Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 16 Chapter 1520: Pound of the sea

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The water is flowing over the body, and the cold feeling gradually erodes the soul, and the flower of the withering life is the end.

The end of the road may not be the other side of the sway. The end of life may not be heaven. In the hope of the people, as long as you gently reach out, you have the future...


The struggling Gaochun Spring shook the huge light wings that stretched out, and flew out the wind and rain. The whole room instantly collapsed, and the power gained in that moment made her feel at least doubled in strength. This power The center destroys everything.

“It’s so delicious, Mr. Sakura Man, this is the most delicious ‘coffee’. Anyway, I will remember this aromatic taste.”

Gao Zhenquan actually understands that no matter how much resistance she makes, she can't resist the storm, because their strength is not at a level, and she does not want to be redeemed by the storm. She only wants to die in a beautiful way. He is a A gentle person, or a sword will be used to penetrate her chest as early as the amusement park.

But she hates this feeling, very annoying.

From that moment...

She knew that she would not be loved by anyone and would not fall in love with anyone.

She does not need any form of love, nor will she be gentle to anyone.

What is wrong with being abandoned by the world and bearing this lonely world, destroying the world?

As a result, when she was operating step by step, a person who could not look up to her strength appeared, claiming to be a vampire demon in this world.

She wants to go beyond him, but she can't do it -

Have someone who can understand her. This is a kind of happiness.

Have someone she can't surpass. This is a kind of despair.

If you can be embarrassed. She must use her own voice to growl.

I couldn't stand the feeling of being redeemed. From that time on, she decided not to believe in accepting any tenderness.


"Why, it’s struggling unnecessarily... I am the man who is going to the throne, so I won’t fail, it means that anyone who fights me has only one ending...

You can escape and you can surrender to you, but you can't do it. Therefore, please forgive me here! ! ”

The wind and the rain hold the sword of the golden sword in both hands, and lift it up high. The general force gradually illuminates the whole world. The kind of infinite gold light seems to penetrate the soul.

Forgive me... forgive me... Shayanara... sorghum...spring...

"(Winning the sword of gold)!!"

The power that oscillates the air seems to smash this dark night, and the space is shaking with violent vibration. In the distance, you can feel this powerful power!

With the sound of the rain and the rain. All the power gathered in the sword of gold in the hands, the golden beam instantly shattered the sky and slammed against Gaochunquan -


now. In the distance, Duo Duoliang and others couldn’t help but look at the battlefield here. They clearly remembered that Qingtongshu had been dissolved yesterday. Gao Yiquan asked them not to intervene in the battle between her and the storm. This is her wish. It is perhaps a kind of sorrow to die in an opponent who can understand himself.


The golden light beam easily smashed the one-eyed coat into pieces, reaching the front of Gao Yanquan, only one inch away from breaking her body...


At this moment, another one-eyed cockroach appeared, pushing Gaochunquan away, and then the golden light instantly penetrated his body! ! !

"Store manager!!!"

Kirishima Dong Xiang immediately watched this scene and could not help but scream.

The aging body fell on the ground, but a savage scar that spread from the clavicle to the thigh was exposed, and the shocking blood was sprayed out...

"Why...why...why do this, I don't need it, don't need your pity!!"

Gao Yanquan’s eyes gradually widened and snarled in anger. Why, why did he pretend to be such a gentle father at this time, and at the moment he abandoned her, did he have the idea of ​​a loving father?

"Aite... I won't ask you to forgive me, because I didn't do my father's responsibility... I used to meet a human female. At that time, I was a v-organized person... she knew my Identity, but didn't leave me... Then we have...the result... humans and cockroaches can't have real fruits... but Yuna has caused miracles... We have the crystallization of love, but it doesn't last long ...the people who are organized are chasing and then fleeing, but how can humanity Yuna be possible...only me and our children...runaway...in order not to endanger the child’s life, I choose to put him in one The corner is waiting for my return... When I kill all the people, when I come back..."

The manager suddenly burst into tears, trembled and wanted to caress Gao Xiaoquan’s face, but it was...

"I don't listen... I don't listen... I won't forgive, never..." Gao Yiquan screamed on the ground...

"He has not heard..."

The wind and rain came to the side of Gao Yiquan and reached out, and the store manager closed his eyes and gradually closed.


Gao Yuquan suddenly squatted on the storeman's body hatch.

"You have already died once, and the one-eyed cockroach is dead. Now you are the novelist Gao Weiquan. You are a new born person, so you can continue to live. This time the life is given to you by the manager. It, live, then move forward with hope..."

The wind and rain stroking the shoulders of Gao Yiquan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ sighed, this result, he seems to have expected, but this is the choice of the manager, so he will not have any sadness, the store manager again gives A life of one's own child.

In this world, there are no parents who don't love their children. Rebellious people can't believe that their fathers love mountains, mothers love the sea, and then at this most critical time, they find that at this time, the only person who can guard them is parents. .

The person will die, his words will be good, the bird will die, and its sound will be sad.

Gao Yiquan could not forgive his father, but he was expecting him to live. At this moment, she discovered that the original loneliness was not indistinguishable from the father. The true loneliness was between life and death. He lived in training and she hated. The goal, he is dead, she has no goal to hate, this is the real loneliness.


The ancient circle, the seeing Jiaye, the square lotus, the mouthpiece Ryoko, the flute mouth a few running, but it is already... (to be continued.)



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