Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 18 Chapter 1604: The battle between death and Shura

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The fourth hunter assessment topic survival test.

First of all, to achieve the target number of the battle must be with the target, you can use any method, ambush, trap, poison, deception, straight-forward waiting can be;

Secondly, candidates should try their best to obtain the opponent's brand, but also guard against the enemy's attack, so that their own brand is not taken.

Finally, after obtaining the grade, I waited for the end of the examination time. The length of the examination time did not say that the score was obtained, that is to say, even if the grade was obtained, it was only at the end that the grade was still on the body.

The opponent of the storm is 613, and the 613 is a guy with a bandage around him. The whole body exudes a dead force. Almost no one wants to be close to him, and the ground, plants and flying insects that this guy has traveled are I was instantly taken away from life.

Not a good guy.

Although it has been silent, it is very taboo.

However, Peng Si, who is aiming at the wind and rain, is really unlucky. She was scared by the wind and rain for two times. After ww▽w., the goal of obtaining the grade is still her, which makes her How does a weak woman pass in this hunter's assessment? She wants to quit her heart, but she does not aim at the wind and rain, and targets others. There are also opportunities. Find the weakest three people. Getting their grades is a victory.

"Mina Sang, all the candidates who entered this fourth round of hunter test can have the qualification for next year's assessment even if the assessment fails. After the ship's broadcast sounds, please bring the brands obtained by the localities to the shore. Note that when converging, it is forbidden to rob any brand on the shore..."

Under the explanation of the person in charge. They entered the island in the rain.

In the first time, everyone avoided the storm, the weak is afraid of being killed by him, and the strong fear of entanglement with him, the last two loses and loses the power and is attacked.

"Altria, Lilith, go find the target, I want to start hunting..."

The hands of the wind and rain trembled. The toxins in the third test were not completely dissipated. They still affected him. After knowing that the opponent was the kind of guy who exudes the breath of death, he was even more unable to calm down...

"Well. Be careful..."

Altolia disappeared in one direction.

Lilith also knew that the current state of the wind and rain was not normal, so she did not entangle him.

As for the wait and see, it is to choose to hide and observe. Although she knew that the strength of the wind and rain was quite keen, she still chose to keep up, to see how he fought, and by the way helped him solve the next opponent.


The physical reason of No. 613 is very clear about his position. After all, the place he walked through was not born, and the vitality was completely taken away.

The chasing of the wind and rain, 613 naturally also noticed, stopped, turned, and then looked at the storm, talking like a deadly voice: "Your goal is me? How to make a deal, I will me The grade is given to you, then you and me = separate, this is a meaningless battle, you can't kill me, and at the same time, I can hardly kill you..."

"My goal is not the brand, but you... oh... oh... I can be a little bit excited, the smell on your body really makes me care..."

The eyes of the wind and rain gradually filled with bloodshot eyes, and then fell into the blush, an amazing killing began to spread out quickly with his body as the center...


A flying bird flew away quickly with murderousness, and the small animals on the ground quickly fled, as if to avoid any huge disaster.

"If this is the case..."

No. 613 did not recede, and the bandage wrapped around the body quickly began to loosen on the ground. Then a black skeleton appeared in front of the wind and rain, and the blue light flashed in the eyes. The death breath was from He exudes from the black skeleton.

613 is a representative of the undead dominating world. Although they are not comparable to the seven masters, they are indeed a very unreasonable dominion. The birth of the undead is to start from the birth of the penalty in the dominating world. Any race There are people who are dissatisfied with discipline or wickedness. Of course, there are also some that are considered to be unsocial. In short, all of them are killed by various kinds of torture, and then thrown into the cemetery like garbage, gradually though the soul It disappeared, but it still accumulated a lot of resentment, so it produced a dead spirit...

This is a group of people who will never die. They only accumulate huge resentment in their cheekbones. After the birth of the will, they can be said to be immortal. The only way to destroy them is to crush their cheekbones into pieces and bury them in full. Live the ground.

The common name of the undead is death. They will select some suitable living people each year to transform the dead into undead. The undead have no fertility. They can only increase the number of people through natural birth or artificial transformation.

As for the seal of descent, although it seals the great power of the undead, their physical ability is preserved, and they rely on the power of the dead bones of the skeleton, and the influence of the blood seal is weaker than other descent. Their power is not in blood, but in the soul.

The wind and rain naturally knows the danger level of No. 613, but the others who have fallen into the state of blood-sucking begin to deteriorate. The dark incarnation of the world, the more violent blood of the stock mixed with the special black matter spread from his body. Come out...

Two huge frost swords are formed in his hands, but they are black frost!

"Close to the infinitely ferocious power... sure enough..."

613 sniffed out the power of the wind and rain, although it is close to death but not the power of death~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If he is a **** of death, then the storm is Shura or the devil.

Death and Shura, the needle tip to the Maimang, like the two negative poles of the magnet, can never attract each other, but repel, and there is only one kind of death and Shura.

In the fourth game, there is also the existence of an invigilator, and each person has an invigilator.

But now, the proctors of the two storms and the 613 people are afraid to retreat far away. Although they do not use the ability to read, but the blood and dead air that is emitted is enough to affect everything, continue to stay. They may be killed by two people who are caught in madness, or they are far from hiding.

Not only the examiner, but other candidates also shunned three miles away. The spread of the killing is not something they can afford casually... (The good activity of the pie in the sky, the cool mobile phone waiting for you to take it! Focus on ~ point / Public number (WeChat add friends to add public number input), participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to WeChat public number!)


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