Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 19 Chapter 1780: The sword of the Virgin Dragon Knight

Even in the face of the stormy weather, Yusula is still a cool gesture, from her body can not see the slightest fear.

She looked up at the wind and rain, and the beauty of the heavenly sacred virgin shines in the cabin, such as the splendid armor of the shards, the sacred armor that Pargarahad presented to her, and it looks like It is like the sacred light behind it.

"It turned out to be King Arthur... Then I will pull the sword. I heard that your sword skills are unparalleled in the world. If you don't dare to agree with it... Show it, the second yuan sword - it is called Fragaraha."

Yusula summoned her intrinsic costumes in a flash. The magic array appeared with the flash and an incredible sword. Only the handle was visible. The whole body seemed to be non-existent. If you look carefully, you can still see it. The sword body that has the sword body and is made up of magic power, the magic on it constantly flows, and the transparency is slim, which makes people very concerned.

The same is true for Yusula's intrinsic magical costumes. Perhaps he is the "God of the Gods" and he has to look at it. Every time he encounters an intrinsic magical costume, he has to analyze it and translate the language of the world. In English, Fragaraha is.

Because before entering the world of Shana, he read through the mythological system of Europe, and also learned about the myths of Celtic mythology, Nordic mythology, Greek mythology, etc. from the imprisoned English Principal Laura, so for some artifacts Still have an impression.

Compared with this famous sword, it is indeed a dwarf, but it is also an artifact from the system of Celtic mythology, but it is the birth father of the great hero Kuruchin in the Northern Ireland mythology of Celtic mythology, light and sun. The sorcerer's sword, the Sword of Vengeance (also known as the "Soul of the Soul"), is held by the **** Ruger Mac-Essolon. It is one of the four secret treasures of the Danu Protoss.

Legend has it that the **** of light, Ruger’s magic sword, Fragaraha’s sword tip is extremely sharp, and can open any armor like a cream, and the scar created by this sword cannot be cured.

At the same time, the characteristic of this sword is that no one can lie when it is pointed at the throat, and the sword will fly from the scabbard to the hand of Ruger, and it will automatically fly from the lug or hand to the enemy. After they all angered, they automatically flew back. Therefore, it is called "Ansara", which means "sword of response."

However, the analysis of the wind and rain, the Fragalaha held by Yusula should not have the second feature, that is, the characteristics of the sword of response, then the possession is sharp, then it should be understood as - no It cuts things constantly.

The identity of the magic sword is also the reason why the sword body of Yusula's sword is composed of magic power.

but. should……

"Does King Arthur think that this sword is special? Tell you something is fine. The thickness of the sword and the blade is very close to zero...that is, the blade is completely flat, no matter how hard the material. Excalibur Fragaraha can split it like paper, even the armor of the holy armor, and the dragon's body is not a problem -"

Yusula gently waved the sword in his hand and said.

"Is it? Then just play with you a little, let you see the real Fragaraha... Projection, the sword of the soul of Northern Ireland, the sword of response, the light and the **** of the sun The sword, it appears here~!"

The wind and rain slowly extended out of the palm of your hand. A similar sword is in his hands, but the form is even more strange than the sword of Yusula.

The sword projected by the wind and rain is a real thing. To blame, the original background creator of this world has falsified the power of the legendary Fragara Haha. That is to say, although the same name, but different shapes, if in the world of the Holy Grail, the wind and rain to project the real Fragaraha, then it will be projected into second-hand goods. That is the product.



Yusula suddenly rushed in, and the magic sword in his hand intersected the magic sword in the hands of the wind and rain. Then, what surprised the storm was happening. In his hand, Fragaraha broke into two halves, and the body avoided the beginning in an instant. The sword crossed the chest of the wind and rain, slammed on the metal console, and immediately cut the metal console. It became two halves, and the broken face in the middle can almost reflect the face of the person. Like a mirror, such a cut is almost ingenious.

"It turns out...so, yes, it seems that I misunderstood something."

After the storm, I took a step back and thought about it. Indeed, the magic sword held by Yusula is not the prototype of the Northern Ireland magic sword. Its function and characteristics have also changed, but its current characteristics are the sword of the plane of the second element. To know a characteristic of an object, the molecules and the molecules are closely connected. When a sword with a thickness is hit, there is a row of molecular barriers. The density of the molecules is the density of the objects.

If it is a flat sword, then the density between the objects has no effect, such a sword will directly break the chain between the molecule and the molecule, which can explain the characteristics of the inability to heal, after all, The broken rope can no longer be integrated as it is.

That is to say, the magic sword that Yusula is holding now is actually processing and evolutioning and transforming the mythical sword of Northern Ireland. Although there are some features, the characteristics of the plane sword are enough to make it dominate.

"How~~www.wuxiaspot.com~Do you know that this sword is so powerful? Then please let it go... I know that you consume a lot of power, it seems that Annie Groot has played a role... After your strength has reached its peak, let’s try again..."

Yusula will not say that it is precisely because he wants to compete with the wind and rain to be the strongest to join Demiur Muse. After all, if he is a companion, there is no way to abandon all the fighting. It is because it is an enemy. Therefore, it is possible to make a heavy hand, but she does not bother to deal with the opponent of the force, which is a kind of power.

"No, we have to compare, the sword of the second yuan, then I will project the same sword as you... Then let you see my sword skills, this is also the return you made me open my eyes -

Appear, the second-yuan sword - its name is Fragaraha. ”

The wind and rain began to project, and a magic sword that was the same as Yusula’s magic sword was condensed out. With the power of his current projection magic, the projection of the product could maintain two rounds of battle, so it was necessary to project more. Alternate, because of the restrictions of the rules, he is unable to project the real thing, want to be infinitely close to the real thing, only - inherent enchantment. (To be continued)


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