Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 11 Chapter 1065: Unable to kill man

[Today's fifth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

After the Laxus was again hit, the wind and rain hoisted the tail animal coat, and this state of the body burden is also great.

Sealing the power of the tail beast is one thing, and using the power of the tail beast is another matter.

The wind and rain can seal the tail beast, and it is entirely based on the power of the Wanhua white wheel and the professional sword of the cloth. ,

The power of the tail beast is affected by the power of the tail beast, but it will also gain a powerful force. This is a double-edged sword.

In order to show the absolute strength, the wind and rain used the tail animal coat, or the state of the four tails.

The last time, against Urutia, the wind and rain is the appearance of nine tails, with Wanhua white wheel eye manipulation, this time, it can be different, the wind and rain is to cover the strength of the nine tails to the body, so as to use the nine tails The power, one is to manipulate powerful forces, the other is to use powerful power, which is different.

Makarov and others did not understand why the wounds on the chest of the storm had disappeared. It was obvious that the Thunder Dragon of Laxus had penetrated his body, and the blood sputtered was naturally seen. Even if you want to recover, should there be traces of existence?

Black Xue Ji looked at the doubts of Makarov and others, smiled slightly, and said mysteriously: "He is a man who can't kill, can you see his eyes? These eyes can use the two strongest illusions." , Ignatius and Izanami, just the ability he used is -

Ignatius, the freedom to control the boundaries between reality and dreams, takes only a very short time. It can bring all the disadvantages including death to the operator. Instantly transform into a dream. Moreover, it can transform all the favorable factors of the attacker into reality, and is the ultimate illusion magic that can freely control the boundary between reality and dreams and cast on itself.

In short, as long as there is enough magic, he will never be killed. Even the **** of this world can't kill him. It seems that Laxus wants to use super magic in the end - the law of the goblin, but this technique Need to prepare time. So he attacked him first without recovering his defense, so he won the time...

It is a pity that although the strategy is quite good, he is a man who cannot be killed. Even if he successfully implements the law of the fairy, it is useless in the end..."


For a moment, Makarov, Milaj and others have opened their mouths, and the ultimate illusion of distorting reality and dreams cannot be killed. Is that really true?

"More mouth!"

The wind and rain blew a little on the head of Black Snow Ji. Black Snow Ji is obviously fighting their behavior in Makarov, but this also reveals his ability intelligence to the enemy. However, even if they are clear, the wind and rain will not matter.

"Walk, to establish a new guild, how to build it, president?" Black Xue Ji said to his head.

"We will build a unique guild in history, the wing of freedom, and continue to have wings, so even if the guild must have the ability to fly, our guild will be built in heaven!!"

The wind and rain smiled and said.

Is the guild built in heaven?

Hei Xueji suddenly surprised them, and thought that where the weather would be chosen, I did not expect to be built in the sky.

"President Makarov, are you going to visit? The establishment of the Sky Wizards Guild!"

The wind and rain looked at Makarov and said that he did not want to do so in the first place, but the challenge of Laxus made him change his mind. He is the person of this world, he will not attach the tail of the fairy, to Built to build a truly powerful guild, beyond the tail of the fairy.

The magic guild is built in the sky, and the people around can't help but start to be scared. If they think that the storm is just a joke, then they may believe that the wind and rain have such strength. After all, they have seen the wind and rain. Chen is strong.

"Do you use gravity magic? Then I want to visit it..."

Makarov suddenly thought of gravity magic. If the gravity magic of the wind and rain surpassed Bruno, then it would not be impossible to create a floating magic guild. If the size of the guild is small, it should be able to be established. Among them.


With the response of Makarov, all the tails of the goblins caught up with the footsteps of the storm, and even the residents of the Magnolia town gathered together to see what was called the sky. The Magisters Guild.

Gradually, the wind and rain stopped in front of a rolling hill outside the town of Magnolia. After a deep breath, the storm liberated all the magic! At the same time, the stigma is stylized!

The powerful energy is like a light beam in the sky. It is generally filled with gas from the body of the wind and rain. The power of the magic power will also penetrate the dark clouds in the sky! ! !

"Is this his real strength? Laxus failed unsuccessfully..." Makarov felt the magical power of the wind and rain, and this moment became clear of his true strength.

"I want to start..." Yuki said with a narrow eye.

Earth explosion star! !

The wind and rain infinitely strengthens the gravitational energy of the body, and instantly creates a sphere of incomparably darkness. This sphere even swallows up the light--

At the moment of throwing out, the black hole expanded, and the strong attraction suddenly shocked the entire mountain...


Nazton had a feeling of vomiting, and the whole earth was shaking...

"Naz fainted again...say, is the earth a mobile tool?" Habib spoke on the side.

The earth is not a tool, but now the earth is moving!

"Hey... Bang..."

A crack suddenly cracked open ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gradually, the land was forcibly uncovered by a certain force, and instantly closed to the black hole -

Cracked strata, broken mountains and rocks, broken trees... have risen up and have been posted on the black hole...

The black hole was gradually wrapped and turned into a huge sphere...

It’s almost half done here...

Next, the wind and rain came to the front of the huge sphere, and a huge black trowel was condensed in the hand, and all the power was slammed out!

"Boom!! Hey!"

In an instant, a dark crescent slammed through the middle of the sphere and suddenly cut it into two halves, but the black hole's power disappeared into the center of the sphere, and the two hemispheres adjusted down!

The wind and rain gathered the sickle and extended his hands, instantly changing the gravitation between the two hemispheres and the earth, letting it float in the air... (to be continued...)

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