Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 19 Chapter 1682: 1 hit the magic gun and the undead dragon

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The singular dark dragon, the appearance of the corpse-gray dragon, caused the St. Durham Square in Ansari to confuse for a time. Aggressive magic was launched from the mouth of the corpse, and all the shops around it were shattered. Residents also have trampled into the presence of meat. ← fiction,

The entire square has become a mess, and the students of the competitive Ansari Banglong Academy have to turn their heads to look at the huge corpse, and the size of their body is simply unimaginable.

In the case of ordinary dragons, it is simply not comparable.

However, at this time, there were naturally some highly self-study students who attacked the corpse, but unfortunately several people were killed in an instant. Their Parr also penetrated the body in order to save them from attacking magic. The death of the students made the surrounding students realize the power of the corpse ash dragon, and they all retreated in horror. Only the pterosaur and the sacred dragon stayed nearby to wait and see.

"What awkward! All the students except the pterosaurs and the holy dragon knights immediately retreat, and at the same time carry out the evacuation and resettlement of the residents. I, Rebecca Randall, will lead the battle, and I will be afraid. The name of the Knight of the Holy Trinity in Surrey, take down the magic in front of you!"

Rebecca with her hands on her hips, standing on the top of her face in Parkuvlin, the heroic attitude immediately attracted everyone's attention, even at this moment, still smiling.

Rebecca’s riding posture is a bit special. Guvlin’s body is too large to find a suitable saddle, and Rebecca also publicly stated that he does not like to use his reins and saddles to bind his beloved Pal, so it will evolve into This unique style of riding.

The bright and heroic voice swayed the audience. The arrival of Rebecca. Make everyone settle down. As the strongest student in the school, her words naturally made everyone back to consciousness.

But at this moment the sky under the clouds is still suffocating, everyone is still silent, the whole square can only hear the inner agitation, and the dragon's low breathing, as well as the corpse gray dragon screaming and roaring the air and a bunch of attacking magic. .

"go to hell!!"

However, there are still people who have not listened to Rebecca’s instructions.

It sounded like a desperate singer, and everyone noticed it. Sylvia, riding on St. Long Lanslot, rushed to the corpse gray dragon in a state of death. Everyone was shocked.

"Come back, Her Royal Highness Princess Sylvia, don't act recklessly!"

Rebecca screamed loudly and stopped.

But Sylvia has not heard any voice at this time, she seems to have lost her soul.

Those ordinary students looked at Sylvia's suicide attacks and couldn't help but sigh, the arrogant king, died.

The wall is pushed by everyone, no one is used to Selvia, a self-centered person.

"Ah, no……"

Lancelot’s attack did not work, and Sylvia was swallowed up by the corpse, and a tentacle-like thing was wrapped around her. Her clothes are all eroded.


Lancelot was shot to the ruins, although it is already a holy dragon. However, as far as the dragon's growth cycle is concerned, it is still in the young dragons, and naturally it cannot collide with the huge corpse corpse.

Rebecca, wearing a sacred armor and crossing the foot of Guvlin, casts a defensive magical array on the occasion of the smashing of the dragon, dispelling the magical attack of the dragon.

"His Royal Princess Sylvia, hold on, I am Rebecca Randall vowed to save you... As the president of the University of Ansari, I am not allowed to have any unscrupulous destruction in my eyes!"

Rebecca’s arrogant declaration made Sylvia a hope. Of course, Rebecca would not just verbally preach his position. She converges and slowly recites the spell—

"Show it out, hit the magic gun!!"

Under the call of Rebecca, a huge magic gun reveals the power in midair -

"Kai Bolgu!"

The magic gun turned into a thunder and hit the top of the dragon.

But the corpse gray dragon will also defend against magic. There is a huge ball of light in front of it, which instantly unfolds into a seven-layer protective barrier. Rebecca’s magical gun Kay Bolgu breaks through the first protective cover. Then easily break through the second layer...

But every time you break through a protective cover, you will consume a lot of magic that is contained in Kay Boergu.

Break through the fourth, fifth, sixth layer... The last seventh layer of the protective cover cracked - a breakthrough success.


Sylvia’s eyes burst into tears, and Kay Bolgu hit the head of the corpse-gray dragon. The huge flash of thorns made everyone unable to open their eyes, and the banging sound of the bang came to the atmosphere. The thick black smoke covers the body of the dragon.

However, everything did not end. As the smoke gradually dissipated, the corpse-gray dragon whose head was destroyed did not fall to the ground. Sylvia did not get liberated. More tentacles stretched out to bind her, and at the same time The wound in the gray faucet suddenly began to creep, the wound was quickly regenerated, and the dragon returned to its original appearance. The skewed eyes were full of murderous...

"how come!!"

For a time, the confidence of all the students was hit again, and even the attack on Rebecca did not succeed...

At the same time that Rebecca was surprised, the corpse gray dragon slammed the huge dragon tail and hit it...

At this moment of the millennium, a loud dragon came over -

"The roar of the dragon!!"

The wind and rain that quickly chased him violently opened a huge dragon mouth, and a temperament suddenly entered his belly, and then infused with powerful magic, suddenly smashed it, and a strong tornado storm suddenly hit the corpse ash. Dragon's Dragontail ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ broke its tail into two halves!

"Call... Thank you, Arthur sauce."

Rebecca waved to the wind and rain.

However, in the view of the wind and rain, Rebecca is fully capable of blocking this kind of physical attack, but it is inevitable that there are some wolverines?

"Don't thank... In this way, this dragon that exudes evil spirits should be a re-emergence of a dead dragon. The ordinary method seems to be unable to destroy it. As long as the person who manipulates it still exists, then It can be resurrected infinitely."

The eyes of the wind and rain can not help but reveal a sense of dignity. It may be the same as the baux reincarnation in Naruto. Therefore, if you want to deal with this kind of thing, one is to find out the operator and let it be lifted. After all, it is possible that even if the surgeon dies, the corpse-gray dragon still exists, and the bauxite reincarnation is like this.

"For the time being, I can't think of any good ideas. What is the secret of Arthur's sauce? I can help you."

Rebecca said helplessly, "We must be as soon as possible, Princess Sylvia may not be able to earn it..." (To be continued.) u

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