Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 19 Chapter 1675: Ride dragon fighting

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"Well... don't... Arthur, itchy..."

Xia Duo was confused and found that the wind and rain was unconsciously kissing her, and the sensitive body suddenly tightened. From the books in the library, I can probably know that this is the so-called [little dragon's bite] The newly born baby dragon will make such behaviors. After understanding, Xia Dulu will not stop the kiss of the wind and rain, but shyness is also a matter of course.


With the call of Xia Dulu, the wind and rain gradually woke up, but looking at the hickeys on Xia Dulu, he suddenly blushed, what did you do last night...

"Well, Arthur, get up..."

Xia Dulu took the purple lace fat in her hand, and put it on the smooth and rounded feet, then put on a piece of clothing, naturally purple stockings...

The wind and rain also put on clothes as usual, thinking that they are one person, one is a dragon, it does not matter.


After walking out of the side, everyone looked at the wind and rain. At this time, the dress of the wind and rain was wearing a silver armor. The long black hair was scented with a charming scent, like a shining star in the stars. It seems that only the novel will have the image of Prince Charming, and the age of only twelve or three years old: age, chic, more cute.

For a time, all the girls couldn’t help but hate it.

"The dragon that can become a human is still the first time to see..."

"Well, the first one in history..."

"Is it true that dragons of advanced descent will be like this? I heard that the dragon of Pandragong King can also change the adult shape..."

"Is it just a pterosaur just born? But the kind of pressure on the body is really not small..."


One by one, the students pointed at the wind and rain and Xia Duo.

This morning's class is a dragon fighting technique, which is to control the dragon in a freehand state to fight. However, the collision of the dragon and the dragon is forbidden.

And Xia Dulu’s fighting opponent is not Sylvia. Obviously the teacher clearly knows the gap between Xia Dulu and Sylvia. So the two people were specially separated.

However, Xia Dulu's opponent has become the problem student of the Ansari State Riding Dragon Academy, Matthew Blake.

"Ah... this is a good show..."

"Yeah, the summer Duo Lu, who had just born Pal, and the genius training dragon in the college..."

"What genius is to train the dragon master, but it is a coincidence that it is a strange thing to be able to ride all the dragons..."

"Yeah, by definition, the dragon only allowed his own dragon to ride, and was taken by other people. It is still a special case..."


Obviously, the actual combat of Xia Dulu is also eye-catching.

The dragon that the Axis rides is his friend Raymond's Palbry Kidd, and his Pal is not yet born.

"Okay, then emphasize again, don't have any contact with the dragon outside of your opponent during the training, otherwise there will be a major accident... Then... ride on... start fighting training."

The teacher waved.

Ah Xiu rode on Brigid and looked at Xia Dulu and the wind and rain on the ground. He said, "Hid Royal Highness, although you are a freshman, I will not keep it. Congratulations, your Parr was born..."

"Well..." Xia Dulu nodded coldly to Yaxiu, then gently looked at the wind and rain around him. "Arthur..."

"Well, just grab me and I will..."

The wind and rain should be in the body, and the two hands clenched into fists and hit them together. A sacred magical array began to emerge, and the light gradually wrapped the body of the wind and rain.

"Oh... Ang..."

Like a thunderous snoring, a holy dragon gradually appeared in the fighting ground, the dragon's body that radiated the sacred light, stretched out and pulled out a psychedelic halo-like dragon wing, and suddenly all The dragons are all over...

With the opening of the storm, a dragon stopped the attack, as if it was under pressure, and they felt the contempt of the storm.

In the sky, Sylvia, riding the Lancelot Holy Dragon, couldn’t help but be shocked by the sacred and beautiful dragon of the summer of Parko, which was already seen last night. I didn't think it was more perfect now.


Xia Duolu leaped gently, and stood on his back on the back of the wind and rain, as if he felt the two people together as a general look.

"The roar of the dragon!!"

At the time of the sub-repair, the wind and rain launched an attack and opened the dragon's mouth. The wind in the space began to flow into the dragon's mouth, and then a strong storm suddenly rushed out...


Soon, Ah Xiu came back to God and directed the earth dragons under his body to escape. This kind of attack is not the pterosaur that can be launched at all. Is it holy dragon? Impossible, just born should be the pterosaurs right...

The wind and rain is indeed a pterosaur. His starting point is indeed a pterosaur, but his blood is similar to the dragon of the "Fairy Tail" world, so he can manipulate the space in the early days. Windy.

Release the magic of the system.


Brigitte is in the midst of an enemy, and quickly retreats, while the side of the body condenses a defensive magical array.

However, the stormy attack was stronger than it had imagined. After breaking through its magical array, it flew out together with Ashura Blake.


The huge vibrations made the entire battlefield quiet.

"Brigid! Acura!"

Raymond suddenly watched the panic and ran to the venue~www.wuxiaspot.com~Brigid was his Parr, and Yasho was also his good friend...

"Stop! Everyone stops!!!"

The teacher suddenly stopped it and came to the front of Xia Dulu and the wind and rain. "Xia Dulu * Pandragong, you will not control your own Parr, so full of such attacks?"

Waiting for Xia Duolu to talk, the wind and rain is cold and watching the teacher. "That should blame this reptile is not the opponent of the king. This noble sacred dragon of this king, attacking nature is not an ordinary dragon can accept of……"

"You!! Know the human language?"

The teacher couldn't help but shake. The rain and ice of the dragon's form could actually speak. This was the first time he heard it. Really... This is a problem dragon.

"Of course, this noble presence of the king, and the general dragon is not a grade of species, for me, they are just reptiles..."

After the reincarnation of the dragon and the rain, there is more dragon arrogance in the bones. (To be continued...) R1292

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