Unlimited Anime Works

Chapter 5: Rushing out of college

All the way to killing, and saved a few students, the wind and rain came to the second floor, the hall on the first floor has gathered a large number of zombies, if they rushed down, they absolutely can not escape, and the stairs are not Suitable for battle.

Moreover, if you fight at this time, the sound will definitely wake up a lot of zombies wandering on the campus, and they will definitely die.

"You can only lead them out..." said the wind and rain.

Gaocheng Shaye pushed his glasses and said: "Well, as long as you don't make a sound, according to my previous research, these guys don't seem to have vision, they don't know the pain, but the hearing is still there, so as long as they don't make a sound, they should be able to..."

"Well, let me come..." Xiaoxiao said.

"filial piety..." Suddenly, Miyamoto was worried about the arm of Xiao Xiao.

The room shook his head and said: "Is there someone who is going to go?"


The wind and rain sighed and pulled the filial back from the room. He said, "Well, let me come. The schoolmaster seems to be protecting the schoolmates. Besides, I didn’t say it before. I and the nephew came to clear the way. To protect Shaye them."

"The wind is long..." Xiaojun opened his mouth and couldn't tell.

The wind and rain shook his head and smiled and said: "Give me a chance to play handsome, but I want to make a scorpion. If you don't work hard, how can you..."

The poisonous island scorpion looked at the wind and rain and said: "This is not a handsome, this is reluctant..."

"Oh, are you thinking about me?" Fengqing smiled and looked at the poisonous island scorpion.

"Oh, there is no, don't talk nonsense, go go quickly..." Poison Island's face showed a little blush, turned over and said.

"OK, I understand..." The wind and rain nodded, took back the smile and slowly went down.

The poisonous island scorpion clenched the wooden knife and prepared to rush at any time. In case, in case, she would rush to help.

As Gaocheng Shaye said, these zombies have no vision. The wind and rain are slowly walking in the zombies. There is no sound. When the zombies are going to collide, he will avoid them in time, and then he picks up the ground. A shoe was thrown into the corner...


When I heard the sound, all the zombies rushed into the corner...

The wind and rain sighed, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, ran to the door of the hall, opened the door, and waved to the poison island scorpion, let them hurry down.

"Don't make a noise, let's get out of here..." Dudao said, the first to run down, then the small room filial piety, Miyamoto, they followed.

Fortunately everyone ran out, but when they were relaxed in the rain, a girl suddenly fell to the ground with a broken arm and screamed...


For a moment, it was like a summoning order, and all the zombies rushed over to them.

"Bastard, run..."

After the storm, he snorted and ran to the bus. At the same time, he used a sword or kicked to knock down all the zombies he encountered...

The girl who fell to the ground had been caught by the zombies. A boy couldn’t help but want to save her. He ran over, presumably his lover...

Xiaoxiao wanted to save people, but he was dragged down by Suichuan and said, "I haven't saved, maybe they are so good. Instead of living in this world of confusion and fear, it is better to die with people who love each other..."

"Tang Chuan teacher, hurry to start the bus, let's resist it first..." The wind and rain said quickly, now there is no time to waste, and a large number of zombies will gather to swallow them.

"Ah...oh, good..." Shigawa Shizuka nodded and ran over, opened the bus door and started the locomotive.

The wind and rain and the poisonous island scorpion, Xiaoxiao Xiao, Miyamoto, and Hirano Toda are in a circle, standing near the bus to kill the zombies that rushed over.

"Well, everyone is coming up..." Shigawa Shizuka said from the car window.

"Get on the bus..." The wind and rain screamed and greeted everyone on the bus.

"Wait a minute..."

At this moment, a group of students rushed over to their bus with the help of a teacher.

"Who is that?" asked the filial piety.

"The teacher of Wisteria in class A for 3 years..." said the stormy mouth, huh, huh, the destined encounter.

"Wait a minute, then open again..." Xiaoxiao said.

"What are you doing, leave them alone..." Miyamoto has an unspeakable dislike of the wisteria.

"If you don't go, the zombies will gather more, but you can't escape..." Feng Fengchen said that he did not see the opposite of Wisteria.

"Then it runs over..." The filial piety of Xiao Xiao is determined to save a group of wisteria.

"Too many cars will turn over..." said Gaocheng Shaye.

"Let's wait a little longer..." Xiaoxiao Xiao said, anxiously rushing wisteria they waved.

Finally, Wisteria and others were on the bus, and Shigawa Shizuka slammed the throttle and rushed out of the school gate, onto the avenue, temporarily out of danger.

"Who is the leader? Is the poison island classmate?" Wisteria said, pushing the glasses.

The wind and rain used Xuanyuanjian to point to the next Wisteria, and said coldly: "Hey, you are farther away from my girlfriend..."

Wisteria Hiroy was shocked by the sudden arrival of the golden sword, took a step back and looked at the rainy days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said: "Who is this classmate, why don't I know you?"

The wind and rain faintly said: "The stormy season of Class B in the past three years, just transferred to Japan, I did not study very well, so it is not very noticeable, the teacher does not know that I should also be..."

"Well, since it is a student, then don't just do it to the teacher. Just wind classmates, you scared me a jump..." Wisteria said with a wink.

"That is...that is, how can such a guy be here, we don't need such classmates..." The students led by Wisteria suddenly burst into a loud voice.

"Oh..." The wind and cold sneered and said, "Oh, I want to get off the bus, okay, I seem to have killed more than 50 zombies before. Oh, it’s not very fun, do you want to try it? The feeling of the blade crossing the body..."

"How? Wind classmates still want to kill?" Wisteria asked.

"Yes, do you want to kill people..."

"The guys like this must have a criminal record and should catch it..."

"Yes, go out, he doesn't have to sit in the car..."

"..." The supporters of Wisteria Hiroyuki suddenly picked up together.

"Oh, it’s too annoying for TMD. It seems that you need to understand something..." The rain and cold looked at the wisteria and stood up...

Xiaoxiao said in a small room: "The wind is long..."

Miyamoto couldn't help but swallow, and if it rains, maybe it really dares to kill.

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