On the street, the two were chatting idly, a man and a woman, talking about something inconsequential, suddenly, Shacang Feng looked at Yang Xiao’s right arm and said with admiration:

“That bracelet on your arm looks beautiful!”

“Is it? It’s beautiful, but it’s also troublesome…”

Yang Xiao raised his arm, looked at the bracelet on his arm, and said casually.

This is the transformation bracelet of the Kemp method, that is, as long as he uses this bracelet, he can hold the power of transforming into a Kempfa warrior, and the Kempfa warriors are all women.

Although it doesn’t matter if you temporarily leave the temperance to be a woman for a while for the sake of strength, when you think about it, you will always feel like don’t pinch.


At this moment, Sha Cang Feng let out an exclamation, because the blue bracelet on Yang Xiao’s arm emitted a light, the light was extremely dazzling, even in the daytime, it was very dazzling, which made her a little curious.

And Yang Xiao was suddenly in his heart, sure enough, is it coming?


With the sound of a gunshot, a black hole had been punched out of the street wall behind the two of them, and it was still smoking.

At the same time, on the opposite street corner, a girl with orange hair walked out, dressed in a women’s sailor suit, a small short skirt, and a long sleeve on her calf, and between the short skirt and the long sleeve, there was a pair of white beautiful legs.

Holding a pistol in his hand, he pointed directly at Yang Xiao and Sha Cang Feng.

“Oh~ you are my enemy!”

While saying, he also walked towards this side.

The legs swing gently, the red pupils, with a bit of brutal banter, tilt his head, close his left eye, stare at the pistol crosshair, and lightly open his lips

“I didn’t expect that my opponent is still a sissy, hurry up and save the Buddha or something!”

The muzzle of the black hole hole was already pointed at where Yang Xiao was.


Yang Xiao was pointed at by the muzzle for the first time, if he said that he was not afraid, it would be false, but when he thought that he had the transformation of the Kemp Law, his heart was also a lot calmer.

With Kepp’s physique, even if he is shot by a gun, he should be fine.

“This is a good opportunity!”

Yang Xiao suddenly had an idea in his heart, perhaps, taking advantage of this dangerous opportunity, if she forced herself to hold back and save Sha Cang Feng as a man, she would have a good impression of herself.

However, thinking about it, no matter how beautiful it is, reality does not allow it, the light on the bracelet has become more and more intense, and he will cover his whole person when he sees it.

Transformation, has happened!!!

According to the law of transformation, when transforming, the enemy must be immobile, watch the opponent complete the transformation, and then engage in a close battle….

Actually, this is not the case, but the moment of transformation is too fast, and it is slowed down many times.

That’s why people have the illusion that in fact, this transformation process is faster than Yang Xiao imagined.

One moment Yang Xiao was still in danger of being shot, but the next moment, he only felt that his body had undergone drastic changes, his hair had become longer, and his face shape had changed.

The front bulges, the waist becomes thinner, the back becomes upturned, and the clothes on the body become women’s sailors’ suits.

The process of transformation was too spicy for Yang Xiao to think about it.

In short, for a moment, she… He felt that his body was full of strength, as if he could fly more than ten meters with a single jump.

“Damn, I didn’t expect to transform so quickly!”

Originally, I thought about completing a heroic rescue before transforming, but now it seems that this time there is no chance!

At the moment of completing the transformation, the red-haired woman on the opposite side was already ready to shoot.

At this moment, a bus roared and rushed over, blocking the view on both sides of the street, and taking advantage of this time, Yang Xiao flew up, ran towards the distance, and instantly disappeared in place.

After the bus, only Sha Cang Feng was left in place, she looked at the side stunned, she didn’t know how Yang Xiao left, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, the red-haired woman was also a little angry, but she didn’t expect that her enemy would avoid fighting, it was too infuriating, no, she couldn’t let him go easily.


Snorting disdainfully, the red-haired woman chased in the direction where Yang Xiao disappeared.

Regarding the red-haired woman, Yang Xiao also remembered, after all, he had just made up for this film not long ago.

Her name is Wu Hongyin, she is shy and timid by nature, she does not even dare to look at people squarely, and she speaks as light as a mosquito.

Although all she had been thinking about all day was something dirty, she was indeed a weak girl.

After becoming a Kemp law, her personality became extremely strong, belligerent, and rude.

Yang Xiao was running fast on the street, and behind him was the beautiful red boy who was chasing her.

For a long time, he watched anime and didn’t understand why they ran errands.

Now he finally knew that even the fastest person could not use that sprint and flash speed for a long time.

At least, the flash of body just now made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Panting softly, he ran while mentally thinking about how he should deal with Mi Hongyin’s attack.

According to the mediator’s regulations, there are three lines of Kemp’s law, red, blue and white, three colors of the same color are allies, red and blue are enemies, and white is neutral.

In other words, Mei Jiao Hongyin, who is also blue, is actually his ally.

But the brain of this product is too impulsive, and it does not think about it, it is a product that even allies have to fight, just as the so-called launching a frenzy even to fight their own people, it is her.

Explain to her that he and she are in a group, and although they can stop fighting, they will definitely be looked down upon by her.

The reason why the male protagonist in the original book will be seen by her is just that he saved her who was in danger and did not know it, and the domineering of that moment shocked her heart.

Although he said that his task was only to get Shacang Kaede, but entering the anime world without opening a harem, how is it possible.

Unless you are in a fake anime, this beautiful red voice is also your own raiders, which makes the impression of the first battle very important.

Although it is said that Mei Ji Hongyin became a Kemp Law a few years before herself, and her control of power must be much better than herself, but the thing of fighting is about talent.

Mei Ji Hongyin, who did not transform, was just a glasses who thought about some filthy and speechless thoughts all day.

Her personality is also extremely weak, and she is the kind of person who knows at a glance that anyone can bully.

Such a person, even if he has the power to become a Kemp method, will definitely not practice it in normal times.

Otherwise, her marksmanship would not be so disciple, and she fired so many shots that she didn’t hit herself with a single shot.

If Mei Song Hongyin is an ADC, then she must be an ADC who can’t walk A, and her Kemp Law power is grass, that is, magic, even if she can’t use her power flexibly now, she is also an AP.

An ADC that can’t go A and an ap that has just started to fight, who loses, it all depends on consciousness.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiao focused his attention on the bracelet on his arm, and sure enough, there was a reaction on the bracelet quickly.

As a white light flashed, the palm of his hand became a little hot, as if there was endless power to vent from there.

“This… Is this magic? ”


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