The more the two women looked, the more they felt that Yang Xiao was exactly the same as the person they remembered, and the more they looked, the more they felt that he and Lian and Ashubel were the same person, but were they really the same person?

In other words, the powerful figure they have been longing for and longing for is actually the man in front of them?

As soon as they thought of this, they were a little calm, how could this be.

“Speaking of which, in my memory, Lian and Ashubel seem to have the same bracelet as you on their hands, and the impostor you thought before did not have a bracelet on his hand, could it be that this bracelet is the prop that distinguishes Lian and Ashubel?”

Suddenly, noticing the bracelet on Yang Xiao’s arm, Linsilette asked Yang Xiao.

With Linslet’s words, Krell’s gaze also looked towards Yang Xiao, looking at the bracelet on his arm, the Lian and Ashubel in his memory had a bracelet, but the current one did not, and, no matter how you looked at it, in terms of body shape, it was indeed a little different.

Being looked at by the surprised eyes of the two women, Yang Xiao couldn’t help but smile, sure enough, if the girl was surprised, it was also a very interesting thing:

“Well, don’t look at me like that, although I know you are a little unbelievable, but this is the case, we still have a decision tonight, you better hurry up and rest, otherwise you will lose your energy later!”


The two women looked at each other, both a little did not know how to react, logically, such a thing, they should have shouted because of the shock in their hearts, but when the extreme shock, people’s hearts were filled with surprise, and finally fell into calm.

Linsilette sat closer to Yang Xiao, looking up and down Yang Xiao’s body with a pair of beautiful and curious eyes, as if wondering, if the man in front of him was really the powerful woman Lian and Ashubel in his memory, then why did he do this.

“Obviously you can become a woman, why do you want to disguise yourself as a woman? It’s beautiful, but don’t you think it’s strange? ”

Just as Claire shoved the food into her nostrils in shock, Linslet suddenly asked Yang Xiao: “Or are you actually a man with a fetish for women’s clothing?” So you can transform into a woman? ”

The two women’s gazes looked towards Yang Xiao again, wanting to wait for his answer.

“How is it possible, it’s just for the convenience of doing things at that time, well, don’t guess these things, go to bed quickly!”

Yang Xiao coaxed the two girls to sleep quickly, after all, it was a decision at two o’clock at night, what if he didn’t sleep well now, what if he dozed when he fought with the enemy later?

Listening to Yang Xiao’s words, Claire took a lovely nap, feeling that she wanted to sleep after eating, after all, she was also fighting an extremely fierce battle with Scarlet today.

“Okay then, I’ll sleep first, you will call me after the time, if you also do something strange to me, be careful that I burn you~”

Saying that, his eyelids sank, and he actually sat and slept like this.

This girl, falling asleep so fast that she was really scary, didn’t snore.

Yang Xiao and Linsilette glanced at each other, and the two couldn’t help but laugh, this little girl is really cute.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiao stood up, walked to Kreel’s side, and gently picked her up, and in the surprised eyes of Linslet, he didn’t wake up Claire and carried her to the side of the bed, gently put it down, and then took off her shoes and covered her with a quilt.

“Really, I’m not afraid of catching a cold, or do you mean to give me this opportunity?”

After Yang Xiao put Claire away, Scarlet also plopped down on the bed and slept next to the girl’s face.

“…… No matter how it usually looks, it’s really cute just from the sleeping face, and maybe the legendary angel is just that…”

Looking down at Claire who was sleeping, Yang Xiao thought with a smile. At this time, Claire was muttering something in a low voice. Yang Xiao put his ear to it, only to hear: “Sister… Dad, Mom…”

Dream talk?

This is the source of loneliness ~ loneliness in her heart, in this case, there is no way to ignore it.

After all, after the catastrophic elf incident, the Elstein family was dragged aside, not only the territory was confiscated, but even Krell’s parents, the Duke and Duchess should have been thrown into the ‘Barses’ prison in Balsas——

“Hmm-Yang, Yang Xiao…”

Suddenly called by name, Yang Xiao’s heart jumped, this girl actually put herself in a dream, should the next sentence be that I like you and so on.

However, when Yang Xiao was so looking forward to it, the girl’s mouth said so:

“Really, what the hell are you going to do, pervert… Stupid…”

Yang Xiao was speechless for a while.

“It’s really a… Considerate man…”

Looking at Yang Xiao’s appearance, Lindslet on the side thought in her heart that if she could marry him, it must be a very happy thing, moreover, she would not have to part with Fenrir.

When she thought of this, her face turned a little red.

After all, this is a life-changing thing, even if it is impulsive, it cannot be rushed.


Suddenly, a man’s face appeared in front of him, a handsome man’s face, which made Linslet, who was still pondering, couldn’t help but be startled, her body shrunk back, and she almost fell, but Yang Xiao pulled her in time and said with a smile:

“What’s wrong with you? If this is the case, the battle waiting for you may be chaotic, isn’t it a good rest? Let’s go and rest first! ”

Pointing to the remaining bed over there, Yang Xiao said to Linsilette.

Although this school is a college of eldest ladies, it does not have the luxury of living in a dormitory alone, but as the sister of the rebel, no one will want to have a dormitory with her, so she lives alone in a dormitory, but in fact, there are two beds in this dormitory.

“Well, that, okay…”

Linslet’s face was slightly red, and the hand held by Yang Xiao had not been let go now, she knew that Yang Xiao must be eating her tofu on purpose, but she did not object, but she was a little timid about it.

At least, his own appearance, he can attract him, and the rest is that he should consider whether to spend his life with her. Although he is indeed very good, he can’t be too undemanding.


(Tell you the news, that is, my mother is unwell during this time, so I have to go over to take care of her, update or something, maybe I can’t be so violent, please forgive me, but it’s still okay to guarantee four a day… )

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