Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1354: Windknife Hill Market

Thanks to the book friends for the eclipse, all the magnetic beads of Kaka 6 will worship

Thick blackpool. It does not spread out.

These black pools are all refining with the powerful magnetism.

Commissioner Qian did not want to accept such things into his own palace.

For a moment, take out a jade bottle.

This is one of the storage magic weapons obtained from the Chamber of Commerce warehouse in Thousand Treasure City.

There is no other characteristic, but the storage scale is large.

It is only suitable for storing bulky things.

The black miasma is like sea water sucked into the mouth by a whale. Was completely absorbed by this jade bottle.

Everything can be taken away, this Fengdaoshan. But it can't be taken away.

This Wind Knife Mountain has since been the site of Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian pondered for a while, opened the communication magic weapon, and started calling Zi Ting.

With a flash of light, Zi Ting's gray head appeared in front of Committee Member Qian.

"Boy Qian, you are really powerful now.

How come you have time to find me, an old man of the school? "

Since Commissioner Qian returned to Tianyangxing, he has not contacted Zi Ting once.

Seeing that Commissioner Qian's cultivation base is getting higher and higher, his reputation is getting better and better.

He, an old senior in the Qingyi sect, would have a look of Naoyu wherever he went.

"This Qingyimen is really a typical person with no eyes and no beads."

This is the evaluation he hears most often.

In Zi Ting's heart, how could it be a taste.

Committee member Qian raised his eyebrows: "Old sect, you are embarrassed to mention it.

Don't talk about me, even my master, you Qingyimen treat him, that's it.

No, isn't it good for me to give it to you.

I intend to build Wind Blade Mountain as a market where human monks and monster monks exchange materials. Are you Qing Yimen interested in taking a share here? "

Commissioner Qian said this.

Zi Ting was startled first, then opened his eyes and smiled.

"You kid, a good idea, I want a slice of Qingyimen in this place."

For a long time, the various big sects on the planet Earth. (Online novel network eTn) and Yaozu exchange materials through middlemen on the periphery of the million mountains.

It is naturally much more convenient to collect materials if a market can be established in a place like the Wind Knife Valley deep into a million mountains.

"Ziting, such a good place, are you embarrassed to open your mouth and take it for nothing?"

Seeing that Elder Zi Ting opened his mouth and didn't mention the price that needed to be paid.

Commissioner Qian screamed secretly, do I want Laozi to give it away?

"Boy, anyhow you used to be a member of my Qingyi sect. Why are you so unreasonable. Just send such a broken place for money?"

Zi Ting's eyes stared.

Commissioner Qian shook his head straight: "I really convinced you. In this way, you don't need your immortal stones. As long as you choose one-tenth of the materials you collect every month, it will work."

Zi Ting's eyes widened, making Committee Member Qian suspect.

Will Zi Ting's eyes burst open!

"I said. You still want to pay for a long time!

Why don't we make a lump sum payment?

When did your kid become so dark! "

"Old man, Qing Yimen is on its own territory, and it also levies taxes on the mortal country. Ten taxes are one, which is already very light.

I can't find someone else! "

Commissioner Qian had to admit that Zi Ting was still very concerned about the interests of Qing Yimen.

"Fifteen Taxes One!"

"Twelve tax one, so set."

The two settled on the amount of materials collected by the Commissioner Qian with a twelve tax.

Commissioner Qian opened the communicator again and started selling it to several other companies.

I searched the warehouse in Fengdao Mountain, and it was a long way from refining the materials for the two Sea Slashing Swords.

Opening up the wind knife gate as a material exchange market is also a means of collecting materials


After half a month, a new guessing city, as if falling from the sky, fell at the feet of Feng Knife.

Building a new city under the construction of the big sects of Tian Yangxing is simply a piece of cake.

Even the major demon kings have set up their own trading points here. (Network Novel Network e

Being able to exchange directly with various martial arts, at a lower cost.

Only then did Qian Dawei Yan return to Lei Gu Liao's cave.

The report was sent immediately.

Since Zhanhaijian was in Fengdao Shanwei.

The excavation of the Daye Canal has been smoother.

Wherever the canal route went, whether it was a monster or a monk, they obediently moved away from their respective caves, and there was no more falsehood.

The power of Zhan Hai Jian Yue Four Diamond Flower God, above the sky and earth stars, can be regarded as a veritable cutting-edge force.

"This sword is really good, forget it for me!"

Vidona held the Sea Slashing Sword and didn't let go.

Especially when I heard that the mysterious power of the compressed water system within the Zhanhai Sword could shoot hundreds of times, it made my eyes brighter.

"Okay. Anyway, I have to refine two more. Just the material!"

Commissioner Qian shrugged.

Back in the cave, the first thing is to deduce the meat and blood of the monster Charles I.

The apricot shield was broken by that argali's talent, and he was also injured.

