Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 336 Savior

As a 7-star activated plant, Screaming Pepper has a group attack skill with a diameter of nearly 10 blocks and a large range. The skill has a short cooldown and high damage.

The human wave tactic makes no sense in front of it.

The only effective combat strategy may be long-range attacks. However, with the defensive power of Jing Jian Jiao itself, there are not many shooters who can cause damage to it.

The most important thing is that its maneuverability is not weak. If no one is checking it head-on, once it breaks in and disrupts the formation, the casualties will be serious.

The knights nearby also understand this, and there are many brave people among them who are not afraid of death.

It's just that the witches under their command don't have the magic to confine the sound, so if they rush forward rashly, they will only lose their lives in vain.

Therefore, seeing someone step forward and pounce on the pepper shocked many people. However, when they saw that there were only three witches taking action, and they all looked young, they couldn't help but worry about them. got up.

However, what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations.

When the sharp pepper saw an enemy approaching, it launched another screaming attack without hesitation. However, this previously invincible killing move rarely failed this time.

Although Ouroboros and others were somewhat affected and their feet paused slightly due to the sound wave impact, they quickly regained control of their balance.

The first one to rush in front of Jingsheng Jianjiao was still the Cerberus. The purple-haired girl stepped forward and waved the scimitar in her hand.

This golden weapon called the Blazing Scimitar has an attack bonus of up to 67 points and also has a burning effect.

If you are hit by it, an additional 16 HP points will be lost every second. It will also reduce the target's fire attribute resistance and increase the holder's fire attribute damage by 40%.

In addition, Malu also temporarily lent the chef's knife to the purple-haired girl. Coupled with other equipment, virtual props and bonus spells, the Cerberus's knife caused a full 326 points of damage!

Jingsheng Jianjiao's health bar of over 20,000 HP doesn't look that long anymore.

In fact, after that, it was almost being smashed by Cerberus and others. On the other hand, the damage caused by the screaming was quickly repaired by the Bird of Paradise.

Malu felt that he must have lucked out.

The two big monsters we encountered tonight, the 6-star Burdock Ninja and the 7-star Jing Jiao in front of us, are both strong offensive and defensive players.

And this type of enemy, once the attack method fails, is actually easier to deal with than other activated plants of the same level.

Even if the screaming pepper increased its screaming frequency after falling below 30% of the health line, the damage was also increased.

However, Cerberus's passive skills were also activated, and its attack speed and damage also increased again.

Soon Jingsheng Jianjiao's HP dropped all the way to less than 400 points, and Malu, who had been waiting and watching with eagerness, took action decisively.

In order to ensure the success rate, he also changed to a new energy storage gem. As a result, it took nearly one-third of the energy to knock out the screaming pepper.

Malu also put the Jingshengjianjiao into the collection bag in full view of everyone.

Then he shamelessly ran to the place where Levi fought before and collected the toon dancer killed by his witch on the spot until the plastic bag in his hand was filled.

Malu glanced at the traveler's bracelet on his wrist and found that the countdown had less than 20 minutes left.

However, he did not use the bottle of Σ139+ virus immediately, but first waved his hand to call Skylark and other witches over.

Then he took out the personal terminal he got from Yong Yi and poked it a few times.

The next moment, the ring of order made a dripping sound and fell from the necks of the four people.

Skylark was startled, looking at the metal ring that turned into two parts at his feet, and he still didn't understand the situation.

Ouroboros's eyelids jumped suddenly. Not only them, but all the witches present were freed at this moment.

Seeing this scene, most of the knights and witches around them looked at a loss. Only Li Wei, who knew that Malu had obtained the highest authority in the Temple City, vaguely guessed something and yelled angrily.

"Do you know what stupid thing you did?!"

"I know," Malu said, "I gave my team members freedom!"

"Look around you, did you only let your team members go?!" Levi was furious.

"Ah, really? Sorry, my hand slipped just now."


"You're kidding, how is that possible? If I only let the four of them go, people like you will definitely come to trouble them later." Malu said.

"You don't understand anything. There is a reason why the church strictly controls witches." Levi's voice was serious.

"Uh, are you talking about the red dragon?" Malu shrugged, "Someone mentioned it to me in the library before, but to be honest, I don't really care.

"Both of you seem to be reasonable. I am not a local, I have no position on this matter, and I don't want to be a referee.

"I just hope my friends can live a happy life. As for what will happen after they die, whether a new red dragon will be born and rule mankind, or whether the witches will be enslaved again, I have no idea."

Malu paused and continued, "I also know that it is impossible for different races with historical problems to put aside their conflicts and discrimination and fully accept each other.

"But I still hope that both of you can at least exercise restraint and maintain a semblance of peace and respect."

"Why should I listen to you?" Li Wei sighed and asked.

"Because I am the new savior sent by the Lord of Order to end this disaster and save the Temple City."

As Malu spoke, he pointed to the city wall where a big hole had been smashed not far away.

The next moment, a 4m×4m×4m cube boulder appeared out of thin air, blocking the hole.

Levi finally could no longer suppress the horror in his heart. Ximu was not a witch and could not use magic. How did this big stone come to be?

Moreover, Li Wei searched his memory and couldn't remember any spell that could create such regular stones.

There seems to be no other explanation other than miracles.

However, compared to Ma Lu's identity, the other half of the news he revealed is undoubtedly more important.

"You said you have a way to save Temple City?"

"Of course," Malu paused, then added, "Okay, half and half, I'm not sure, but if you don't believe me, you will only die.

"And my request is very simple. Temple City needs to re-accept the witches, not as weapons or consumables, but as allies and companions.

Malu then pointed at the Cerberus, "Captain Martin is dead. It's a certainty that you will become the leader of the Holy Knights. How about giving her the vacant deputy leader position?"

"Well, it's best to allocate some of the church's duties to witches, but I'll tell you in person later."

After Ma Lu obtained Yong Yi's authority, he could theoretically issue oracles, and the Church of Order was well trained by Yong Yi, which he could feel when he walked down the giant tower before.

Although he didn't understand, the monks were still very cooperative and met all his requests. So after Malu looked around, the only variable was Li Wei.

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