Unlimited Adventures

Chapter 271: : Grab the apprentice?

"My spiritual sense is still a bit weak... It seems that at least it takes the Tiandi Furui Wanling Art to achieve the true effect of this treasure, but in this world of mountains and seas, I can make my spiritual sense once again. Where can I find the treasure of Feiyue?"

Xiang Yang looked around with a wry smile, and the sky-climbing branches in the sea of ​​knowledge shook, and a clear stream slowly replenished his spiritual sense.

Having obtained such a treasure, but not being able to use it completely, he was a little unwilling to use it.

After getting the treasure, he was itching to scratch his heart, so he tried a few times, and finally found that the effectiveness of this Tianyan was entirely based on the master's spiritual consciousness or spiritual consumption.

Counting a jade lantern platform and another jade bi, his spiritual sense was faintly depleted.

You know, the intensity of his spiritual sense now is comparable to that of the Nine Tribulations Real Person!

This treasure is strong, but it can consume too much. . .

He blames himself here. If he wants to be known by the Supreme Nayantian, he will probably blow his stomach directly. When he got this treasure, it was already in the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base, and it took a hundred years before he finally got this. Bao’s recognition, as for the acknowledgment of the Lord, he hadn’t done it until he ascended, otherwise, how could he stay with this treasure?

What about now? This is only twelve hours. . . This treasure has actually merged with Xiang Yang's sea of ​​consciousness.

People are really maddening than people. . .

With Tianyan, all the jade bibs next to him can naturally be seen through at a glance. There are six portals in total, four of which are destroyed, one is where he entered, and Xiang Yang is not interested in going in and seeing more. It's just an entrance.

After scanning the entire space, he confirmed that Yantian Supreme's treasures had all fallen into his hands, and there was nothing else.

Withdrawing from the gate of light, he moved his mind and took out a piece of jade slip for transmission. Looking at the light, Chu Xuan sent a dozen messages in succession. It seemed that the gate of light had transmitted too far, so he couldn't receive it. Come out, just come together.

When he explored his spiritual sense, Xiang Yang's face sank.

I hadn't planned how to intervene in Pan Houguo's affairs, but now it seems that I have to take care of it!

With a wave of his hand, the light of the light gate was condensed, and it was restored to the original jade bi. Although there is nothing inside, it is a supreme cave house after all. If someone discovers it in the future, I am afraid it will cause a big disturbance, Xiang Yang Before leaving, he added a little bit of material to the maze outside.

I went straight out of the water, saw the old tortoise on the way, and took it directly into the avatar of the Qiankun Ding. This guy has not been enlightened. It is not a good thing to stay here. By my side, I found a good place and set up a cave mansion of its own, which was also considered a love.

Out of the lake, Xiang Yang Lingjue took a look, his face was even more ugly, he summoned out the wind-treading silk, and went directly away from the wind.

According to Chu Xuan's news, Niuniu was forcibly taken away. At this time, the ancestors of the Chu nationality did not have the aura of a little girl. That was Xiang Yang Gang’s apprentice, and she had brought such a great harvest to herself. Tolerate?

According to Chu Xuan's message, he headed directly towards the central palace. He was not far away, but he passed several police formations in an instant. Before the guards could react, he landed at the gate of a tall palace.

The palace was heavily guarded. As soon as he landed, a group of guards surrounded him. Fortunately, there were still many high-ranking Chu family members outside. When he saw him, he rushed over and retreated the guards.

This big figure, whose ancestors all had to sit down, can't make him displeased.

"Master, the two ancestors of the Wu family are back in their hometown. They are in the temple at this time, and the ancestors are also inside..."

Xiang Yang nodded and walked in with a cold face. His spiritual sense had already been explored, and the situation inside made him quite angry.

Before the guards on both sides could see the figure clearly, he stepped in. In the huge palace, there were a dozen people standing in twos and threes. The throne in front of him was empty and not seated, a middle-aged man in a dragon-print brocade robe. The man was standing beside Chu Xuan and saying something.

In front of the two men, Zhi Shangyin fell to the ground, and Zhi Tongtong squatted beside him, his small face full of anger, raised his head, looking fiercely at the two men on the side, rare talking loudly. .

"You...you bully people! Wait for the envoy to come! Beat... Beat you!"

Xiang Yang's posture is extremely ingenious. With the decorations and long pillars in the palace, he walked silently behind the crowd, and then he looked at the two men who looked almost exactly the same. One of them was in his hands. Pulling Niuniu.

The little girl seemed to be restrained by somebody and couldn't struggle. She could only stand by his side obediently, her mouth pitifully shrunk, her big eyes bursting with tears, and she was trying hard not to let herself cry.

The man lowered his head and looked at Zi Tongtong, revealing a gentle smile: "Bullying? Do I still need your Fuyuzong to talk about the apprentices of the Jiuding Immortal Sect? It's just a slight punishment today... Well, what is it? Envoy, when did Fuyuzong have another rank nine master? Not bad, it seems that this time it is quite chaotic, they can also do more..."

Chu Xuan sternly said to him, "Brother Wufa, even if this child of my family wants to enter the immortal gate, no one from the Uzbek has arranged this for you? What's more, I have long been with Guikunji. It is clear that Yu Yan already has a master, and she is the head envoy of the floating jade sect!"

Next to him, the dragon-robed man also nodded and said, "That's right. Although the children of the five races are in the same spirit, there has never been a precedent for forcibly accepting disciples. This is a rule passed down by the ancestors and must not be broken! "

There is no vitality fluctuation in his body, just a mortal, but standing in front of the two cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage, he does not flinch, looking at each other firmly, with a gentle but powerful tone.

Seeing him come forward to speak, Ufa sneered: "The rules? We are here to change the rules... This Pan Houguo is the five races standing together~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your Pan tribe has been in power until now, It's time to change..."

The dragon-robed man's expression sank: "Old ancestor Ufa, what do you mean by this?"

"My Wu family, the married family, and the district family jointly proposed that in the future, Pan Houguo should be in charge of the five ethnic groups in turn. Which ethnic group should be the leader and vote on the decision."

After that, two old men stood behind him, and said to the man in the dragon robe: "The Cheng family (the district family) agrees! And recommend that the Uzbe be in charge!"

Ufa looked at them approvingly and said with a smile: "The three clans have agreed. I will decide on this matter. Well, this Pan Houguo will change his name, and it will be called Wu Houguo in the future!"

Facing the sudden forced palace, the man in the dragon robe still looked calm and shook his head: "The change of the royal family in the Fallen Leaf Plain requires the approval of the Xianmen Foreign Affairs Hall. Is it because you say that it changes?"

Ufa sneered, his wrist shook, and a piece of jade slip was already pinched on his fingertips: "It's true, but the Foreign Affairs Hall decided that the warrant is here. Is there anyone who opposes it?"

The whole hall was silent, the face of the man in the dragon robe sank like water, and even Chu Xuan's expression changed. Reading Net

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