Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 14 Chapter 1311: Tongtianji: 2 gaps

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In fact, the name of the masquerade and the snake of the ritual is still very appealing. Although the gate of the Hades resurrected the 'burial bell', in the eyes of the apostles of the Red Age, the ancient existence of the ritual snake is still It is the strongest existence, and the prestige of the **** of creation is not just to talk about it.

"Xu Denan, Beilu Peolu..."

After all the Red Apostles and the Red World Devils dispersed their battles, the Wind and Rain turned their eyes to two of the remaining three pillars of the Hall.


Both Beilu Peoru and Xiu Denan squatted on one knee.

After the storm, the two men were helped up, and they said with sincerity: "My arm is not so much. Now, the king will open his heart with you, and the snake of sacrifice will be completely swallowed by the king. This has become an established fact, but the world can only exist if it is strong.

Although I swallowed him, but after taking up this burden, then the king will inherit his will, and open up a real world for me. ”


Both Beilu Peoru and Xiu Denan couldn't help but watch the storm, they actually already knew all of this.

Waves and waves: "No need to say much, then, you want to follow me or betray me, the king has no complaints, everyone has the power to choose the future. Even if you slap me in the back. I have no complaints. No hate. But, are you willing to face such a world? Are you willing to survive this world where darkness and light are not?

I walked out of the Devil's Temple, working hard for the future of this world. Everything I did was for this great goal. I will now entrust you with my back and fight side by side, from now on. We will be companions to each other. ”

Beilu Peo Lulu and Xiu Denan couldn't help but feel the incomparably magnificent city of the wind and rain. This kind of domineering rhetoric seems to be that even if the world betrays him, it is also proud of me. How can this not make them feel convinced?

"The next step will be the battle of the key points. On the battle of the game, the king has already arranged everything. The approximate combat strategy is divided into three parts.

The first step strategy: to penetrate the gap between the two worlds.

After Black Katie's calculation, I have found the most convenient space passage to the ritual snake. I use the power to open the passage. Only me and Hector, but I will do a small trick. Make the avatars of both of you to go with me.

At that time, 'The Gate of the Hades and the 'Fog Alliance' may all stop, let the subordinates make a defensive posture, try to save the combat power, and then let them break the passage, you did not hear the mistake, let them break Channel, at this moment, you guys don't care about me and Heikki. I have come out of my own way. Before I let my hoofs arrange my three avatars in this world, it is easy to come out.

At this time, you took the opportunity to raided 'The Gate of the Hades' and the 'Fire and Fog Alliance', to ruin their logistics, to retreat at the right time, to beat them by surprise, and then the three avains of the king will give instructions, will be in the Star Li Dian The scenes of the Hades and the Alliance of Fire and Fog show up, instantly destroying part of the main force of the attacking enemy, and opening the passage. At this moment, the two of you and the hooves will turn back and fight! ”

The wind and rain announced the strategy of combat.

"This is tantamount to taking the enemy's nose away. It is a lord, and it is a strategic plan..." Belu Peo was a clever person, and he knew the cleverness of this strategic arrangement, and exchanged the least with the least sacrifice. The result of the battle.

"Can the lord really be able to come back?"

Xiu Denan couldn’t help but frown. You must know that in the eternal trap, the ritual snake has just had a chance through the long years, and the passage is broken again, then...

"Don't believe this king? I don't want a ritual snake. I have another strength. Breaking the world is quite easy for me. It is this kind of power to penetrate the world and the Red World. Well, go on." Fight, hide, I started to penetrate the passage..."

The wind and rain held Black Katie's hand and slowly walked up to the altar at the top of the Star Li Dian.

At this moment, outside the star and the buttocks, it is already shouting, and the gates of the Hades and the Alliance of Fire and Fog have started to attack. It seems that they can't wait.

"Black Catty, the road of hope is about to open, go forward with me?"

Watching the black Katie around, I feel that the relationship with her is the weakest. Compared with Xia Dulu and Shana, it is not enough affectionate, but she is too pure, pure and let the wind and rain have a kind of hand in hand. It is about to melt, so he cherishes her.


Black Katie was watched by the gentle lines of sight, feeling that even if she went to the abyss = she was satisfied, she had already pursued = got.


Two hands raised in the wind and rain, two dark columns of light instantly penetrated the sky

Self-contained * ritual snake * Tong Tiandao Aurora column! !

Along with a dark black lightning in the space, a huge black passage like a black mirror floats above the space.

The people of the Gate of the Hades and the Alliance of Fire and Fog have seen the birth of such fluctuations, stepping up their pace, and several people have already begun to act in advance.

Shana, Wilhelmina, and Ma Qionglin of the Alliance of Fire and Fog; Assisi, Melishim, and Kirnenberg of the Gate of the Hades.


Black Katie raised the triangular tin can in his hand and waved it. All of the blue meteors suddenly attacked the attacking Shana. These meteors have the ability to lock and track...

At the moment, the 'Xu De Nan' and 'Belu Peo Lulu' (the two are actually faked by the wind and rain) are also launched. www.wuxiaspot.com~The Snake of the Sacrifice*Super* God Luo Tianzheng! ! ”

In the midst of the rain and the wind, they confronted Xia Na, and they opposed Yaxis in one hand. The repulsive force of the two strong to the extreme was instantly revealed, and all of them were excluded! ! !

"What power!?"

Assisi, Melitim, and Chernenberg couldn't help but watch the storms in shock. They were unable to walk. Is this the power of the snake? It's simply not as powerful as it is.

As for Shana, they are even excluded from the 10,000 meters! ~! Struggling one by one, unable to stand up.

too strong!

Can't match it! (To be continued...)



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