Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 12 Chapter 1200: The king of legend and the waves of history

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Altolia seems to have a special match tonight, and the storm has stopped the rhythm until near dawn.

"How do you cooperate today, baby?"

The fingers of the wind and rain are gently soothing on the softness of Altolia's slight uplift. The white enamel is as bright as agate and the light pink snow is so delicate. In these days of the fairy town, there is a feeling of drunken dreams. It.

"Don't be baby, listen to the tired people..."

Altorya curled up in the arms of the storm, sucking his breath, and slowly said: "That... discuss something with you..."

Upon hearing this sentence, the wind and rain frowned and said: "Is it really necessary to leave our children in this world? Alto, you have to think clearly, not that I am determined, but to be honest, This time I came to this world through the power of the Holy Grail, the past of the World of the Holy Grail.

We are in the past, and once I leave you with this 'past', then it will never come back. Even in our time, our children may have become a king in history... and we are forever It is impossible to see him again, he will come over, not now, do you know? ”

"I understand, but our child must be a king. Although I hope that my child can live a carefree life, he inherits the blood of our king. Only when he becomes king is his. The road, the Pandragong family is not weak. He has his life and the king to go. I also hope that he can surpass me..." Atolian's heroic eyes filled with the king's decision. The born king is destined not to be a weak presence in the shackles.

"Really, I know you will do this..."

The wind and rain are distressed and scratching his head. His children will be the king of England, and history will definitely change. The history of the Holy Grail World will definitely change. What will happen in the end is unpredictable.

"Are you promised, Yuchen?"

Altolia was somewhat pleased to embrace the back of the storm.

"Since you made your decision, don't regret it, well, fight to dawn..."

"Don't... no, I..."

"This is what you promised, come on, for our children..."

"Ah... you tap it..."


The hometown of the fairy spirit is isolated from the world. The passage of time is somewhat different from the outside world. The ideal hometown of immortality, in this ideal hometown of the world, the storm has spent a year with Altolia. They also have the crystallization of love.

"Lancelot, Albert * Wind * Pandragong. He will give it to you. Albert means noble and wise, with the blood of the Son of God and the family of the Red Dragon family Pandragun, and also It is an excellent and wise king of ancient Benedict. I hope that you can help him to reunite this era, let the war disappear from this land, make the country rich, and let the people live and work in peace..."

Altoria reluctantly handed over the sleeping baby in his arms to Lancelot, who was kneeling on the ground.

"You must live up to the expectations..."

Lancelot is like holding a sacred object in the arms of the baby, this child will become the king of England!

"The sword of the winning gold is handed over to him. Only the descendants who have inherited my blood can use this sword of the king who combines the power of the sea god. New, I hope he can create an unprecedented empire."

The right hand reaches out and the chrome of the winning sword of gold on the back of the hand becomes a golden light that enters the baby's body.

"Then, the two kings, Lancelot will leave, you take care... King Arthur, the tradition of the Knights of the Round Table will be passed on, your legend will always drift in this era..."

Lancelot resolutely turned and took the boat and slowly left the holy lake.

Altolia did not stretch out his hand and moved forward. The reluctant feeling suddenly caused her tears to flow out. She was not a good mother, and she pinned the wish of the unification kingdom on her birth. Is she too ruthless for the child?

"Well, I have come to this step. I know that today, why should we go back, and the time spent in the past is a little long..."

The wind and rain will hold Altolia in his arms. How is he not reluctant to leave, but he and the children of Altolia, the love of two people crystallized, this year, he looked at the belly of Atolia Every day, when I have a heavy father-loving mountain, I want to give my children more fatherly love, but they have to be separated...


Altolia bit her mouth on the shoulders of the storm, and choked up, but she really wanted to bring peace to the world, to end this chaotic era.


Three days later, the wind and rain and Aaltolia returned to the world of the Holy Grail war. The strange thing is that the time of this world is still kept at the moment when the wind and rain leave.

The first thing I did back here was -

The wind and rain and Altolia took the flight to the British Library in Europe.

After arriving in the UK, the wind and rain and the two people in Altolia placed an unusually rich epic book of Celtic mythology on the table, flipping through the narrative after the sword hill, reading Up -

"In 537 AD, the battle-of-camlann was famous for King Arthur's last battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this battle, King Arthur killed the rebellious Modred, but himself He was also seriously fatally wounded. At this moment, the **** of Poseidon, the sea king who flattered the hand of God, rode the frosty Tianma to the side of King Arthur and redeemed King Arthur with the blood of God.

The Son of God and King Arthur (The identity of King Arthur is a woman, the real name of Altoria Pendragon, whose truth has been proved by Sir Lanslot, the Knight of the Knights of Bedwell and King Arthur, who inherited The girl of the throne of the king created the Knights of the Round Table. Although there were faults, it was the only king of the Knights.

The birth of a legendary king of the ancient world - Albert * Pandragon, hand-held to manipulate the waters of the universe, unified the entire region of Europe and its Central Asia, North Africa, in the next three hundred years In ancient times, Gu Biaolu became the most powerful empire in the world. In the three hundred years, there was no war or smoke. It was the most prosperous and magnificent era in history...

The legendary king Albert and the entire European royal family, according to legend, had more than a hundred of them when they were in office. Even now there is research, and the blood of many nobles in Europe has Albert's blood..." Continued.)



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