"More than 30 million? ? ?

Luo Yukai's eyes suddenly turned into light bulbs:"Comrade reporter, you are not mistaken!""

"Are you sure it was Chen Hao who donated more than 30 million? ? ? Zhu

Qing glanced at Luo Yukai in confusion. She felt that this guy talked a bit too much:"Who are you?" ?"

"Oh, I am Chen Hao’s classmate! Luo Yukai said

"Then you should really study hard like your classmate......"

Zhu Qing said slowly:"Yesterday, Jiangcheng Metropolis Channel delivered all the donated gifts, and the elderly have received benefits, but you are still here to question???"



Luo Yukai's face turned red from the rebuke and he couldn't hold back a word for a long time.

Li Shuai, Wang Chao, Zhang Qiang and others all had extremely shocked looks on their faces.

Just donating more than 30 million yuan, so how much total assets does Chen Hao have? ? ?

At least it would be over 100 million, and even over 100 million is just a conservative estimate!!

For example, if you have one hundred yuan, few people will donate thirty yuan.......

Therefore, if Chen Hao's total assets are only 100 million, it is unlikely that he will directly donate more than 30 million!!

"Mr. Chen, is it convenient for you? ? Seeing that

Chen Hao remained silent, Zhu Qing asked politely

"Sorry, I don’t do charity for fame, so forget about the interview!!"

Chen Hao replied lightly.



Zhu Qing did not expect that the other party would be so low-key, and was stunned:"Mr. Chen, there is really a lack of positive energy in today's society. You are from Lincheng. If you report this matter, you can definitely become a lesson for our young people in Lincheng." role model......"

"Otherwise, would you like to think about it again? ?"

Zhu Qing didn't want to give up and continued.

"Xiaohao, it’s a good thing that the TV station wants to interview you, how can you refuse!!"

Just when Chen Hao was about to refuse again, his mother Wu Xiufen came over, turned her head and said to Zhu Qing with a smile on her face:"Zhu Qing, I really like watching your program, I watch it every day!"

"There is no problem with Xiao Hao’s interview. We will be interviewed after the wedding banquet!!"

Wu Xiufen immediately agreed with a big hand.

"That's great......"

"Mr. Chen, I won’t disturb you for now. I’ll wait for you outside......."

Zhu Qing greeted Chen Hao and walked quickly towards the door of the banquet hall, fearing that Chen Hao would change his mind.

"Zhu Qing, let’s take a photo. I really like you. You called me just now and I thought you were a liar......."

Wu Xiufen followed Zhu Qing's footsteps and left.

Seeing this situation, Chen Hao was speechless for a while......

He really didn't want to be interviewed. In his opinion, being interviewed was a waste of time.

In addition, Chen Hao didn't want to receive too much attention because of his charity work. However, now it was a done deal. His mother had already agreed to the other party. Chen Hao couldn't disobey his mother's wishes, so he had to figure out how to deal with the interview for a while.

What Chen Hao didn't realize was that after Zhu Qing left, the atmosphere at the entire table changed. Luo Yukai, who had been ridiculing and disdainful just now, turned pale and said nothing. His die-hard follower Li Shuai also lowered his head and shouted. Silent.

The rest of the people looked at Chen Hao with eyes full of shock and admiration.

"Brother Hao......"

"Did you really donate more than 30 million? ?"

Zhang Qiang was the first to speak, breaking the silence.


"It’s okay not to mention this, just drink......"

Chen Hao waved his hand, looking nonchalant.

"Brother Hao, you are really a rich man now!!!"

"I donated more than 30 million yuan as soon as I said I would......."


"That’s awesome!!"

Chen Hao's response was tantamount to acquiescing to his donation of more than 30 million yuan. Zhang Qiang picked up the wine glass and said with a red face:"Brother Hao, I must give you a toast. Please take care of me in the future!!"

"Brother Hao, I also toast to you. As Zhu Qing said, you are a role model for young people like us. Everyone should learn from you!!"

Wang Chao also stood up with a wine glass. This guy has fully demonstrated the attributes of a wallflower.

Before, he was a member of Luo Yukai's"team". As soon as he heard that Chen Hao was donating, he donated more than 30 million. He immediately rebelled.

Although Luo Yukai was from a good family, let alone asking him to donate 30 million, it was hard to say whether his family's total assets were 30 million. He claimed that his company could make several million a year. But in reality? ?

God knows!

Therefore, as long as your brain is not broken, you can judge that the gap between Luo Yukai and Chen Hao is just like the car they drive today.......

One is the Mercedes-Benz loved by small bosses and nouveau riche, and the other is the perfect car for the rich and famous!!

The gap between the two is really a world between heaven and earth!

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