Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 14 Chapter 1258: The inherent enchantment of the Star Li Dian

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Gradually, Xia Dului analyzed the defensive formation of the masquerade, and the formation that binds the existence of the fire and fog warrior disappeared into nothingness. ..

“Is it really going to go?” Phoenix asked.

"Of course... oh, then hit the princess hard, I won’t care about him..."

Xia Dulu said that he began to manipulate the power of existence to arrange a new form of free law, rather than indecent assault, she would make a free law to assist the law of the wind and rain.



The body of the wind and rain was smashed into the wall by a woman with three eyes. At this moment, he felt that the power of existence was recovering. Xia Dulu really was a genius and he would bind him. The formation is eliminated.

Oh la la...

"Well, the time for counterattack is here!"

The wind and rain hands pressed on the ground, and a black and white curse chain spread from his hands and wrapped the whole star.

The first prohibition law -

The world has nothing to change.

At this moment, an upper body resembles an extremely thick tiger with limbs, and grows hairs and horns, while the parts below the knee become the claws of the eagle, and the giant synthetic beast that grows with bat wings and snake tails instantly changes. It became a middle-aged man in sunglasses, and his change was eliminated by the law of the wind and rain.

“How is it possible? The change of ‘Change’ has been eliminated!”

A Red Apostle could not help but say with fear.

The second prohibition law -

The world has no chains.

At this moment, the chain in the hands of the three-eyed woman disappeared instantly.

"The flame of ancient rhythm, the blade of the wind that is silent in the gap of space. Hua Yu Tian Xiang. Glass time and space. Invisible, colorless, four times and degrees, rhythm string playing, law, condensation, law, knot. The law, the heavens, the law is invisible, the law is through the heavens, the decree is - the sword of the heavens!"

The dark and blazing flames shrouded the wind and rain for a time, and a pair of weird black and white wings stretched out from behind him. The black and white flames flew out from the black and white wings, gathering in the hands of the wind and rain, becoming A huge black and white flame sword.


The entire conference hall was slammed into a huge crack, and the middle-aged man and the three-eyed woman in sunglasses were shot and attacked by the storm. At the same time, the two Red Apostles were unfortunately slammed and the body suddenly dissipated...


For a time. The wind and rain of the turn made the entire headquarters conference room shake up. What is the strange power?

"Now tell you my name - 'black and white forbidden law', the contract devil is the "king of the dark king" Beliyar, it should not be the first time to fight with your masquerade, the last time you attacked the Heavenly Palace should be you "What?" said the cold and cold.

"... It’s really amazing. I was able to limit my transformation... Since the fire fog warrior has come to a full stop, then we will also fight for the name battle, and the masquerade 'General' will change the South. "The middle-aged man in sunglasses said.

"Well, it’s really a polite man, the double flame of black and white, or the first time I saw it... Eliminating my chain locks is also a powerful means... masquerade 'consultant' adversary clerk Bello Pio dew……"


"Ha ha 嘿嘿 ...... masquerade 'consultant', explored Dantalio... good self-sufficiency law, good, but I set up a three-defense free law, oh, your one The companion is really amazing, but she seems to be in trouble, there is no way to control you...

My defensive tactics have restarted. Actually, I didn’t start directly. I just wanted to see the power of your free law. It’s a really good experience. Black and white law-abiding, I remember you...

Let’s try the ‘gift’ that I have prepared for you. You will be satisfied, oh...”

The sound that was heard before falling back in the space, gradually, the scorpions dressed by the robots appeared everywhere in the conference room, and they held a bow in their hands and reflected it against the wind and rain...


The law of the change of the South and the ruler of the ruling, Belu Peoru, was eliminated, and the defensive circle was restarted again.

"It's an arbitrary guy..." The re-emergence of the synthetic beast, Deanan, couldn't help but swear, his face showing a familiar look, as if he had long understood the character of Dantario.

"The triple defensive formation is really a guy worth relying on..." Bello Peorou said with a huge chain in his hand.

"It seems that I can't use the law of freedom, but..."

The wind and rain sighed, and the look suddenly condensed. The body repeatedly avoided the bow and arrow, and the foot slid against the wall and jumped onto the roof. At the same time, the right hand was placed on the chest, and the body radiated a strong frost.

"i-am-the--of-my--. As a sword bone.

Steel-is-my-,and--is-my-. The body of steel, the blood of flames.

I-have-created-over-a--blades. The hand created a thousand blades, after a hundred battles.

--death. Nothing beats. ---. There is no confidant.

Have----create-many--. Often alone in the drunken sword.

Yet,-hands--never--. However, only nothing is left.

-as-i-pray. Then I wish to return. -blade-. Unlimited sword system! ! ! ”

A powerful voice sang in the world, and the body of the storm broke out with a powerful light. A blue world suddenly spread around his body, and then the whole world was enveloped! ! !

A world full of weapons, frost and giant gears like an ironworks, countless swords are preserved in the state of being inserted on the earth... such a world is presented in the minds of the stormy days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And in the world now...


Thousands of changes to Denan and others looked at the world of swords in front of them and were shocked.

Borrowing the power of frost to cast the intrinsic enchantment of the infinite sword system, although there is no free way to use it, but it is possible to use this spell.

The laws of different worlds.

"Is it similar to the sealed space?" said Xiu Denan.

"No, not only that, it should be the creation of the world, a world that is isolated from the outside world, it must be surprising, this strength..." Bello Peorou could not help but take a step back.

"Well, I have to take some strength, although this inherent enchantment consumes all my energy, but it is enough to defeat you..." The corner of the stormy mouth showed a scornful smile. (To be continued.)



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