Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1346: Monster Charles I

"how could I know?

These Bifu Army are concerned about the planes that are rich in production. (Network Novel Network e

In this endless sea plane, except for the endless gray sea, other products are scarce. Who cares about this place where birds do not shit?

I don't know how those monsters got the news?

Toss out such a thing! "

Kakashi's chubby face was also full of dissatisfaction.

"Old money, have your refining been completed? Their Griffin Legion is in a meeting to discuss. Don't give up this plane!"

The soft-shelled turtle felt the breath of the Qian chief committee member, and rushed in violently.

"Why? The Bifu Army fought with that monster?"

Turtle nodded with fear.

"Floating ships can't blast through the skin of that monster!

What a horror!

The senior officials of the Gripen Legion are now in a meeting. Discuss whether to use the floating castle and use the main gun of the floating castle to attack the monster! "

The turtle said so.


Commissioner Qian took a deep breath.

The naval bombardment of the airship is equivalent to the attack of the Three Diamond Flower God!

Although in the hands of the master of the flower god, the three diamond flower **** is not a high-level position.

However, an airship has more than three main guns.

Hundreds of airships bombarded together. It is equivalent to thousands of three diamond flower gods shot!

This can't break the skin of the monster!

What kind of monsters are these!

It's like being able to obtain the blood and flesh of this monster, and then deducing the rules contained therein.

Then the strength of one's body can rise to an extremely terrifying level?

The sword of light can break through the energy shield of the Thousand Treasure City with a single sword and the extremely hard wall.

The sea-cutting sword of the sword of light that he imitated. Although not so perverted. but. There is always a fraction of the power of the sword of light.

This huge monster was just used to test the power of the Sea Slashing Sword.

"I think we evacuate immediately!

Our airship was killed by that monster more than a hundred more!

If the floating castle is damaged by that monster again. The strength of our Gripen Legion will be severely damaged."

A large pot of gemstones is flowers, emerald is leaves, behind the bonsai with colorful light flowing.

Ye Tianshan shouted loudly.

At this meeting of the Gripen Legion, he firmly opposed using the floating castle to attack the monster.

"There is no endless sea plane, there are other planes. If the floating castle is lost, we can't replenish the floating spacecraft!"

Another deputy army commander with a beard-faced very much agreed with Ye Tianshan's opinion.

"Well, what you guys said makes sense.

However, without causing considerable damage to the monster, he left and gave up the endless sea plane. This has a very bad influence on our Gripen Legion.

In front of the other corps, we are going to be short. "

The top of the long white jade table has a long face. But there was not much meat, only a pair of black eyebrows, and the monk who was as thick as a black fire nodded.

I think what these two deputy commanders said is very reasonable.

This is the commander of the Gripen Legion. General Pharmacist Li.

According to the military system of the Bifu Army, above the ten thousand chief. It is the general, above the general, is the general. Above the general is the marshal.

However, as the commander of the Gripen Legion, he considered much more.

"The Endless Sea Plane must be given up. However, that monster must be fought."

Admiral Li Yaoshi hesitated for a while, and finally made a decision.

"The emptiness above Qingming

Notify all the soldiers and focus on the floating castle. When the monster came and attacked it, the floating castle entered the space gate. "

Admiral Li Yaoshi came up with a compromise solution.

The gate of the floating castle.

"Old money, are you really going to fight that monster?

Things that hundreds of airships can't do. can you do it? "

Pingyu is a little anxious.

When this monster net was awakened by the demons of the golden mirage god, the power and power, soft-shelled turtles witnessed!

The floating fleet of the Gripen Legion went up to besiege.

Over a hundred ships were lost all at once.

This is to be on my own, without the cover of the airship,

I'm afraid I will be slapped to death by that monster like a mosquito!

"Are you scared?"

Commissioner Qian just looked at the turtle.

"Then you won't have your share of the blood and flesh of the monster.

I have something to explain first

An embarrassment flashed across the turtle's face.

Commissioner Qian’s words are exactly what he meant.

"Old Qian, you have become more and more direct." Turtle said in a very embarrassing manner.

Commissioner Qian's words really didn't give him any affection.

"Isn't it, with the growth of strength. I am too lazy to be polite.

If you don't go, I won't force it

Commissioner Qian's eyes were still so far away, but his expression carried a kind of "crazy" in his bones.

The turtle did not know what to say for a while.

"This is a return to basics that is strong enough to a certain degree.

The so-called emperor so-and-so, the meaning and wind of practicing "children" refers to tattooing a turtle and envy and jealousy. I have to condense a few more blood shadow clones.

