Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 15 Chapter 1434: National conference

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One day after Julio’s arrival, the kings and nobles from the countries of Halkenia gathered in Lundinum, the capital of Albion.

Lundimum, because it is a new kingdom that has not been built for a long time, so it has a new style. About a hundred years ago, Lundyum was attacked by a fire. The streets were made of oak and mud paint. Almost all of the buildings were burned out, so the King Albione was ordered immediately to ban the use of wood on the buildings by Rendyneuve.

Therefore, this also creates the unique style of the city. From the center, there are stone paved streets lined up in a specific pattern, and white rock buildings are everywhere. This is also because Albion is called the country of white. The reason, of course, the name of the White Country was long ago, and the white mountains are the unique scenery of Albion.

The Albion Air Force was able to compile the air force of the Megatron in Harkinia. There are also factors for protecting forest resources under such reasons. The powerful fleet built with rich wood is above the clouds. Looking down on Albion, the white country of Halkenia, has always been a powerful country and feared by all countries...

However, today, this powerful Albion Air Force was annihilated by the wind and rain, and the entire Dragoons were heavily damaged.

At this stage of Albion's defeat, Toristin had ownership here, but it was placed on the table. Become a food that other countries share.

"Mr. Toristin Queen of Herita brings her Royal Highness to..."

With Anies's high drink, Anlieta slowly walked out of the wind and rain and entered the Raffaeon Palace in Rendyneuve.

The kings and emperors of Goria, Garmania, Romania and many other countries have stood up.

At this moment, everyone also saw the queen of the Kingdom of Torrestin, who soon took over the Queen of Queens, Albion, and also saw that it was rendered farther than the Bremen in the Pope of Romania. His Royal Highness, the first hand destroyed the army of Albion's Dragon Cavalry.

Slowly, Anrietta and the wind and rain are sitting in front of the round table in the white lobby, they are the masters of this evening.

"Everyone is taking a seat..."

Cardinal Masalini said that as the accompanying courtier of An Lieta said slowly.

Emperor Albrecht III of the Kingdom of Garman, with a lascivious eye, swept away on his own Arietta. Then slowly squeezed the king of a small country and sat down next to Anlietta. With a few arrogant aristocratic gestures, "Good day, Queen Anita."

"Good day, Albrecht III." Anlieta said indifferently, the body slightly closer to the wind and rain.

"Ah... I am really confused. How can I easily believe in Albion’s scam? Under the command of Angela, can our marriage contract continue? Our two countries can jointly breed more powerful offspring. And in the battle with Albion, we also sent the army to help Garmania," Albrecht III said with a thick face.

"Are you insulting Torrestin? The emperor of Garmania?"

In the storm, there was no hesitation in the sword, and the sword pointed to the face of Albrecht's neck, and said coldly. "Who was betrayed the Alliance in the final battle? I clearly remember that the Garmanian Army and the Albi Aung Army jointly attacked our Torrestin... and the first to tear up the marriage contract, you want to marry again. Are you the Queen of Torrestin your plaything?"


One word is not in line with each other.

The atmosphere of the entire hall suddenly condensed, and the Garmanian guards rushed in. The emperor wants to protect their majesty.

"Yeah... What did you do with His Royal Highness, what do you have to do with Queen Anita?"

Although Albrecht scared a cold sweat, he believed that the wind and rain would not have stabbed the sword.

"Mr. Wang Qing, can you listen to me and persuade me? Today is a solemn meeting. The sword is not the purpose of our meeting..."

Deep purple gods suit. The tall, cylindrical hats show that the person who spoke is the supreme authority of the priests and monasteries on the mainland of Halkenia. It is also the Pope of Rome.

Although the king of the Kingdom of Romania also participated, it was only a nameless king. The real ruler was the Pope of Romania, and the Pope was higher in form than the kings of all countries. He was the sage of the ancestor. The name of the pope.

In front of this, the young man in the order of the 32nd Pope, about 20 years old, is not as majestic as the **** suit he wears, his eyes are very kind, like the carved nose, very beautiful mouth often Hanging a smile, no matter who will look back to the beauty, almost let the wind and rain think he is a beautiful girl, but according to the outside, the pope is a male.

"Since the Pope said this, I will no longer care about the disrespect of the Emperor of the Armenian."

The wind and rain slowly fell on the chair, and the fingers held the soft little hand under the table of An Lieta, let her rest assured that there was him, everything was fine.

"Then let's start the meeting now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ First of all, Albion's ownership issue, I think this Albion is all wrong to belong to Torrestin, after all, not only our Garmania, mainland All the kingdoms on the land have assisted this battle more or less, and my soldiers are only manipulated by the enemy’s magic..."

Albrecht said, looking at the kings of the conference table card, before the meeting, they have already negotiated, can not let Torrestin occupy the entire Albion, otherwise, the strength of the Torres Will Ting become ambitious and capture other countries? After all, now Torrestin has the trump card of the priest of the prince.

"I abstain..."

At this moment, a discordant sound was heard, and everyone sent their eyes. This man has blue hair and a beard. He is a beautiful man, a tall and well-balanced slender figure, and looks like a statue. It is a forty-five years old, but it looks like it is only about thirty years old. It feels quite young. He is not someone else. It is the king of Goria, Joseph. (Want to know more exciting news about "Unlimited Anime Record"? Now open WeChat, click on the "+" in the upper right, select Add a friend to add a public number, search for "wang", follow the public number, never miss each Updates!) (To be continued)

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