Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 16 Chapter 1515: Dawn and the world in transition

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Gently whispering in the night of the void...

It is like shining the sun of the world, pursuing its power and forever. If you can leave a thing, hope is to embrace the smile of the moment, the only thing that needs to be guarded is your future!


The rising sun gradually rises and shrouds the 20th district. It is a devastating battlefield, and it sounds loud.

Sitting on the broken rubble, the wind and rain looked at the world, and the corner of his mouth showed a smile that was not good or evil.

"You are a liar!"

Kirishima Dong Xiang struggled to get up, she was also involved, just woke up, all the existence of the entire center of the stability of a kilometer in the center of the lost because of the strong twisting vibration of last night.

But let Kirishima Dong Xiang feel surprised, so a wide range of attacks, only a small number of people died, only those who tried to get out of the black and white flame enchantment to cover the range of people and cockroaches were burned to death, And all the people and the cockroaches inside did not die, but only suffered different degrees of injury.

Is the massive attack a terrible or a false alarm?

"I am a liar. Do you want to follow a liar?"

Feng Yuchen looked at the Kirishima Dong Xiang who gradually climbed over and asked.

"You guys lied to me again... I am desperately trying to get myself to fight, and you calculate everything..."

Kirishima Dong Xiang struggled to stand up like a fist, and his fist hit the wind and rain, but it was weak and weak, and the little hand that was white and clenched was gently hit on the chest of the wind and rain. She had no power, gradually Her body fell into the arms of the storm.

"Then leave, because I was a liar..."

The wind and rain slowly looked down at the doctor's eyes, and the real black pupil told her that he would not change...

"Less there is self-righteousness...you can only bear this sin and loneliness by yourself, you really are..."

The Kirishima Dong Xiang reveals a pitiful look. The gentle person is gentle whenever it is. This man deceived the world. Yes, it came as the devil and brought fear to everyone, but did not let any The man died because of this. He is truly opening up hope for the future of this world. Of course, he is the "Devil King".

At this moment, Kirishima Dong Xiangcai discovered that the wind and rain was like her father, gentle, but with the strong will that her father did not have. In this almost desperate world, carrying the sin and carrying all the things in the devil's posture Sin, go forward alone.

Both humans and cockroaches are afraid of him.

The world has fallen into stagnation, human beings and cockroaches are squatting, and the storms have broken the stalemate world in the form of a demon king, collecting thousands of sins in one place, thereby eliminating the hatred between humans and cockroaches. , transfer all their hatred to themselves, and then one day, when humans and cockroaches can understand each other, he will disappear.

If the world has a demon king, then Kirishima Dongxiang believes that there is a gentle demon in this world, and the storm is the portrayal of this demon.

What is the difference between the work done at the moment and the protagonist of the "Rebellious Lelouch", Lulu Xiu Britannia.

The only witch who can understand the devil is the witch.

Kirishima Dong Xiang wants to be the witch who serves on the side of the demon king. If no one understands his words, let her understand it.

"Can you... stand up?"

The wind and rain looked at the Kirishima Dong Xiang who fell in his arms.

"Of course... I am not so easy to fall down..."

Kirishima Dong Xiang stood up with his hands on the shoulders of the wind and rain.

"To recruit our people in the name of Lucifer" -

Human beings and other species, the weak who want to be protected can enter our jurisdiction. From today, the 20th district is our territory, and we can change the power of eating the 'meat' to spread out, only to follow us. We can survive, prepare documents, and apply to the Tokyo government for us to carry out the crusade. If we do not commit crimes in the autumn, we will not threaten the administration of the government.

The future name of the 20th district - the tower of the park. ”

Looking at the distant Jinjiyan and God Dai Lishi, it seems that they already have a choice, and the gods cracked the fire weaving, Tiantongmu, Longgong Linnai, Guiyanye, beekeeper, Kaohsiung, Xiaoyixiang, Essex also gathered at his location. At this moment, the real rule came. Now that he has mastered the same information, there is no need to investigate.

In this battle, for the sake of the general commander and the repairing time, the special search officer, Ma Gui, will actually be dead.

In this way, it is possible to vibrate the entire countermeasures bureau.

Although the way of attacking the wind and rain is ingenious, the thunder and heavy rain did not affect too many casualties, but Ma Gui will be completely in the center of the battlefield. He finally resisted part of the 'ix crushed world' with the ixa and his body. The power of the column.

The wind and rain did not want to kill the idea of ​​having Ma Gui. In fact, he wanted him to surrender to his own knees, but at the last moment, Ma Gui will choose to die, that is to say, Ma Gui will commit suicide! The attack center that rushed to the wind and rain suffered a devastating force and died. The powerful power directly evaporated his body, and even the body did not stay...

There is only one person who can commit suicide by Ma Guigui. In the end, Ma Gui will tell Maruchizaki -

The turn of the world has arrived~www.wuxiaspot.com~ My mission is over.

In order to increase the strength of the storm, Ma Gui will use his own death to add a 'record' to the storm. If he is not an opponent of the undefeated death, then naturally no one will go against the wind and rain again. ,In this case……

The sacrifice of mankind will be reduced, and the government will have to agree to join forces with the wind and rain to fight against the scorpion, instead of fighting again, provoke the testimony of the storm, the devil's deception has a shelf life, after the shelf life, humans will face The real killing, before that, can be well realized, then it is really worth it.

When the pistol looked at the wind and rain, sitting on the gravel without a trace of expression, he suddenly pressed the communicator and said loudly: "The battle is over, the result - failure, all troops withdraw from the scope of the 20th zone..."


At the moment, the one-eyed singer, that is, Gao Yiquan, walked away without saying a word, it seems...r1152



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