However, it is not difficult to coagulate the blood shadow clone, if you want to make the blood shadow clone have considerable thinking ability. Help yourself deduction.

You must use the "soul separation" technique!

Using the technique of soul separation, the soul of the body will be weakened.

Although the bloodline power is progressing extremely fast, but. In terms of the wisdom of the clone, compared to the plant system. By nature, it's so far away.

Although Commissioner Qian did not keep secret to the Turtle Turtles, his own method of improving his cultivation level by relying on the shadow of the golden fruit.

However, to create so many clones with considerable thinking ability, not every monk can do it.

Seeing that this member of Qian Qiang relied on the shadow of Jin Guo. It broke through the fusion of power and mystery one after another.

The turtles are maddened with envy and jealousy in their hearts.

"They are here!"

Commissioner Qian suddenly stared at the surface of the floating castle hundreds of miles away.

As if responding to the words of Commissioner Qian.

"Boom" was in a loud noise.

The water surface with a radius of a hundred miles suddenly lifted towards the sky!

The magnificent scene and the great momentum are hard to describe in words!

After the water curtain that looked like a river to the sea fell everywhere, a huge monster appeared above the water!

I saw the monster. There are three heads. Every head is like a big mountain!

Above the head, a row of horns grows backwards along the smoke.

Fifty li long body. The large shadows projected even extend hundreds of miles away.

The huge floating castle suspended above 10,000 meters in the sky is shrouded in this shadow.

Every monk in the floating castle, whether it is the Bifu Army or the Volunteer Army, is from the bottom of his heart. Feel the deepest tremor!

On both sides of the giant beast, the monster monks sent by the golden mirage are densely covered, just like the subjects guarding the king!


A trace of doubt flashed through Committee Member Qian's mind.

Despite the distance of hundreds of miles, Commissioner Qian could still see.

The expressions on these monster monks of the golden mirage **** are a bit wrong.

There are all expressions on their faces, anger, dissatisfaction, frustration, and dumbfounding.

Just lack of a look of happiness one by one!

"No, turtle. Look, these golden mirage gods are coming to the city and are about to drive us away. Why can't you see any joy on their faces?"

"is it?"

In the soft-shelled turtle's eyes, a cloud of blood that was extremely strong, congealed.

A scene hundreds of miles away. Suddenly it clearly appeared in the eyes of the turtle.

"Yes. These guys of the Golden Mirage Lord God, in this battle on the Endless Sea, it can be said that they have won a big victory. How can they be so unhappy?"

The turtle hasn't finished speaking.

Above the floating castle, an extremely bright light gathered.

Immediately afterwards, a thunder fire with a thickness of 100 meters. Suddenly blasted out.

When this thunder fire came out, the world was in an instant. It seems to be dark!

Damn, this power. It's more ferocious than the main artillery of Thousand Treasure City!

Immediately afterwards, this one hundred meters thick thunder fire surpassed a distance of hundreds of miles, and was about to blast on the body of the monster. However, the monster suddenly opened its mouth, and from the inside of the mouth, a huge and complicated aqua pattern was spit out from the monster’s mouth. In an instant, it swelled to more than ten miles in size.

This one-hundred-meter-thick thunder fire, wrapped in aqua-colored patterns, instantly exploded into a ball of brilliant brilliance, and it didn't even hurt the monster at all.

"That's great, this is the food I should eat for Charles I!

People, punch me!

Take that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ castle for me! "

The behemoth even spoke.

Following the orders of the giant beasts, the monks of the golden mirage lord **** surrounded by the giant beasts.

Like a group of crazy wasps, rushing towards the floating castle.

But the giant beast opened its mouth and spit out a water-colored pattern. This pattern immediately tore the space and came to the floating castle in an instant.

I have seen the powerful floating castle of this water color pattern, no matter where you dare to neglect, it is suddenly bombarded.

A few miles away from the floating castle, suddenly another group of extremely violent lightning fires!

"What's the matter, it is the giant beast commanding you, not you commanding the giant beast?"

Commissioner Qian, who wanted to take the opportunity to harvest a little blood and meat from the giant beast, would naturally not let go of this giant beast and the floating castle.

Set up a blue light, like a blue dragon in the sky, rushing toward the giant beast!

However, when he was about to meet Diren demon clan, Committee Member Qian did not attack. But just open your mouth and shout!

The relationship between the enslavement and enslavement of the Golden Mirage Demon Race and this giant monster seems to be reversed.

"Damn, after this monster woke up, we united and wanted to restrain it, but instead was restrained by this monster named Charles I."

A wolf head monster race rushing forward. His face was extremely sad and angry! , If you want to know what's going on, please log in to Jixueba, more chapters, support the author Support genuine reading!

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