Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 2 Chapter 91: Resource battle

[Thanks to the phantom EX, book friends 140614191711020 children's shoes for the reward, seeking the next collection, recommended, the second to send]

After a few days, they must face a choice and have to fight. The air cargo around the court is forcibly banned by GHQ. Although they have already stocked enough supplies, they have not been supplemented. This resource will be exhausted.

Moreover, at this time, the system launched the last alarm for these players, and the big chaos alarm!

“叮, mandatory squad missions are started (mandatory squad missions are tasks that must be performed. Unable to complete missions will be obliterated. If basic missions have been completed, you can choose to leave the world. After the mission is released 24 hours, all players are prohibited from returning to the original world. The task fails to kill, the task is completed, and the void is strengthened +1):

Resource battle (mandatory): The task time limit is 72 hours.

The funeral of the funeral society: join the battle, contact the consortium of the consecration, and obtain more than one ton of supplies;

GHQ forces: join the battle, cut off the current head of the funeral society - Sakura Manji;

Neutral forces: Join the battle, kill a member of the funeral society or kill a GHQ member. ”

Forcing the start of the spurt task, I had to choose the battle for the storm. At this time, he understood that this is not a world for him to enjoy, but a world of killing. This infinite system is completely based on the life of a play player. This world is a cruel knockout. This game is obviously, there is only one winner in the end. The "Crime Crown" is darker than the "Apocalypse of the Academy". The "Apocalypse of the Academy" does not have to pursue the realm of murder. But "Sin Crown" completely opened the killing mode, this is a killing game, no one can change!

Moreover, the system immediately published a message that made everyone fear.

"Hey, resource battle (forced) preparation, distance opening time 23:59:59, now inform the remaining unlimited player information:

Funeral Society Force (survival): No. 007, No. 012, No. 018, No. 029, No. 074;

GHQ power (survival): No. 005, No. 031, No. 078, No. 049, No. 051, No. 027;

Neutral forces (survival): No. 055, No. 002, No. 010. ”

"Oh, after the resource battle (forced) is opened, you can pay 100 yuan to apply for the 'bounty hunter' title to the system to determine the killing of a player. After the bounty hunter activity is opened, the system will appeal to the applicant every five minutes. Provide a target position of the hunted hunter for 24 hours. After killing the numbered player within 24 hours, the mission is successful, rewarding 1000 yuan, the mission fails, and the 100 yuan is deducted again. The amount of the yuan is not enough to deduct the player, for the first time. After completing the hunting, the system rewards (iron) bounty hunter title, permanent, after three consecutive completions of the hunting mission, the system rewards (copper) bounty hunter title, after five consecutive hunting missions, the system rewards (silver The title of bounty hunter, after completing more than 10 hunting missions in a row, the system rewards (gold) bounty hunter title."

The title task, the storm suddenly surprised, this system is really sinister, ah, when all players are most dangerous when the title task, this time is the best title task execution, this stage, the remaining players It’s not the elite is the old-fashioned existence, they are quite powerful people, bounty hunters, huh, huh, this title is really worthy of its name, the title task is a stronger way, want to become more powerful only to complete the bounty mission.

At present, the storm is the stage of silver, and the upward stage will definitely have more powerful attributes. This is beyond doubt. In the next world, a world is stronger than a world, and only the body of black iron or silver is no longer able to Adapting to this infinite game What is the next world?

In the remaining titles, the wind and rain know that 007 is his own, 005 is Ziyue Ling, 012 is the Haruhi Chunu, 055 is Xiao Hanyue, these four numbers are clear, and then the remaining 10 titles are He didn't know, that is, he could kill the 10 people. Haruhan Chunnai can be reserved for his own cronies. If Ziyue Ling is a woman, she will be excused from her death trial. Xiao Hanyue also knows how to obey. If you can, let her go temporarily.

This time, the title of the bounty, the wind and rain is ready to get the title of (silver) bounty hunter, this is the minimum bottom line, and the title of (golden) bounty hunter is not good. And there is still a resource battle. If this forced squad is not completed, it will be obliterated.

It can be said that this is a game player's war, and the map is the "sinful crown". After the task of the bounty hunter is opened, there is no team spirit. It is not said that it is not allowed to kill the companion system prompt. Now is the state of their respective operations. No one can believe, or choose to leave the world, or hunter others, the strongest king, no other way to choose.

And the wind and rain guessed that after this system mission, probably the world is not far from the final end, this is the final battle of the king, the referee is the world's last winner.

At present, the ranking of the wind and rain is in the first place. The last one used in this world is probably him. The cold and decisive character and the character replacement card make the wind and rain become the most successful player. Now he knows his identity. Only Haruhan Chunnai, Ziyue Ling, Xiao Hanyue, Duandaozizi and a local character to worship the hospital Alisa, these five people know his body, but can not guarantee that Ziyue Ling will not disclose his information to other players. And the system also defaults to him is Sakura Manji, if not, there will be no task to kill Sakura Manji, the system default Sakura is not dead.

However, after the next task is opened, all players may know that he is not a full set of Sakura. After all, the Sakura Manji in the original book is not as powerful as him~www.wuxiaspot.com~嘀...嘀..."

Shortly after receiving the system task in the storm, Ziyue sent a text message. This is the second text message she sent to herself after entering the "Crime Crown". The first time is because she just arrived in the world, the second time is Now, the middle purple moon has not been in contact with himself, but let the wind and rain care more about the points ranked above, purple moon is NO.3, that is to say, this woman killed the third, really a A woman with a slap in the face, but this is not a hot heart, it is forced, all players are the same, have to be cold-blooded, have to be ruthless.

Ziyue Ling can have the consciousness of murder, and it is still the existence of ranking No.3. The center shows her strength. Although the woman is weak in strength, her mind is very clever, and in the "Academ of Inspiration", Ziyue Ling I practiced a handgun technique, which means that where to play, there is no false hair, and anyone can make a headshot outside the kilometer. The shooting method is not much worse than the Nanlixiang in the "School of the Academy". A woman is born to learn everything, referring to her kind of person.

Open the text message and check the information sent by Ziyue Ling.

"Do you send someone who monitors me? Don't ask me why I know that I saw it when I saw someone back in the world. Even if the guy in the world is jealous, but you can't escape your hunting, you obviously don't Will easily let go of their prey, and recently the performance of the world is somewhat different, probably can be guessed that people pretend, well, the task of bounty hunter makes me afraid, people are afraid of you this cold-blooded Death... guess it, bingo, right, people have to leave early, goodbye..."

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