Universe’s Ultimate BOSS

Chapter 682: You don't have this chance

Zhan Wudi's body stopped abruptly, and Wang Hao's eyes glanced not far away, his face suddenly changed into a grim.

If Wang Hao is really a member of the Holy Trinity, and realizes that Shura Taos Supernatural Powers and Asura have signed a calling contract, then even if he owns the realm of God, it will be difficult to defeat.

"No, this kid is a big threat and must be extinguished quickly." The invincible eyes flashed a chill, he didn't want to branch out outside the festival.

Even if he couldn't get two Thunder Spirits, he had to grab a quick recovery and repair. He now hates the feeling that the ants crawled on his head.

Thinking of this, a piercing breath erupted in the invincible body and raged in the sky.

At the same time, a golden iris grew rapidly, raising visible ripples in the void toward Wang Hao.

"The realm of this **** has grown, at least it has reached hundreds of meters."

The pupils of the melon crowd shrank sharply, dragging their poisoned bodies back, they could not be shrouded in the realm of God.

"It's the realm of God again, it's annoying!"

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows, feeling a majestic coercion covering his whole body, and the void around him seemed to be trapped, making him not only less powerful, but also unable to move.

"go to hell!"

The invincible humming invincibly, the golden spear in his hand suddenly pierced an elusive trajectory, and the golden light around him gathered like a tide towards the spear, tearing the void completely, and rushing to Wang Hao with destructive power.

"It's really troublesome!"

Wang Hao's eyes suddenly looked like a blade, a sword-like volley like a torrent flooded out of the body, and the surrounding void was torn apart by the sword-like whistle.

The next second, Wang Hao suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the world was silent for a moment, and everyone looked terrified.

Who can tell them where Wang Hao went! ?

Who can tell them how Wang Hao got out of the realm of God! ?

Just then, someone suddenly called out, "In the sky!"

After hearing the sound, everyone looked up, and saw Wang Hao carrying a violent thunder and lightning, descending from the sky with a supreme gesture.

Skybreaker Sword Decisive: The Fourth Sword, Thunder Smash Broken Sword!

The invincible pupil shrank sharply, and he felt the breath of death on this sword.

"Roar, can I be scared by a little ghost from the ancient **** of war!"

The invincible roared loudly, and there was a rush of killing in his eyes, and the golden spear in his hand burst into a more dazzling golden light, showing a forward-looking charge.

At the same time, the realm of the invincible God is constantly being strengthened, so that it contains an absolute will, which makes people have no idea of ​​resistance.

"Booming ..."

When the purple thunder light came in contact with the golden glare, the terrifying roar rang through the heavens and the earth instantly. The earth could no longer bear this power, and the bottomless cracks spread quickly.

At this moment, the earth and the earth would be quiet for a moment, and everyone looked at Wang Hao in awe.

They couldn't figure out what the monster named Wang Xiaobai was.

Obviously only twenty years old, but he can fight against the ancient God of War.

In particular, his sword moves can ignore the realm of God, and can head-to-head with the God of War.

Wang Hao's face suddenly dignified, and the reincarnation of the ancient God of War was really strong. Even if he used the strongest sword, he could not take the slightest advantage.

Zhan Wudi couldn't help laughing, "It's a pity. If your boy's cultivation is higher, then he can definitely defeat me. Unfortunately, you don't have this opportunity."

Wang Hao said suddenly: "You have reached the limit, then I know what to do!"

As soon as the words fell, the aura between the heavens and the earth instantly rioted, rushing wildly towards Wang Hao's body.


Invincible Zhan's face changed so much that he had never seen anyone so crazy absorb the heaven and earth aura, even if he was the reincarnation of the ancient gods did not dare to absorb so desperately.

At the same time, the invincible war also felt a terrible force coming.

Wang Hao said lightly, "What about the ancient gods and how many things they realize, when they met me, they were not going to kneel and sing to conquer."

"How could this be!"

The invincible pupil shrank sharply, and saw that Wang Hao's breath suddenly increased, breaking from the original Wudi sixth to Wudi seventh, plus the heritage of the ancient thunder god, which made him have the seventh power of Wusheng .

It's just that the invincible is invincible. How can this talent be broken so quickly? ?

"go to hell!"

Wang Hao roared, and the Sword of the Demon in his hand broke out a fierce sword energy, and severely chopped it towards the invincible battle.

"Booming ..."

Immediately, a huge sword light slashed into the invincible, and a terrifying roar broke out.

"Ah ... it's impossible, how could the ancient God of War be defeated by a twenty-year-old ghost ..." Zhan Wudi made an unwilling cry.

The words did not fall, a bloodstain came out of the invincible eyebrows, and his eyes gradually lost their luster.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was stunned.

"Just kidding !? The ancient God of War was destroyed by a twenty-year-old ghost!"

"And God of War used the realm of God, how could he be killed so easily."

"Wang Xiaobai's sword move is too strong, completely ignoring the realm of God."

"What sword trick is this, does anyone know !?"

"I don't know, I just know that a person dared to break through in battle, this talent is really terrifying."

"What's more, after breaking through to the seventh level of Emperor Wudi, he was able to use this power quickly, which is really great."

"This guy will definitely become a myth of the universe!"

"I want to know, in the end, it is Wang Xiaobai who is great, but also the savior Wang Hao!"

"It should be Wang Hao's powerful! After all, Wang Hao is the savior!"

"I feel like Wang Xiaobai is very powerful. He has the potential to surpass the Supreme."

"It's hard to guess, but I will know it later."

"Yes, it will definitely be a big battle to meet the two ghosts."

"I'm looking forward to that battle and I don't know if I will have a chance to see it."

"唉 ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Why are we born in this era, hard work!"


"Booming ..."

Suddenly, a terrifying roar sounded, and a very cold breath swept the world.

The crowd turned around and saw that Chu Feng, who was fighting Wang Tianyi, was covered with a cold black air, and the black runes were densely covered with black runes, and an evil breath broke out instantly.

At the same time, Chu Feng's breath is constantly rising, with evil forces that destroy the world.

Sheng Wenjie's pupils shrank sharply and screamed, "This is a magic sword!"

As soon as the words fell, Tianxian Ergong, the four major protoss all stopped, looking at Chu Feng alertly ...

Thanks: [Darkness? Shura? Residual pupil] [Drunken drink] [KSN] [↘ 你 是 我 的 の Halfwayёг √] [? end of the century? 】 Reward! !! !!

(End of this chapter)

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