Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 12 Chapter 1149: The combination of the truce and the double blade

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For various reasons, the wind and rain stopped fighting with the girl saber.

Well, I have to admit that the wind and rain is probably not in danger. When I look at the injured girl saber, he can't help but think of letting go of her. Although his idea is rather stupid, after all, he let go of this opponent. Is it really ok?

How to see it is clear that saber is a very powerful spirit, although it is a girl's posture, but it has a strong strength, if she is not resolved when she is injured, it will be an unbeatable opponent in the future.

"Well, don't look at me. Now my master's master has eaten at the home of your master's house. Even if it is the feedback of this meal, let's stop it, saber, I understand that you want to use a treasure to hit me. Will it kill? However, I have the deification of [resurrection]..."

The wind and rain shook his head and wiped out the frost sword in his hand. He said his resurrection ability. It was not a stupid way to tell each other's abilities, but to let the girls saber guess their identity in the direction of the gods. Constitute [][].[].[] to make his servant body more realistic.

The reason why they say "they" is because in addition to the saber in front of the storm, there are several heroes who observe the battle between him and the girl saber. This is another reason for the wind and rain to give up the battle, although not the main reason - -

If you can, the storm can completely solve the girl saber at this time, and then in the moment when other servants appear. Let Athena defeat them in one fell swoop. but--

I thought of Asuna. The heart of the storm will be softened, and the girl saber, this unwavering belief, makes him seem to recall that when he was in the sword, Asuna’s eyes were so delicate and eye-catching. Can't help but chase.

Although the girl saber felt that the end of the battle was the intention of the other party. But I also knew that there were a few servants around, so she reluctantly agreed, but the heart was thinking that one day, I would give it back to Frost (the rain).


After the truce, the wind and the girl saber and the man with short orange hair and the two ponytail girls returned to the house together. After entering the room, they found that the small hair of Athena had already cleaned the refrigerator inside the house. Up...


The orange-haired boy showed a black line, and the ingredients for the week were gone! Ugh!

"Now we have a good understanding of each other for the time being... although the battle between the seven double-edged combinations is stipulated. But there is no saying that you can join the two teams to deal with the enemy?" Said.


The wind and rain can not help but frown up and said: "Do you want to join us in a combination of four servants? Is this the battle of the gods? Ha ha?"

"So I said that it is troublesome. The cooperation between the two servants is already very difficult. For four, I am afraid it will be even harder!" Red couldn't help but lean on the wall and said.

"Well, you go to the roof to detect the surrounding information, to prevent other servants from eavesdropping..." The two ponytail girls whispered, presumably arrogantly angry for not helping her.

"Good... good..."

Red shook his head and the body dissipated in the room.

"If this is the case..."

The wind and rain hugs the arm and said: "Then join hands, the temporary cooperation is not impossible. The four servants are undoubtedly powerful forces. If you have this power, you may be able to solve the battle quickly. It’s good to win or lose. Anyway, I’ve got the double-edged sword of your brain. I have to think about your opinion...”

"Ha? You try my brain again!"

The two ponytail girls can't help but glare at the storm.


The wind and the rain waved, "When I didn't say it, then, now I will exchange the name for the time being. You can call me ice or frost or ice. The little confused who are in front of the refrigerator is my master, Nana, because This guy's incomplete summoning, memory has caused confusion, life and name are not clear, but don't worry, my master is a cute, but the magic is very powerful, otherwise I can't summon me..."

"The same..."

The girl with double ponytail couldn't help but blush. It seems that she also made a mistake when she summoned the servant. After a slight sigh of relief, she said, "My name is Yuanwei. Like this guy, I am a student of Suiqunyuan Academy. You look at the name..."

"Then ask you to be okay, really, how is the master now? You are wayward, my master is a cute, I am now the guardian of this guy! What is the master of saber? The idiot magician who doesn't understand, hey, the servant is good again, the master can't keep up with the rhythm is the scum..."

The wind and rain can not help but spit the channel.

"My name is Wei Gong Shi Lang, just call me Wei Gong, ice..." said the boy with short orange hair.

"It’s good to call me saber..." said the girl saber.

"Well? See you still know the rules of the fifth Holy Grail battle. This time the Holy Grail battle is different from the previous ones. It is the seven pairs of servants of two parallel worlds, that is, the battle between fourteen servants, but It is not the fourteen spirits that are enemies, the two-two combination, forming a double-edged sword, and the combination of successful battles can gain two wishes, that is, a desire for a parallel world. At present, I am from the parallel world of this world. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ My 羁绊 double blade is red, that is the guy who just got, your 羁绊 double blade I don’t know yet...

So calling you saber can't, because there are two sabers, since you are wearing blue armor, then I call you blue saber? This is easier to distinguish. As for the real name, I don't need to know. After all, this is everyone's privacy and the most important information. Now, although we are joining hands, in the end we can't get rid of the fate of life and death. ”

The wind and rain simply described the rules.

"Do you have a double-edged blade? Is it the same as the servant of the parallel world?" Blue Saber asked the key questions at once.

"The two worlds are parallel worlds, but the myths are the same. In simple terms, if the world is in the present, then our world is in the past one second or the next one, without any difference. Of course, this difference is for the servant. After all, the Holy Grail finally collects the power to defeat the spirit. From a macroscopic point of view, the spirit of the non-same world will interfere with the final birth of the Great Grail. As for the master, it is not clear... ..."

The wind and rain explained and said. (To be continued...)

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