Deducing the rules contained in Charles I’s meat and blood has now become a top priority for the Qian.

Several years have passed, and this is a difficult period of calm.

Charles I is in Qingming again

On the plane where the Giant Rock Earth God originally ruled, a giant beast was also awakened.

They are five giant beasts, making themselves five beasts.

Within the original sphere of influence of the Giant Rock Earth God, he occupied several planes and settled down like this.

After the Great Rock Earth God and Biyou Lord God fell in a battle.

No one of the monks under the jurisdiction of the giant rock earth **** came out to prevent these five giant beasts from occupying the plane.

The situation that had become turbulent due to the fall of the two main gods turned out to be so strangely calm.

Seventy golden fruit shadows. For the deduction of the blood and meat of the giant beast, the progress is less than 2%.

However, even this two percent progress.

It also allowed the strength of the Qian Chief Committee to increase nearly twice in the past few years.

It can be said unceremoniously.

Do not open any guards.

The attack of the monks during the foundation building period was on the member Qian. Is already invalid.

The land, water, and sky within the palace. Various aqua patterns also appeared, inlaid in.

After these aqua patterns are inlaid.

Whether it is the land, water, or sky of the gods.

Have become harder!

With the passage of the Daye Canal.

The shadow of Golden Fruit that collects faith power has collected more and more faith power.

Pour the processed faith power into the ground of the gods.

Committee Member Qian found that the power of belief of ordinary people, as long as the number is large, can also cause the slow expansion of the divine palace.

Of course, there are many impurities that need to be treated.

As a result, these impurities, that is, the various emotions and prayers of the believers, were filled in specially-made bottles by the Chief Qian.

Maybe someday. When I have enough knowledge, will these impurities be useful?

Ten years have passed.

Commissioner Qian can receive three materials each year.

One for Yongshiguo and other four countries, one for the Temporary Management Committee of Tianyangxing, and one for Fengdaoshan.

They used these materials to buy and exchange needed materials on the Beasts' Corridor.

After ten years of such a large-scale exchange, only the materials needed to make the three Sea Slashing Swords were gathered.

It took another five years to get together the parts to make the three Sea Slashing Swords.

In fifteen years, Commissioner Qian has deduced a new mystery of wood power: melting.

Some plants can grow anger and some can grow cold.

Some can dissipate anger, and some can dispel cold.

In other words, the plant itself grows synthetically with different elemental forces.

Penetrate the profound mystery of the power of this wood element.

earth. The apricot-yellow sword light that combines the power of the three elements of the light and the light system has increased its power.

Commissioner Jia Qian Qian has been deeply comprehending the three powers of earth, wood, and light.

This increase in power. It won't stop, until the three elements of the mysterious powers are practiced until the Great Perfection.

At this moment, Commissioner Qian obtained the Nine Heavens Bi Dai Xiao's method of exterminating the divine light.

His gold lightning method has been practiced to the Jin Dan level.

The Thunder God Beast Balut also handed this magic trick to him as promised.

After watching this technique several times, Commissioner Qian didn't intend to practice this technique, but only intended to learn from it and integrate five different thunder techniques.

Because, after watching the Fa Jue, Commissioner Qian found that even if the Nine Heavens Bida Little Extinction Divine Light was practiced to the extreme.

It is just the power level of Jiuyuan Qinghuo.

You know, Jiuyuan Qinghuo is the perfect fusion of the three powers of the profound and profound.

What if the power of the four elements is fully integrated?

It will affirm the power level of Bida's extinction of Divine Light in nine days.

Commissioner Qian now cultivates a power mystery to the level of Dzogchen.

It is more difficult and shocking than fusing the power of two different elements ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ together!

The tactics that once dreamed of a special purpose are now just to provide an idea for the Qian committee.

After carefully studying the nine days of Bida Xiao's extinction of Divine Light. Commissioner Qian, for integrating the power of the water system into the apricot light. The formation of the four elements of soil, water, wood, and light is a mysterious fusion of forces, and there is a new idea.

Therefore, to return to the Endless Sea Plan this time, apart from practicing as two sea-cutting swords as much as possible, it is to combine the power of the water system with the apricot light to form the four powers


The power of the four elements is mysterious fusion!

Just practice, the power is enough to reach the realm of the four-diamond flower god.

such. Although his own golden core did not reach the level of the first-grade golden core, it was just like that of the Yuan Ying monk. I was enough to look at it for a long time and thought of this, Committee Member Qian was full of enthusiasm. Stepped onto the teleportation array.

The teleportation array leading to the endless sea has been destroyed.

After arriving at the plane closest to the endless sea.

Commissioner Qian directly tore the space. Begin to advance towards the endless sea plane!


In the endless gray water, a spatial crack suddenly appeared.

Commissioner Qian stepped out of it!

"It's still the same, without the breath of Charles I, so much more comfortable.

Member Qian sighed.

Produces a barren plane. Even monsters do not want to live!

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