Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1340: Slaying

"use this."

Commissioner Qian threw a slap-sized jade to the turtle.

Take out a piece of it myself.

Take out the immortal stone and move to the top of the jade symbol. Immediately disappeared without a trace.

Ten celestial stones were placed in a row, and then the jade talisman was placed on the body, and a circle of light suddenly appeared around his body.

"Do not use your own mana, just use props to solve it."

Member Qian laughed.

"It looks like your refining level has improved a lot."

The soft-shelled turtle's index finger placed a point on the jade symbol, and instantly understood the control method of the protective cover.

With a thought, a wave of his hand, the shield separated instantly, and a blood-colored Changhong shot out.

With a bang, a gray water wave hundreds of meters high rose.

"It's fair."

The turtle originally wanted to show off the power of the mysterious fusion of the two elements of blood and wind that he had newly understood before Commissioner Qian.

Unexpectedly, but got such a comment.

The corners of the turtle's mouth curled, and his face was unhappy.

Commissioner Qian did not argue with the turtle. Just reach out!

I saw the gray waves rolling, separating to the two sides.

A transparent channel. Appear in the sea, go straight down and go tens of thousands of meters!

Commissioner Qian walked away, stepping out. Already hundreds of meters away.

It was just this finger that immediately caused the turtle to lower his head in shame.

It goes without saying who is more powerful.

"Hey...Aren't we going to investigate, how come we make such a big fanfare?"

Turtle hurried to a big stride and caught up with Commissioner Qian.

"Aren't we also exploring like this? Don't forget our purpose."

Commissioner Qian said so.

The turtle suddenly understood that the purpose of the two people's coming here was for the flesh and material of the monster race.

"Damn, this Griffin Legion can be said to be extremely extravagant. With such a cost, even you and I have never enjoyed it?"

Turtle talked about his experience in the Gripen Legion.

Tsk tuts, his face is full of wonder and envy.

"Otherwise, what did he send the airship to our planet Earth?

Not wanting to grab the site yet.

Now the Bifu Army and Biyou Temple are almost separated.

The worship of the Bifu Army was not as much as before.

If they don't grab the site, how can they maintain such extravagant expenses? "

Commissioner Qian sneered. "Speaking of fighting on the surface of the endless sea, I know that there are a large number of demon races concentrated on the Lianhua Mountain under the sea. Just concentrate your troops and kill them.

The sun is his, I think they are purely preserving strength!

But he just sent us two, thinking that we were really soft, so easy to die? "

Commissioner Qian said so.

The soft-shelled turtle also recalled immediately.

"Grandma, drive until we Tian Yangxing blackmail the offering. First, there are more than two hundred floating airships. Since the lotus mountain on the seabed has gathered a large number of monsters. Why don't they send more than two hundred floating airships to blast A few shots.

This airship is amphibious by sea, land and air. When we are fools. "

When the turtle remembered the terrible scene of facing dozens of thunderfire bombardments at Pibaba Mountain last time, he felt a flurry of hair.

The more I think about it, the more angry.

These guys. It's hard to treat yourself!

"Yes, don't be angry, there are too many messy things under the world, are you angry?"

The two are talking.

With a "boom", the crystal channel in front shattered.

This was bitten to pieces by a huge monster.

This thing is hundreds of meters long, and the cyan skin on his body is as rough as a rock.

On the whole, it looks like an eel magnified tens of thousands of times.

But above the head of this thing. But it was full of fine cracks, more than fifty.

Like "a closed eye."

A fierce breath. It was overwhelming and surging towards the two members of the Qian.

More than fifty cracks opened at the same time,

really. As the two suspected, these were more than fifty eyes.

Every opened eye is bigger than a bucket.

Cruelty, this is the only emotion in every opened eye.

A gray ray as thick as a bucket shot out from the eyes!


A muffled sound!

Around the two of them, the shield created by the jade charm disappeared invisible.


The power of this gray ray turned out to be dissociated matter!

The soft-shelled turtle looked at the seawater next to it with just a hit, and instantly appeared several miles away.

The blood power mystery itself is quite related to the water power mystery.

Good at water escape.

Commissioner Qian humbled!

A bit of extremely bright apricot-yellow colored light flew out, not only the speed was extremely fast, but the trajectory was even more mysterious.

Passing through the dense gray beam abruptly, it sank into the behemoth's forehead.

The huge head blasted first, and then suddenly burst open.

The blood, the gray brain blasted everywhere.

The monster with less than one-fifth of its head turned around and turned towards the gray ocean


"Huh? It's not dead?"

Commissioner Qian is interested.

Since a large piece of meat was torn from Xiaotian's body last time, the composition rules of this piece of meat have been deduced in detail.

Some of the composition rules were used by Commissioner Qian to strengthen his body. Next, Jiang is the bloodline originally sold by the Beast Beast Space. Now, Commissioner Qian uses the iron crown magic array.

