Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1361: Bloody picture scroll

When the water color sword light came out, it was shocking. Weeping ghosts!

The monster of the abyss is long life.

Later, several high-grade phobias with black and gold scales appeared, red light in the eyes burst, and the scales all over the body stood up.

Suddenly there was a howl!

There was a howl of extreme hatred.

Fa Jue urged, those triangular Yin Sha blades. A flash, with a flash of black light. It has surrounded Commissioner Qian from various angles.

old man! "

Several black lights crossed past.

However, it was just a phantom hit.

As if without any angle, a few black lights turned around in the air.

In a very short period of time, swiftly increased, and pursued the Qiang committee who had moved far away.


Commissioner Qian immediately understood that these weapons, which were condensed with a large number of souls, had a powerful "soul" locking function.

Unless you leave the battlefield immediately and escape thousands of miles away.

Otherwise, just be in this battlefield. Will be endlessly pursued by these magic weapons condensed with thousands of souls.

Commissioner Qian did not hide.

Five fingers imaginary grip!

The upper body of a few monsters who had not had time to die completely screamed and was picked up, sending them toward the black light that came after them!

"Puff puff,!"

Several black lights had already shot on the upper body of the few screaming monsters.

In the blink of an eye, the upper bodies of those monsters. Instantly black, soft, turned into a pool of black mud.

A deep glow in the eyes of Commissioner Qian flashed. I can clearly see that the souls of these monsters were instantly attacked by the evil spirit of Yin into a black mass.

Five fingers in the void!

Several apricot lights flashed again!

The upper bodies of the few phobias with short blades of Yin Sha instantly exploded into a few blood mists, and then turned into nothingness.

Apricot light rolls again!

Hundreds of residual limbs of monsters have all entered the palace's palace and served as nourishment for the palace.

The formation of the six-party army, the Forest Killing Formation of the Bifu Army, watched from the side, and the other five formations participated in the attack.

The fighting just started.

The Haofeng Army formation composed of nearly three hundred people was cut through with an axe, and the formation composed of hundreds of abyssal monsters, including the commander, was completely destroyed.

Not only the monks in the remaining three formations. All fearful.

Even the Blue Floating Army in the Lin Killing Array that retreated, their faces changed color.

"Di Mattel, are you really sure that he is the ten captain who broke away from our regiment without authorization?

But how could it have progressed to this level in more than a hundred years? "

In the eyes of the guards around,

Head Nathan, who has always been happy, angry, sad, and invisible. Both eyes became stunned to stick out!

"Yes, it's definitely him!"

Di Mattel's voice became a little trembling.

Fortunately, the Jinsha Regiment did not join the ranks of the siege of Qian. Otherwise, the fate of these abyssal monsters might fall on him.

The formation of the Iron Rock Army, marking the giant rock earth god, is surrounded by layers of light like a mountain.

The turtle made a miserable whistle. It looks like a ten-thousand-year zombie with a net crawling out of the grave.

Waved his hands again and again.

Several claw shadow monsters screamed!


The first claw shadow burst open.

Dozens of layers of protection like a mountain burst with the scarlet claw marks.

The second claw shadow whizzed.

The protection of the Tieyan Army formation was completely torn apart. Several monks near the rift flew with broken limbs and blood splashed.

The third paw print flew,

Falling straight into the array of Tieyan Army.

Large fragments of limbs flew screamingly.

The splashing blood mist quickly gathered into a long, blood-colored rainbow, flying across the air for hundreds of meters, straight into the turtle's nostrils.

The turtle's head raised and let out a long moan,

Haha laughed wildly: "Asshole of the Iron Rock Army, your giant rock earth gods have fallen, what big tail wolves are you still playing here?"

A very thick one. The texture is like rock. It looked like a whip of steel, but it was flexible but made of water. (Network Novel Network e

With two space cracks that stretched a long line. He drew it suddenly towards the turtle!

Dozens of blood shadows appeared, just like dozens of flowers blowing in the wind.

This pillar-like rock iron whip will have dozens of blood shadows. Smoked a crush together.

The turtle's figure has already turned to the other side of the battle.

The attack of the formation is not good for a single target that moves fast!

The head of Tie Yanjun was a fat head with a chubby body, a long shawl, and a dark golden hoop with bright snow on his forehead, underneath the hoop were two thick black eyebrows and copper bell eyes. Garlic nose, a big mouth, I am afraid that I can swallow two slow heads in one bite.

The beard was shaved, and the thick Hu Gen showed a violent blue lump. The roots see the flesh, and the two fat legs are clearly tall and sturdy, but they also appear stubby because of the obesity of the body.

Hear the turtle's laughter.

This fat man is like a copper bell staring!

Opening your mouth is just yelling: "The **** of the Bifu Army!

