Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 14 Chapter 1337: Speed ​​and **

[Thanks to Charlotten Heatherink, _◆◇丶潇潇, Iridium Silver, Hongmei Bell ※ Dust shoes for the children, but also 23 tickets plus more, today the first to send, for subscription, monthly ticket, Recommend tickets, rewards]

[The recent monthly and recommended tickets have not been much. There may be new books or books that everyone is chasing, but the efforts of the Lambs are visible to you. I have to go five times a day, and thirty monthly tickets are added. I touched my chest. How about the sly character, although sometimes sick, but still update as usual...

If this is still the case, sorry, thirty monthly ticket plus does not exist anymore. I don’t know who is working hard. You think that no matter how I am, there will be five more, so the monthly ticket recommendation ticket is not cast, so good, first It is the monthly ticket plus more conditions removed, and then if you are still not willing to vote, the five will become more.

Five more loli, I don’t do it (selling Meng), I’m sick in these two days, I’m not motivated to see your supportive attitude】

[At least thirty of the world's finished books, when it comes to doing it, I want to go with you, and give more support. I don't need to say that everyone understands, who is the most powerful in the same type, I gave you no. To force, then I am so hard to update is it funny? 】

"This is the light sword that I sent you..."

The wind and rain bought two lightsabers and handed them to Shino. "If you are a three-swordsman, you can't wear a sword. Even if you use a sniper rifle, it is better to use it." ”

"Amount... No, don't need to spend the price, give it to me, I am also holding the decoration. Waste..." Shino said as she waved her hand and retreated.

"Hold it!"

The rain and the rain are not hesitating. Proactively stuffed into her hand and said. "After all, it’s when you get me there to get rewards, just when it’s paid...”


Shino had a feeling of a fever on her face. After all, she had to carry out the daring assault with the purpose of the ‘learning’ of the storm. I did not expect him to have any anger...

"Then I accepted it. It is time to pick up the gun armor and the like."

"Well, this is right. As for what guns are handed over to you, it is better to use a pistol. If it is an armor, it doesn't matter." The wind and rain patted Shino's shoulder.

"Hey... how much power did you add?"

Shino feels the strength of the wind and rain, the strength of the property is quite high, to know that most of the players are agile players... but before I watched him, the speed is not bad, the initial attributes are too good, right?

"Yes, I am not quite sure about this..."

The storm is not too concerned about the attributes.


While talking, Shino helped the storm to complete the purchase of firearms and armor.

However, her skillful movements and the theory of proficiency in firearms have given the wind and rain a curiosity -

As a player in the snorkeling vr world, it has almost completely synchronized vr with the current world, that is, life can talk about magical props in the game. Understand very much.

However, the wind and rain feel that the 'gun' is completely different from those of ordinary things. Most of the firearms that are on the scene are weapons that really exist in the real world. And this kind of weapon is easy to think of blood and killing. This girl, who is only about fifteen or six years old, sneaked into such a world, and then continued to fight to become a veteran player who knows all the knowledge of firearms. Her What is the motive and motivation?

Male sexuality is good, but women...


After buying the equipment, they planned to sign up for the contest. In the big game, they could probably encounter a deadly gun. The storm was trying to try to be hit by a 'dead gun'. He could not be considered a human being. So to kill him is absolutely impossible for the human beings of this world!

After watching the time, the weather felt that the weather was not too early, so he said: "Is there any quick place to register for the presidential palace? I still have things."

"So, come with me..."

When Shino finished, she turned and pulled the wind and rain toward the north side of the road. The shaky scarf on her body continued to ponder the face of the wind and rain, saying, "This is happening to the player. There is only one kind of instantaneous movement, that is, when the death returns to the resurrection site, the resurrection place in the Gloken area is right near the presidential palace, but the hp in the street is definitely not reduced, so there is no way to use that method. ......"

"So only have you gone?" The wind and rain could not help but ask.

"Stupid... I didn't say that I went over, just come with me..." Shino turned and the little hand took a picture on the head of the storm.


The wind and rain can't help but touch my head. Really, talk and talk, then do it hard.

Three people bypassed the streets and sprinted with the players. Shino’s speed was indeed quite fast. The weather couldn’t help but think of her previous questions. It seems that this is also the principle of pursuing speed. However, compared to the support of the character attributes, her skilled movements, at first glance, know that they are completely accustomed to the action under the full sneak environment.

"The presidential palace is in that direction. Because it is at the northern end of the city street. If you want to hurry, this seems to be fine..."

Shino went to the expanded parking space on the wide lane on the left and stopped.

The wind and rain will move up to the direction of Shino’s finger, where three small vehicles with bright red, yellow and blue primary colors are parked, as well as several motorcycles, and there is a flash on the vertical erect panels. Neon lights show [rent-a-buggy! 】 words, you can see what it means at a glance, to rent a car in the past.

"Let's take a motorcycle..."

In the storm, Shino immediately jumped onto a motorcycle and stuffed her into her own direction. After paying the rental fee, she started.

"I am coming too..." Kirito seems to be very interested in this kind of thing. After all, there is no real-world traffic control here, but here you can unscrupulously rampage, of course, the premise is that you can't hit people...


Shino suddenly exclaimed and said, "No, the two-wheeler is not easy to maneuver, the new life is completely impossible, or it is safer for three rounds..."

"Sit down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ See my technology is good, now is...speed and passion! let’~!!"

Under the wind and rain, I found the same palmprint scanning device as the shopping time. After putting the right hand up, the engine will start with the checkout sound, and hold the handlebar, not to mention the throttle valve, the internal combustion engine is off. Immediately, a sharp squeaking sound was heard, and the front wheel of the two-wheeled vehicle first floated up, and then rushed into the lane like a catapult.

"Hey, feed, ......!!!" Shino couldn't talk anymore. When she came up, she opened the throttle to the end, and made a lovely sorrow without frightening, then two slender hands circumvented the wind and rain. The abdomen grasped him, and the softness of the chest was completely squeezed on the wind and rain.

"Hold it! This big corner drifts directly!"

The wind and rain excitedly said that the car's tires almost wiped the ground out of the fire, and the throttle was added to the end. After continuous shifting, the speedometer immediately exceeded 200 kilometers. After seeing the front curve, the motorcycle tilted directly to 45 degrees. The angle of the throttle, the throttle has rushed over the past... (to be continued.)



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