Unlimited career change starting from mechanic

Chapter 259 Su Yu’s amazing plan, planet development!

While Su Yu was studying the two magical energy crystals, Tie Long and Xie Yitian had already recovered from their previous ecstasy.

However, they did not notice Su Yu not far away for the time being.

Because they were too nervous during previous trials and had no energy to pay attention to the outside world.

It can be said that in that fierce battle, they were all blind and deaf.

Apart from their opponents, they can't see or hear anything else.

Because if they don't concentrate like this and go all out, they will be dead!

This kind of high-intensity battle is so cruel.

However, after experiencing such a high-intensity battle, it was also a baptism for their spirit, allowing them to master their own power to a higher level and improve their strength.

Not only them, Su Yu also benefited a lot from the previous battles.

But now, Tielong and Xie Yitian came back to their senses, regained their perception of the outside world, and found each other not far away. The two smiled similarly and started talking:

"It was such a fierce battle. I even doubted that my opponent had a nine-star level!"

"Yes, my opponent is also very scary. He is definitely at the eight-star level in the data field..."

"By the way, I wonder how Mr. Su Yu's trial went? Is there any danger?"

Tielong and Xie Yitian talked in a relaxed tone, and they both felt that their self-confidence was inflated.

Experienced an unprecedented battle, survived and passed the trial.

This gave them greater confidence in their own strength.

"Wait, what is that?"

At this moment, they suddenly noticed something was wrong with the scenery in the distance.

Then they looked up and saw hundreds of kilometers away, the huge plasma fireball that Su Yu fired during the battle had not completely dissipated.

Above the fireball were clouds pushed aside by the aftermath of the battle, revealing the blue sky above.

Looking from a distance, the hole in the clouds was so huge that it seemed as if the sky had been broken.

There is also such a hole in the sky above Tielong and the others, which was created during the previous battle between Mechanical City and the Enemy Demon.

And the hole in the distance was bigger and more spectacular than the one above them.

"Is that also what Mr. Su Yu typed?"

Tielong and Xie Yitian looked at each other and stood up suddenly, with shocked expressions on their faces.

They thought that their previous trial was already a shocking battle.

As a result, looking at the scene on Su Yu's side, they realized that their side could only be regarded as a small fight.

Then, they couldn't help but worry about Su Yu.

Looking at the movement in the distance, it seemed that it was ten times more intense than the previous battle with the enemy. Will something happen to Su Yu?

"Wait, is that...Mr. Su Yu?"

At this time, they finally saw Su Yu who was studying energy crystals not far away.

"It turns out that Mr. Su Yu has already completed the trial without any problems. It's really amazing..."

Tielong and Xie Yitian both breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, they noticed that Su Yu had no wounds or damage at all.

So I was even more shocked.

The two of them were beaten so badly that they barely completed the trial.

Tie Long's entire body, almost all flesh and blood, was beaten away, leaving only a mechanical skeleton.

Xie Yitian's core data has also been tampered with and has not been restored.

The avatar he projected was full of garbled characters and mosaics, and it flickered from time to time. It was obviously badly damaged.

On Su Yu's side, the aftermath of the battle reached outer space, which showed how intense the battle was.

However, Su Yu himself seemed to be fine.

Even the armor is spotless, like brand new from the factory?

In fact, Su Yu's violent armor had just gone through the process of disintegration and repair, and it was really brand new from the factory.

It's just that Tielong and the others don't have the benefits of treatment and repair, but they don't know the inside story.

I thought Su Yu easily won the trial without even getting his armor dirty.

"Mr. Su Yu's strength is truly unfathomable!"

"When he dealt with the enemy demon before, he only used the power of the Mechanical City. Unexpectedly, his actual combat power was much stronger than the Mechanical City."

"This is definitely a nine-star high-level or even top-level power, right? How long has it been..."

"If Mr. Su Yu's strength continues to improve like this, we may one day not be able to keep up with him..."

Tielong and Xie Yitian looked at each other and sighed again at Su Yu's strength.

The swelling in their hearts also disappeared without a trace.