Isn't your Biyou Lord God the same fallen?

Like me, the crow still wants to laugh at the pig black?

Converted to golden web thorn! "

With this fat man's order.


A very bright light lit up from the center of the formation.

Immediately afterwards, it quickly spread to the entire array.

Then, countless transparent spikes shot out like rain from the Iron Rock Army's position.

Each spike is as transparent as crystal. But the hardness is at least ten times that of Jinkanshi!

The formation of the main **** army, the higher the cultivation base of the monk who presided over, the greater the power wielded.

When Commissioner Qian was in the Bifu Army, the person who presided over the battle of Lin Slay was only a centurion-level monk.

Today, each of these formations is supported by monks at the commander level.

The power he wields, naturally, is different.

The turtle whistle again!

The blood-red light curled up like a tornado, and in a flash, the tornado turned. No less than the cyan wind released by the Haofeng Army formation just now.

Countless transparent spikes touched this blood red light!

Despite their hardness ten times harder than diamond,

Suddenly they were crushed!

"This trick is useless to me!


Your Giant Rock Earth God did not fall ahead of our Biyou Lord God, and it was not our Biyou Lord God's opponent at all! "

Turtle is also a good-mouthed person, how can it suffer this loss?

Wearing a fat man is just taking a mouthful and spitting out thick sputum. Yelled: "What?

You *should take advantage of your grandpa Shen Zhilu.

Your Lord Biyou, isn't it also dead? "

"Puff" laughed and pierced Shen Luzhi's divine house.

Shen Zhilu only felt that the laughter was like a needle prick, which pierced his mind for a while.

The protective cover that I was so proud of was useless at all.

"Fatty, don't you have a younger brother named Zhi Lushen?

Interesting and interesting, just for your name. I'll kill you today! "

The Tsing Yi monk, who had the power to shoot, was like a demon god, had come out of his battle with a smile.

So many monks just didn't figure it out. When did Commissioner Qian come?

Shen Zhilu was shocked, but as a commander of thousands. The highest officer of the Tieyan Army stationed on the Jinsha River plane can't just be scared by Committee Member Qian.

Gritting his teeth, he just shouted: "You*he..."

The latter words have not had time to scold,

Commissioner Qian shook his hand, and the watery apricot giant axe reappeared.

"I **** your ancestor!

Go back and rinse your mouth first! "

Just a roar!

Cut diagonally!

The watery apricot light flashed to the sky, and the sky was reflected in apricot yellow for a long time.


The apricot-yellow light outside the Tieyan Army's position. Cracks like an egg shell.

Then, in front of the fat man Shen Zhilu, the monk exploded like a broken egg.

Red, white, brown, splashing everywhere!

There was a muffled sound of broken tendons.

The **** air was violently splashed outward by the violent explosive force, forming a group of small hurricanes.

Moreover, from the edge of the formation to Shen Zhilu, who was in the center of the formation, this team of cultivators burst too fast.

The degree of advancement of this apricot light. It's past the visible degree of the naked eye, it's like thunder, lightning!

Tie Yanjun waved his arm, but the whistling of sword light touched the watery apricot light, and there was a loud noise like a cat scratching glass. The sword light attack was ineffective, and Lihai collapsed.

Shen Zhilu wanted to hide, but on one side of his body, the watery apricot-yellow light coming from the side was also agile!

Shen Zhilu's entire right hand and half of his right shoulder instantly burst into a cloud of blood.

The apricot-yellow light blade continued to sweep towards the back of the formation, as if a big guillotine easily broke off the bones and spine stacked on the guillotine!

After cutting the entire lineup of the Iron Rock Army ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ by a fraction, they whizzed away and disappeared into the sky.

Stumps with different postures, splashing blood waves. The dumb companions formed a **** pair. A picture of incomparable contrast.

"Your Excellency. Hold on!"

The commanding hand of a military formation wearing a cyan battle armor stretched out and shouted to Committee Member Qian.

It seems that he wants to have a good talk with Commissioner Qian.

The markings on the breastplates of this group of warriors are very special "a crooked stream.

Commissioner Qian knew that this was the symbol of the main **** of the wood system Lanxi.

The Jin family monk led by Jin Nose Valley carried the family crest of the Jin family on his arms, and on his chest, was engraved with this creek... the unique symbol of Lanxi Lord God.


Why didn't you just say it! "

Commissioner Qian just yelled!

It was another discus thrower's action, suddenly throwing out!

The big apricot-yellow axe with a big door turned and turned into a sharply rotating axe wheel, flying out!

The apricot-yellow axe wheel that spins sharply, like the gear of a knife in a pig-killing farm, tore through rows of shields while spinning. Armor, and bones!

Many cultivators of Lanxi Lord God standing behind hadn't seen what was poisoning them. I felt a great pain in my body,

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