Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 24 Chapter 2104: Nicole Robin's curiosity

After the storm and Robin entered the cabin, the so-called negotiations began.

Of course, it is not about things like Princess Vivi, the Kingdom of Alabaster, the Baroque work club, but about the infinite number.

The strength of Nicole Robin is quite strange in the wind and rain. It should be the ability to eat the same devil fruit. It can actually grow his arm in other people's body, which is very weird.

And it is very powerful to be able to investigate the infinite number of clues in such a short period of time.

“Ask in advance, is your career an archaeologist?”

The wind and rain asked cautiously.

"Oh, where did Mr. Shura meet me? Can you know my career?"

Robin's fingers lie on his face and feel the next topic is very interesting.

"Guess...there is nothing wrong with it. It is very similar to the temperament of the guy. It is persistent and passionate, profound and mysterious, elegant and alienated. It must be said that archaeologists really are a mature profession, however, good. Well, I don't like the mature woman like this, oh..."

The front of the forehead of the wind and rain is covered with black lines immediately. I feel that I don’t say anything, I will definitely be entangled in various kinds. Really, there is no way to meet such people, like the pursuit of history like Mirabelle. The person with the new knowledge is the kind of guy who breaks the casserole and asks the end.

And this guy is now holding his grade, and he also revealed that he knows the information of all the people who have this brand. This made him have to work with it.

"Is it? It seems that a friend of Mr. Shura is also an archaeologist. You seem to be less comfortable?"

Robin is awkward and interesting, then it will be a lot easier.

"Well. Thanks to the guy, now I see people like you are in a cold, forget it, what do you want to know, ask..."

The wind and rain are pouring tea. I waved my hand.

"I just want to know the origin of your mysterious brand, will it not be an organization?"

Robin caressed the brand of the wind and rain, revealing the look of anticipation.

"It is an organization, in fact, it is not, well, in short, you can understand that this brand is a symbol, and we people are fighting each other to win the brand. If the person with the brand dies, then the brand will message, The red dot shown above is the location of the enemy, and the range can be scanned to the entire world, as small as one kilometer.

As long as the red points are displayed, they are all enemies, there is no reason to fight, purely for the killing and the existence of hunting and being chased. ”

The wind and rain are half-covered and said.

"So what is your leader? Is that the person who manipulates this game?"

Robin continued to ask.


There was a sneer at the corner of the wind and rain.


Robin felt a credible and untrustworthy message.

"You have not misunderstood, it is indeed God, the **** who created this world. This is a game played by God. There are thousands of participants, and there are probably dozens of people who can survive.... Well, you believe it. Believe. In short, I told you, I risked a lot.

If you check it out, there will be no secrets. Do not believe that you can just grab a person with a brand name and torture. We are just players who participate in this game.

As for the referee is God, we are only passing guests for this world. This world is just a battlefield for us. Where should we come from?

What can tell you, and the last thing you can know, is -

We are people outside this world. ”

The wind and rain stretched out and took back his own brand from Robin’s hand—

"Well, if you know, you can leave, and if you want to continue to trouble me, then I have to take all the power to kill you!"

"You are not the people of this world? Where are you from?"

Robin felt that she saw a broader continent. She didn't doubt the truth of the storm, because she had already tortured a player. However, the answer of the storm made him more convinced of one thing, the world. There is a more magnificent world outside, so the historical texts she can study are much more.

"Look at your appearance, I already know something, so I hate people like you. It is obvious that normal people will not be bored to pursue this incredible 'lie", but you can easily believe it, but I can only say Sorry, the history gear of the world is a never-ending rotation, and those who can live to the end will know everything.

However, this is not interesting to you, because you are not a participant in this game, you will continue to explore the historical text of this sea thief world. ”

The wind and rain said that he was asleep in bed. He had to sleep for a while. Before the injury did not heal, he needed enough rest to save enough physical energy to slowly recover the body and let the body heal itself.

"It's very interesting. I want to see the world outside this world. What kind of magic is there? If the world is really just a game battlefield created for these players to compete for life and death, then it is too shocking. In that case, the historical text of the world is even dispensable, because mystery loses its meaning in the face of something more mysterious than it."

Nicole Robin really wants to know what the ‘real world’ is—

"Mr. Shura~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can you teach me some of the languages ​​of your world? Of course, I am ready for the reward. If it is a game, I must cooperate with the most powerful players. I hope that my eyes are not Wrong, I am working with you, how? I have a list of all players in Alabaster I have..."

"No, I am a person who compares 'just use myself' and 'does my own way', so my opponent, I will handle it myself, don't bother you. If you know the answer, go quickly, I am going to sleep."

The wind and rain yawned and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"So what do you need? I don't insist on more, can some of your world's languages ​​always be?"

Robin said.

"Then you just find a player to torture and you know."

The stormy handcuffs, "Don't bother me any more, really, let you not rest..." (To be continued.)


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