Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 14 Chapter 1318: Shana’s mother: Matilda

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The ceremony of the resurrection began, and the summer resurrection was to be revived: ‘the tailor’s disco and the ‘flame-burning crusade’ Matilda Saint-Milu. ;.

"Please..." Assisi shivered a little, not knowing what kind of mentality he faced with Dis, after all, he used to do things that violated the mission of the Fire and the Warrior.

"This time you will fight again with Di Si, Yasis, who can give everything to his lover, this feeling, I can still understand..."

Xia Duolu looked at the Star Li Dian, and really wanted to see him again at the moment he left the world. However, they were already adversaries at the stage of leaving the Demon Temple.

"Inquire in advance, after the resurrection, will there be any incompleteness or..." Yalastel said, "If you are raised to the goal of evil, Matilda, please stop your hand, I don't want her to be defiled..."

"No, rest assured, I am the best at resurrection..."

Xia Dulu slowly extended her slender fingers, and a blue flame of flames spilled out of her body. At the same time, at the moment of the flame overflow, the flames of two phoenix phoenixes condensed out.

"The soul is attached, the flames are born, and the town is removed from the town, and the whole body is returned!"

With the free development of a piece of silk, a glimmer of light began to gather, and began to gather from all corners of the world. Gradually, the two phoenixes changed, and the figures of the two women gradually appeared, and the state of phantom began to be realized - -

On the left is a blue-haired girl who burns a blue flame. There is a gold ring on the head. Like an angel -

On the right is a woman who burns the same red flame as Shana. A heroic spirit emerged from him.


"Dice..." Yass couldn't help but step forward to hold the blue-haired girl in her arms.


Yalasta and Melizem, Will Emina and others have shown different expressions.


"Yasis... Have you raised me up?" Dess looked at her lover indefinitely, not knowing what kind of expression should be used to describe her current mood, but at this moment she only wanted to hug her lover.

"No... but everything is over, Dis..." Assisi shook his head and glanced at Xia Dulu with gratitude. His wish was finally reached at this moment.


"Oh, I will be resurrected. I thought I could finally be free for a while..." The woman with a burning eye smiled and grinned. It seems that there is no feeling of sorrow about the death. Gradually, she cast her gaze on Shana's body, the same breath, let her know that this is her successor in a flash.

"What are you doing..."

Xia Na looked at the resurrection of Matilda and could not help but have a bad feeling -


Matilda suddenly flew over, holding Shana in her arms like a pillow, and stroking it with extreme affection -


Xia Na felt that her face was pinched by Matilda's hands, so embarrassing.

"What is your name?" Matilda gently stroked Shana's hair, and the blushing flame was exactly the same as her.

"Xana..." Alastair first said it.


Shana couldn't help but feel like she was betrayed.

"Xana sauce, it's a good name... Melishim. Thank you, oh..." Matilda looked at the ‘Rainbow wing’ Melishim behind him. “The appointment is finished...”


Melishim’s face was blushing. Looking at the side, thanking the girl I love is a happy thing...

"Hey, hey... I haven't greeted me yet..." Alastair seems to be a bit embarrassed. He is Matilda's genuine boyfriend.

"Well... Yalastar..."

Matilda looked at the flame pendant on the chest of Shana, and I haven't reunited for a long time.


"Well, the time left for you is not much, I have to go... Shana, he gave it to you..."

Xia Dulu immediately stopped everyone's conversation, and then started the system's return procedure and returned to the world.


Kamsin looked at Matilda and said: "Now is the time for crisis. This enchanted cage traps everyone, and the masquerade's lord - the ritual snake * black and white forbidden only Allow Shana to challenge him. If Shana defeats him, then everything can be over..."

"Is it?"

Matilda looked at the dark enchantment and the Star Li Dian, and said, "So, start training, Shana, become stronger, and then grab him back!"


Shana nodded, and if she was trained in the early flames of the eye-catcher, she would grow fast.

"I have come to help, and I will repay the sins committed by Isis," said Dice.

"There are two assistants, you can, Xia Na, I am sorry to let you bear such a burden, but I believe that you can, get a strong force, and then let him stunned!" 'The shock of the hand' Zofi said.

"Well, yes, I will!"

Shana said.

"Meilihim, you first come to train Shana, I am going to meet with that - the snake of the ritual * the black and white forbidden person..."

Matilda suddenly said.



"Can't you..."


Suddenly everyone wants to stop, after all, if you are close to the Star Li Temple, you may be attacked.

"It doesn't matter, should I go as Xia Na's mother?"

Matilda said with a smile.


Shana couldn't help but look at Matilda in confusion.

"Well, it’s decided, you are my daughter from today, yes, Yalasta, let me see how the guy you are looking at, see if it’s worthy of you..."

Matilda patted Shana’s head and said.

Decided quickly!

Xia Na and others suddenly have the feeling of wanting to vomit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so casually decided...

"I... I haven't agreed yet..."

Shana said blushing.

"Well, well, that's it, Melishim, hurry up to teach Shana!"

Matilda grabbed Melishim and threw it at the foot of Shana...


This is a...woman!

Everyone sweated and looked at Matilda on her forehead. Is she really going to have no problem?

"Okay, Shana, let's start, as before, fight with the purpose of killing me. This time, I won't keep my hands..." Melichim said. (To be continued.)



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