Even a little disappointed.

Because, Su Yu's strength is too strong and his improvement is too fast.

If this continues, they may soon be far behind.

In the future, the enemies Su Yu will face, ordinary seven-stars and eight-stars, may not even be qualified to face them.

Just like the millions of people in the City of Machines, when the war started, they could only hide and take refuge, without even the ability to watch the battle.

Tie Long and the other Seven Stars are somewhat qualified.

But if Su Yu's strength continues to improve, he may no longer be qualified to watch the battle.

After all, looking at the terrifying aftermath of the battle between Su Yu and the Titan Soldier in the distance, if Tie Long and Xie Yitian were at the scene, they would have been killed by the aftermath.

"Actually, we can no longer keep up with Mr. Su Yu's footsteps.

"Are we going to be like those millions of people in the future, who have no choice but to hide and take refuge as soon as the war starts?"

Tielong and Xie Yitian couldn't help but mutter to themselves.

If one day, a war breaks out and they have no choice but to hide and take refuge, that would be too hard to accept.

And if you don't want that to happen, you can only improve your strength as soon as possible.

However, how can the strength be improved so easily?

They have all been seven-star extraordinary for more than a hundred years, and they are well aware of the difficulty of improving their strength.

After thinking for a while, the two of them came back to their senses and walked towards Su Yu's direction at the same time.

Su Yu sensed someone approaching and came back to his senses from studying the two crystals.

He looked up and saw Tie Long and Xie Yitian, and suddenly felt a little strange.

These two guys clearly passed the test, but why do they still seem a little downcast?

"Congratulations on passing the trial, what happened to you? Are you seriously injured?"

Su Yu asked directly.

Tielong and Xie Yitian shook their heads: "The injury is indeed not serious, but there is no difficulty in recovering."

"Mainly...our strength..."

The two expressed their previous worries.

"So that's it."

After Su Yu listened, he nodded to express his understanding.

Both of them are figures who have been in charge of a big city for hundreds of years. They are powerful and proud.

When facing the enemy in the future, it would be really hard to accept if we could only hide and seek refuge.

And for Su Yu, it seems that there is no point in having so many people under his command if they are all useless in the future.

Could it be that when the real war begins in the future and he wants to break through the planet blockade, Su Yu will take action alone while the others watch?

Moreover, the power of the previous volleys from the Machine City has proven that even if individual strength is not enough, you can still win with quantity.

Now that he has such a large population and several Seven Star subordinates, it would be a pity if he does not make good use of them.

Su Yu fell into deep thought. After a while, he said, "Don't worry, I will find a way to improve your strength."

"I have mastered a lot of third-level professions. You can try to master them at the same time. However, in a short period of time, the improvement may not be much, and there is a risk of conflict."

"But it doesn't matter. If you want to improve your strength, in addition to your own strength, you can also rely on external forces!"

Su Yu's words seemed to have a meaning.

When Tielong and Xie Yitian heard this, they immediately beamed with joy: "Mr. Su Yu, you mean..."

They all looked at Su Yu's armor at the same time.

Su Yu smiled slightly: "I am a mechanic."

Tie Long and the others were even more happy. Su Yu meant to use the power of mechanics to help them build equipment and improve their strength!

"City Lord Xie, your frontal combat strength is too weak and you need a powerful battle armor."

Su Yu said to Xie Yitian.

Xie Yitian nodded excitedly.

Then Su Yu looked at Tie Long again: "Tie Long, your Galaxy Armor does not need to be built separately. You only need to repair its damage to improve its strength."

Tielong also nodded excitedly.

Su Yu added: "Also, President Xiao and the others also need powerful armor and weapons to increase their strength."

This time, Xie Yitian and Tielong nodded at the same time.

If Xiao Shengyin and the others also had powerful armor weapons, they wouldn't have been manipulated by the evil demon before.

"It's just that if you want to build such a powerful armor weapon or repair Iron Dragon's Galaxy Armor, you will need a lot of precious resources..."

Su Yu continued.

