Unlimited Apostle and The Twelve War Maidens

Chapter 1367: .Detection! (Add more!!) (on)

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This site: 168 reading at the moment, in the spectator stand in the martial arts venue

I saw all the people who suppressed Hod'ao's home win, all in

Shouted in unison

Detection! Detection! Detection!!g

They believe that the Silvia family must be serving

I used the power-enhancing agent, so I can win

This show of martial arts.

And just when they shouted in unison, only

See the native soldiers of Silvia's house, neatly

Walked out of the preparation room and stood in the performance hall

In the middle of the venue.

Behind these native soldiers, a group of people followed

Wounded soldier on board. And in these injured taxis

There were even people in the soldiers who were carried in

When these soldiers walked to the center of the venue,

Some spectators in the spectator seats immediately improved

Voice, demand that these soldiers be inspected immediately

At this time, I saw the highest seated in the spectator stand

At that, Lotte, who is the chief referee of this show,

Holding the amplified magic shape, said


When Lolte said this, it was difficult

The coercion described in words swept across in an instant

Let the audience be quiet


Seeing that no one was making noise anymore, Lotte kept talking


According to your requirements, my Heavenly Sword Academy will

In front of you, to all of Silvia’s

Soldiers are tested. But where Silvia has

A native soldier took prohibited things, Silvia’s family

Will immediately lose the qualification. And this show

Wu, will also be counted as a Huo Deao family win

Lolte said this, and the audience immediately bào

There were cheers.

Silvia loses, Hodeo wins

Out, this is the result of popular hope.

And just as the audience cheered

At that time, I saw the inspector from the Heavenly Sword Academy approached

In front of Woo, then put a blue

The container of yè body was handed to You, and detailed


"It contains "Kersha grass"

Extract yè, if you wait to extract it from the soldier's body

The blood dripped in, turning the blue body into

If the color is red, it means that the native soldiers have taken the prohibited yào

Things. And if the body becomes green, then say

The soldiers did not take it.

After hearing the instructions of the inspector, Woo

Took the container in his hand, and then faced the bottle mouth

Smell it.

The blue body in this container smells sour

It is really bitter, it is indeed what the inspector called "Kerr

The extraction of yarn grass.

When you developed the yào agent, you studied it

Method of measurement. The extract of this kind of Kerr yarn grass

Once encountered "Ikegrass" it will turn red.

And "Ikegrass" is all that enhances combat power

In yào, an essential ingredient.

After smelling the bottle of Kelvin

After taking yè, he immediately walked to the side with a lot of

Keersha grass extracts yè's storage box, and then aligns it

The extraction of the noodles was checked one by one.

After confirming that all the Kerr yarn and grass extracts are

After there was a problem, Yucai said to the inspector

"No problem, please start testing


You believe that in front of so many people and Moshe

In front of, no one dared to make small moves

Therefore, just determine that as the test itself

There is no problem in extracting the Kerr yarn grass, it can be


The people in the Heavenly Sword Academy started to serve Silvia

When the soldiers took blood for testing, in Grimian

In the spectator stand at home, I saw Gorworth very puzzled


『Sylvia’s family must have used enhancement

It’s too strong, now their family is really helpless

Up. 』

After Goworth said this, the butler next to him

"Perhaps it was the research institute of yào who developed what

How can you avoid detection?

Hearing this, Goworth shook his head and said

Impossible, Ikecao is to enhance combat power yào

The key to the drug, even if it is the research institute, it is impossible

Without the use of ike grass, make

In order to improve combat power and maintain xingfèn's yào agent. 』

Goworth's words at this moment are exactly the sky

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