Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 19 Chapter 1770: The reflection of the heart: infinite collapse

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Complete the spirit of the spirit of communication and Xia Duolu, began to fight with the dark troll dragons manipulated by the sub-master.

In the "Grail of the Holy Grail", Gilgamesh (Golden Sparkle)'s smashing sword EA will greatly increase its power if it has the aid of 'Wang Zhicai', but now, Wang Zhicai has no, but the wind and rain have a better than ' Wang Zhicai's a huge treasure trove, that is -

Infinite sword system, inherent enchantment

However, there is a difficulty in singing in this world.

The sword in the infinite sword system does not exist in this star-studded world. That is, the quality of these swords copied and projected will be like the real thing. It is already a lot of magical power to spend the wind and rain. If you project the intrinsic enchantment, this is not a joke.

The treasures projected by the projection magic are absolute, and the authenticity does not exist in this world, so at this moment, the projection is the real thing, so the magic consumed is not ordinary.

However, as long as Xia Dulu provides Xingjing, the wind and rain will be able to keep going, and Xia Dulu will share the power of singing. How to say that Xia Dulu is also a top magical genius, and has research on the inherent enchantment. It is still possible to channel and simplify the infinite sword technique.

However, the core of projection magic is still the wind and rain, so Xia Dulu is only an auxiliary function.

Therefore, the wind and rain also need the support of Aike, as the Emma Long Dragon, her magic can be said to be beyond the imagination -

"Aike, please, light up the star road, lend me your strength... Xia Dulu, help to stabilize the enchantment... Linda, control Aike's runaway, accurately transfer the magic... The four of us have lived together for a long time, and I believe we can make a miracle.

Aike, though... I can't confirm the feelings between us, but I will make a lifetime of crepes for you to eat...

Linda, believe me, I will not kill the sub-repair, I will purify him, try to put everything on my shoulders, just like that night, I will protect you!

Xia Dulu, we don't have to spend more between us. Let's work hard! ”

The wind and rain linked the spirits of Aike, Linda and Xia Dulu. At this moment, the stars on their bodies were connected to each other.

←———Strengthen, correct, simplify the intrinsic enchantment————Xia Dulu



Stormy ←—————Providing magic – Aike



←———Sturdy Longhua State, Fixed Magic Transmission——Linda

The four people connected are Xingjing Road. There is a star road between the wind and rain and Xia Dulu, and the wind and rain and Linda share the Xingjing Road of Aike, which has no unique star connection in the history of the dragon. At this moment, the power is united.

The wind and rain felt the heartfelt feelings from Xia Dulu, Ai Ke and Linda, and began to sing. The humming style was carried out by the wind and rain and Xia Dulu.

I-am-the--of-my--. As a sword bone.

Steey-, and-. The body of steel, the blood of flames.

Ave-created-over-a--blades. The hand created a thousand blades, after a hundred battles.

-death. Nothing beats. --. There is no confidant.

Have----create-many-wea. Often alone in the drunken sword.

Yet,-handever--. However, only nothing is left.

Aray. Then I wish to return. Ted-blade-. Unlimited sword system.

Gradually, a powerful singer sang in the air, and with a strong ray of light in the hands of Xia Duolu, a fiery world suddenly spread around it, and the whole The Feng Ting plain was wrapped up, and the scope was shocking.

At the moment, the scope of the intrinsic enchantment shrouded the entire king of Tienwang, and the entire front of the Tien Plain was shrouded in the base, and the body of the Dark Troll Dragon was a little sinister compared to this enchantment.

The boiling flame ran around, and the things like white lines continually wandered between the grounds. The world from the front of the human being was wrapped in flames. The royal city and the plains that existed in the field of vision disappeared rapidly and were replaced by different worlds.

The alien world presented in front of everyone is like a cast iron field, the flame is rushing, the gears are turning in the air, the endless wilderness, the sword of the Lordless is endless, extending to the end of the horizon, these swords, the weapons connected to the earth Is a famous sword...

Here is the projection of infinite weapons, countless weapons, abandoned in this infinitely vast abandoned field, and Xia Dulu and the stormy moon will be in the center of this ruined kingdom.

The next step is the focus!

Xia Duolu waved the sword in his hand, and then inserted it on the ground and suspended the sword of the Lord in the sky, as if the soldier was generally receiving the command of the sword.

"Disappear, all the illusions in the dark!"

"Don't leave the sword EA, open up the sky to create the world's sword! Heaven and earth are separated, the stars of the sky (Enuma E, for the king to punish the enemy in front of the offense!"

The sword of the king in the hands of Xia Dulu is whispering, as if to turn the enemy into a fog, the vortex of the atmosphere, the magic power of the confinement, far beyond the imagination of all, the earth begins to collapse, the sky is lightning Hey, time and space is broken, and the floods are broken!

Everything is destroyed, followed by a piece of treasure standing in the sky like a rainbow of rain that hits the dark troll dragon. Every sword here is a real artifact! !

Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ comparable to [the magical bow of the stream, Phil Nolt], [the one that hits the magical gun Kapolek], [the saint of the destruction of the evil spirits, Yaro Dade] , [The smashing stage of the magical performance of the martial arts], [the invincible steel sword Aix Kailibang] and other intrinsic magical costumes!

And in this field of intrinsic enchantment, their power is even stronger!

"I won't... lose... ah!!!"

At that moment, the light rain of the sky shrouded the sub-repair and the dark troll dragon. The body of the troll dragon began to break apart at this moment, and it became a sacred dragon, pterosaur, earth dragon, water dragon, their The state of the demonized body has been eliminated, there is no magical feature, but most of them have lost a lot of magic, but life is not threatening...

At this moment, the three repairs, Ania, and Krim Hill were also purified by the divine power. The state of demonization was removed from them. They did not have any injuries, but they were just faint. Dead in the past.

As all the dust settled, the intrinsic enchantment began to dissipate, and Xia Dulu was unable to lie on the body of the wind and rain, and the sacred armor in the hand and the body gradually dissipated... R1152

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