Tie Long immediately said: "Mr. Su Yu, if you need anything from us, just ask!"

Xie Yitian also said quickly: "There are some resources in my illusory city, Mr. Su Yu, feel free to take them."

They thought that Su Yu needed them to find some high-end resources to build and repair the armor.

This is normal, and they are naturally obligated.

But Su Yu looked at them and was silent for a moment before speaking:

"Now that you have passed the trial and been approved by Zhang Chenfeng's creation, you can fly freely. It is much easier to move around."

"So I need you to help me develop the resources of the entire planet!"

As soon as Su Yu said these words, Tielong and Xie Yitian were stunned.

Isn't it just to build a few battle armors? How do you get the resources to develop the entire planet?

Is this action too big?

Su Yu continued: "You don't have to wonder, my plan is that not only you, but also millions of people in the entire Mechanical City will need weapons and armor."

"I'm going to study some mass-produced seven-star armors and arm everyone. Even if I can't arm everyone, at least arm a team of a thousand people. An army of ten thousand people is better."

"As for you Seven-Star Extraordinaries, we will tailor-make some high-end models."

"This requires massive resources, so the entire planet needs to be developed."

It turned out that Su Yu's plan was not to just build a few battle armors for Tie Long and the others.

He wants to arm millions of people in the entire mechanical city.

Each person has a seven-star armor. What kind of ambition is this?

If it is really completed, how powerful will Su Yu's men be?

Only in this way can such a large population be utilized to enhance one's strength as much as possible.

Prepare for the final battle in the future.

Originally, Su Yu did not dare to make such a bold plan before.

Mass-producing millions of seven-star armors is outrageous.

Even mass production of tens of thousands of units is an almost impossible task.

After all, where do the materials come from? Where does the energy come from? Where do the chips come from?

Su Yu's assault tanks only have a dozen or so in number so far. This is due to limited production capacity and the inability to mass produce them on a large scale.

But now, Su Yu passed the test of Zhang Chenfeng's creation and could fly freely, and then obtained the energy crystals of the two cities, which gave him a lot of inspiration.

That's why he made this bold decision.

After hearing Su Yu's shocking plan, Tie Long and Xie Yitian were shocked.

"What? Arm all the millions of people in the city with seven-star armor?"

They exclaimed at the same time, looking in disbelief.

At the same time, they asked in their hearts, can this kind of thing really be realized?

Although they did not express their questions directly, Su Yu's eyes seemed to see into their hearts and see through their thoughts.

Su Yu just smiled slightly: "It depends on human effort."

"It would have been very easy for the human empire thousands of years ago to do such a thing."

"They are human beings too. If they can do it, why can't we?"

"If you don't have this courage and strength, how can you break through the blockade of the entire planet in the future?"

"Don't forget, although we are recognized and can fly within the planet, we can never fly out of the atmosphere."

"Are you satisfied as long as you can fly in the atmosphere? Is there a world outside that you don't want to see? See the infinite galaxy?"

Hearing Su Yu's words, Tielong and Xie Yitian instinctively wanted to say that the human empire thousands of years ago was able to mass-produce seven stars because the subspace environment was different from the current situation.

But before they could say anything, they heard Su Yu's words behind them.

Suddenly the blood in my heart was aroused.


If you don't have this courage, how can you break through the planet blockade and step into the galaxy?

What others could do thousands of years ago, they can definitely do!

"Mr. Su Yu, we all listen to you!"

Tie Long and Xie Yitian said in unison.

Su Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"Not just you, President Xiao and the others can also join this planet development if they want. However, it is a bit inconvenient for them not to be recognized by Zhang Chenfeng's creation. I will find a way in the future."

"As for making armor weapons, I still need to do some research and preparation. You can prepare and develop resources first."

"Now, let's go see how President Xiao and the others, as well as those in the City of Machinery, are doing."

"Come with me."

After Su Yu finished speaking a few words, he activated his armor and flew towards the Mechanical City.

"Yes! Mr. Su Yu!"

Tielong and Xie Yitian both looked excited and quickly followed.

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