"Yang Xiao, is this you? In front of that dragon before, I didn't witness your strength with my own eyes, but now, I finally see that even such a mad military elf can be killed with a single sword! "

Alice was stunned for a long time before saying to Yang Xiao.

"When ... Of course, with such strength, only our future husband can do it..."

Linslet was shocked, just now she was careless, almost pinched by the steel giant, with her small body, if she was pinched, she had to die. After secretly thanking Krell, he said with a natural look on his mouth.

"You guy, I'm sorry to say, we let you pull the attention of that big guy, what are you doing running forward like that!"

Clair finally couldn't stand Linslet's look like that, and roared at her: "Big fool! "

"Ah~ Well, as the protagonist of the team, I naturally have to stand in a conspicuous place, otherwise, how can others see me..."

Linslet gently pulled her hair to the back of her head with an elegant look, and pushed her body forward slightly, although she said so, her eyes still let people know that she was a little embarrassed.

"You... Big dumb Linthreit, do you know (I'm worried)... You were almost pinched to death just now..."

Clair was furious, and was about to say something more, Yang Xiao patted her lightly on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Okay, Kreel, don't talk about Linslet's problem, this guy will teach her a lesson after I go back, now, don't you wonder why the military elves are crazy?" And...... Where the elven missions have gone, there is always a feeling that this is directed at us..."

"That's right, we just came here when the military elves ran out, and there are no other elven missions..."

Clair calmed down and said seriously. If this little girl is not arrogant, her IQ is definitely far above Linsilette and Alice, but arrogance kills, if she is arrogant, it will be very annoying, fortunately, she has been surrendered by Yang Xiao, and she will rarely commit such a disease.

"No matter who did this, I, Alice, as the head of the Knights of the Wind King, manage the security of this Alessia Elf Academy, and I must find that person out and then teach him a hard lesson!"

In any case, let the military-grade elves go crazy, and in the end it is not the elves who are injured, but ordinary people, and such an act of ignoring the lives of ordinary people makes this knight commander feel very angry in his heart.

"Ahhh~, this is my gift to everyone. Don't like it? "

At this moment, such a voice came from behind, although it was inopportune but very gentle, making people's ears feel numb.


This voice, Yang Xiao remembered, in his memory, he had been anxiously looking forward to hearing that voice since three years ago.

The four people turned around, and saw a pitch-black figure in the sky, gently flapping its wings, slowly falling from the air, and then the wings turned into feathers and spread, and the feathers turned into black light and disappeared without a trace.

After the wings disappeared, only a beautiful girl in a dark dress remained, staring at Yang Xiao with a smile in her eyes, smiling simply.

Yang Xiao's expression was slightly signified, and he said stunnedly:

"Sure enough... Sure enough, it's you..."

There was a girl who was very important to Yang Xiao, and in his memory, even the existence like light gave him a warm light, a girl who gradually opened his cold and completely closed heart in his memory.

“...... Reese... Tia? "

This girl is Yang Xiao's first elf, the dark elf, Restia.

"——It's been a long time since I saw you, Yang Xiao."

The girl's eyes showed a slight smile like a prank, and the dark purple dress, swaying in the breeze, was exactly the same as she remembered three years ago, and there would be no fake.

This absolutely beautiful appearance, even if it is only in Yang Xiao's memory, Yang Xiao will never forget her, and even be familiar with her. Even for Yang Xiao now, the two are now meeting for the first time in the true sense.

The strongest sword dancer - Lian and Ashubel are the only contract elves identified, and Yang Xiao also swore to her that she would only contract one elf in her life.

"Restia, I—"

Yang Xiao quickly ran over and wanted to hug the girl.

However, the girl raised the corners of her lips, her figure flashed slightly, and she retreated to a distance that Yang Xiao could not touch, and then smiled:

"See you again, Yang Xiao. But—"

The girl smiled slightly, with a bit of cunning in her eyes, "However, if you hug, it's better to be later, now is not the time for us to officially meet, goodbye!" "

Then, Restia's figure turned into black light and completely dissipated.


Watching the girl disappear in front of him, Yang Xiao felt powerless for the first time, obviously, obviously she appeared in front of herself, why not with herself, what has she been doing in the past three years, is there anything she can't let herself know?

"Yang Xiao... Who is she? "

Behind her, the third girl saw Yang Xiao's somewhat lost look, and just asked gently.

"She's Restia, the elf I started with... However, for some reason, she stopped with me three years ago..."

Could it be that she was punished by the five elf kings, so she had to separate from herself? Well, there is this possibility, the five elf kings are already polluted, and it is not incomprehensible to do things crazy, if this is the case, then, the five elf kings, they can't easily let them go, even if they are polluted, they have to snap them back.

"She did something like this..."

Looking at the ruins, the wounded people all over the ground, although ordinary people run fast, there are always unlucky eggs who are unlucky to be injured by elves. If Yang Xiao hadn't arrived in time, it wouldn't have been injured, but dead.

Alice said, "So... No problem? "

"Although I don't know what she did, but Restia is not an evil elf, what she did, there must be her reasons, these unlucky people, I can only say sorry..."

Yang Xiao took a deep breath and said.

"I can't agree with ... Whatever the reason, direct the power of the elves at ordinary people..."

Alice clenched her fists and said seriously. Taking a step back, he saluted Yang Xiao: "I... I was in a bad mood and left first!! "

After speaking, he turned around and ran away into the distance.


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