Yi looked at Malu again and pointed to a cup on the table with a little yellow duck painted on it.

Malu had also seen this cup in the previous image left by Pointed Hat, and knew that it was Pointed Hat's favorite drink cup, so he nodded.

Yongyi picked up the cup, poured himself a cup of brown liquid, took a sip and praised.

"Don't you really want to try it? This tastes very good, a bit like coffee. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. You have never drank coffee. It was something only available in our time."

Ouroboros said excitedly, "You keep talking about equality, but for so many years, you have been living in this high tower, watching helplessly as our witch clan is oppressed by humans and used as weapons and consumables!"

"I can understand where your anger comes from, my child," Yong Yi sighed, "However, the road to knowledge is doomed to be full of thorns and bumps. If I can unlock the ultimate answer to this question, then all sacrifices will be made." is worth it."

"How could it be possible? These sacrifices could have been avoided. If you had corrected all this earlier, my best friends and companions would not have died!!!"

Yong Yi still looked that unhurried and unhurried, he asked, "What about after I die?"

"What's the meaning?"

"I mean after I die, even if I stand up today and prevent all this from happening, when I die, history will still repeat itself. Such things will happen over and over again, and there will be new ones like you. of victims.

"I can understand your grief and unwillingness, child, and no one wants to see what happens to you more than I do, which is why I want to conduct this experiment.

"I, I want to find a way to completely end this endless reincarnation. The sacrifices I have made for this, whether it is my own life lost in the long dormancy, or the unequal treatment you have encountered, are all worth it. of."

"Does the sacrifice you mentioned include destroying the entire planet with the Green Hell?" Malu suddenly asked.

His words also stunned everyone present.

Even Yong Yi could no longer remain calm. His biggest secret was revealed, and a rare look of surprise appeared on his face.

But the look of surprise quickly disappeared, and he admitted simply, "Yes, I did that thing too."

There was a clang in Malu's ears. It was the sound made by Skylark who failed to hold the sniper rifle steady and let his weapon fall to the ground.

"You, the builder of the Temple City, the savior of mankind, the spokesperson of the Lord of Order in the world...have you personally destroyed our world?"

Skylark felt like he couldn't turn his head around.

Bird of Paradise couldn't help but lost his temper and said, "Three hundred years ago, there were 7 billion people on our planet, but after experiencing the Green Hell, the remaining population was less than one million, and the rest of the people died in the disaster. , and so many people died just for an experiment?"

The old man shook his head and said, "I know what you are thinking. Seven billion people sounds like a lot, but in the long river of history, it is just an insignificant wave. What's more, there are still people outside our universe. Other universes.

"If I can find the answer, not only our descendants, but countless races throughout the multiverse will benefit from it. Looking back, you will realize that 7 billion is nothing.

"When we were still in the period of primitive tribes, our ancestors made sacrifices in exchange for the growth of the tribe. They fought with wild beasts, found the enemy's weaknesses through repeated failures and attrition, and made sharper spears and stronger ones. shield.

"Some people took the initiative to taste strange plants in the wild. Some people were poisoned to death, and some people survived. But it is precisely because of those who were poisoned that we can now distinguish between poisonous weeds and food...

"You see, sacrifice occurs throughout human history."

"But that's seven billion people!" Skylark muttered.

"Yes, but like I said, if you stretch out the timeline and overlook the whole thing from a higher perspective, you will find that there is no essential difference between us and our predecessors who tasted poisonous weeds. .

"As time accumulates, the lost population will grow back. The sacrifice of one generation will be used to exchange for the peaceful coexistence of future generations, and even the peaceful coexistence of all ethnic groups in the entire multiverse, a world without discrimination and oppression. Isn't this a very simple thing? Math problem?"

"How can this be confused," Ouroboros said, but for the moment he couldn't find a reason to refute Yongyi.

Until Malu said, "Did you succeed?"

"I have made a lot of progress. Over the past three hundred years, I have eliminated many wrong answers. At the beginning, I personally established this city as a leader and promulgated many regulations and systems.

“These regulations and systems performed well when I was still in office, and our moral level, unity and friendship were much better than before the disaster.

"To further test the degree of integration of different races, I created another witch."

"Wait..." Ouroboros couldn't help but ask, "You said you created the witches, what do you mean? Aren't we born like this?"

Yongyi's eyes were full of compassion, "Child, I can assure you that you were no different from others when you were born. I asked people to pick a batch of babies in the hospital from time to time, randomly inject magic power, and turn you into witches."

Yu Que and others opened their mouths again. They never thought that the suffering and misfortune on them were not a joke of the god of fate, but were imposed by humans.

"Why, why do you torture us like this?"

"As I said, I sincerely hope to find a way for all races to live in harmony and resolve disputes.

"If humans and witches can coexist, it can prove that different genders, different skin colors, different countries, and cultures among themselves can live in peace. I really hope so.

"But I must admit that I underestimated the difficulty. In order to coordinate your conflicts, I set up many institutions, promulgated many laws, and even revised the church's doctrines.

"But for a period of time, both of you will fall into suspicion and quarrels. Fortunately, I have gained something. This incident at least made me realize that rules are only rules.

"No matter how good the rules are, there will be loopholes, and they will become weapons for smart people to oppress less smart people, so I changed my mind."

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