Extracted the rules that are beneficial to oneself in the bloodline, but avoided demonization and beastization


Compared to simply buying pedigrees, it's a lot higher.

"Water beam!"

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand again.

The gray water around the giant beast suddenly closed, tying the giant beast firmly from head to tail.

"Want to compare water system Dao Fa with me? Dreaming! Break!"

The giant beast finally uttered a thunderous human word, and sure enough, it was a monster.

The figure shook. The gray sea water that tightly bound itself, suddenly, burst into pieces!

An apricot light flashed!

The gray water, space, and even the body of this behemoth should be shattered!

This giant beast's upper body, which was two hundred meters long, was split in half!

The red blood dazzled the boss in a flash of gray sea water.

"This thing is too big!"

Looking at Pong's body still twitching.

Commissioner Qian shook his wrist, and the lights flashed again.

In an instant, this huge monster was dismantled.

Over the head of Commissioner Qian, a colorful cloud with apricot as the base tone appeared.

With one volume and two volumes, all those huge pieces of meat were collected into the divine palace.

A feeling of comfort was immediately spread throughout the body from Commissioner Qian’s palace. Commissioner Qian stretched his waist abruptly.

"Comfortable! Such a big body, flesh and blood, compared with ordinary monks, I don't know how many times!"

A thunderous roar came from the depths of the ocean: "Who killed the cruiser? Huh, it wasn't the Bifu Army?

who are you? Want to die? "

Commissioner Qian didn't even bother to return to his words, and after a turn of his eyes, he revealed a burst of sharpness to watch everything!

With a wave of his hand, several apricot-yellow rays of light appeared, and directly shot out more than a dozen miles in the living deep sea!


A series of loud noises in the deep sea!

The area within a radius of more than a dozen miles was illuminated by the apricot light.

Commissioner Qian pointed again!

A crystal channel appeared again, though. The crystal channel that appeared this time was much narrower.

Obviously, as the sea water deepens, the pressure is increasing.

In the same way, the range of action is much shorter.

Commissioner Qian and Turtle rushed past and reached the spot where the net and the yellow lightning flashed.

At this time, huge corpses of various colors were floating helplessly in the sea.

It's like a city of flesh and blood!

On the huge corpse, all kinds of light and energy shone.

After the death of the demons who turned into human forms, they all showed their original form.

Grumblingly sprayed blood into the sea.

Obviously, the few swords of Commissioner Qian just now are not powerful

The soft-shelled turtle was hiding there just now, and now he felt lost.

This time the charge was ahead, and the blood rainbow passed by like a shocking sky. Between the two panic, the monster race that rushed upward has been cut off.

One of the monsters with lobster heads is very brave.

The body has been cut in two, the cyan long knife in his hand still slashed a mysterious arc, directly cutting the turtle's shoulder in half!

"I bother"

The soft-shelled turtle pucked abruptly.

As if there is no pain.

The half of the shoulder that was chopped off was slammed against the shoulder. Ao Xunshan's book is complete

The half of the fan that was smashed with blood spattered, growing frantically, and the wound healed in the blink of an eye.

Where the knife cleaved, only a faint blood stain was left!

"Damn, self-healing ability is stronger than me!"

Commissioner Qian was shocked.

The scene of besieging the spirit of the ghost is now again.

No wonder the turtle is becoming more and more complacent.

Really have such a little proud capital.

Large black shadows swarmed up in the gray water!

All kinds of obscure roars ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all express the same meaning, and hate the two human monks who have come!

After the initial panic, the Yaozu organized the formation and rushed forward!

On Commissioner Qian's shoulder, two rows of cyan spheres appeared like a honeycomb.

There was a fierce boom in the seawater in front of you!

A large piece of blue thunder light swelled suddenly in the gray sea water, and violently expanded toward the surroundings in an overwhelming manner.

In water, the greater the power of the explosion, the greater the water pressure.

The row of monsters rushing in front was a lot torn apart on the spot.

Even if the body is tyrannical, it was shocked by the shock wave that dropped one after another.

Commissioner Qian is a collection!

Countless sword lights are like the explosion of stars. A mighty and irresistible way, covering all the black shadows in the sea.

The blazing light has not dimmed yet, countless blood arrows have soared from the top door of the monster race!

Although the monsters resisted desperately, the pressure of such a deep sea water also had a considerable hindering effect on Jian Guang.

However, there are still nearly two hundred monsters with swords on the door.

at this time. The turtle only killed a dozen monsters.

Seeing the power of Commissioner Qian. Turtle is completely taken.

What made the two dumbfounded appeared.

With the sword on the top door, among the nearly two hundred demon tribes that rushed in blood, dozens of demon tribes turned around. Dive into the deeper water!

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