Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1372: Secrets in the Gravity Seal

This is a gaze that saw a wonderful scene.

In an instant, when Wang arrived here, the White Ape King and their strange eyes"

Daoxi understood everything.

"Now you are happy."

Daoxi smiled deeply.

"It seems that the other two beasts have returned to the kingdom of your lord god?

Am I right? "

Daoxi hit back with this.

The dozens of Dongliu Army cultivators who escaped, with red eyes and winning streak, applauded: "Master Daoxi is right, the two beasts have probably entered the kingdom of the **** of the blue underworld."

"Not always!"

Dao Lun who escaped once again, his mouth was a twitch!

"I'm afraid that even the soul can't be left after being shot by that kind of sword light. I think 80% of it is annihilated!"

Dao Lun's retorted sneer happened to hit the sore spot of the White Ape King.

Those two fallen brothers, under the dazzling and brilliant water-colored sword light, were divine souls. There is really no possibility of escape.

"It's better than your group of birds. Look at the hundreds of people you get in and how many come out? Dozens!

Only one out of ten came back. ! "

The White Ape King's wide mouth opened like a bowl, and the unkempt Bai shakes for a while, and he strikes back without hesitation.

After all, this is just talking about the brother who died in war. As the leader of the five beasts, how can the White Ape King tolerate it?

"What are you guys?"

A scolding war was launched between the two sides.

Both sides vented their resentment that they had suffered under the hands of Committee Member Qian to each other.

If it weren't for Daoxi's strength, it was indeed higher than the White Ape King.

White Ape King considers. Master on his side. Two people in good condition, one seriously injured.

If you turn your face, you may not have the upper hand.

The two sides have already fought!

Both sides camped at a long distance. Look closely at each other.

It lasted until the arrival of Tie Yanjun.

This time, Shen Zhilu, the fat fat man, was even stronger and taller with the two outsiders. Or it is behind the obese fat man.

This fat man, with a large white robe, couldn't hide the fat all over his body.

The whole thing is to see the trend toward the square.

However, although this fat man is fat, but,

There was an unconcealed air between Shen Yun and his pupils seemed to be shining with blood-red brilliance.

Standing there, people will automatically ignore his fat body.

There is only a sense of deepness and a sense of indifference.

This person is standing here, behind hundreds of monks. It can be ignored automatically.

"Go, ask, their battle looks very bad."

The fat man said slowly.

Deep Beilu quickly saluteed respectfully.

The original arrogance is invisible at all.

Of course, the results of Shen Zhilu's inquiry are predictable.

An expression of trepidation.

Shen Zhilu reported to the fat man: "Your Excellency, they wouldn't say anything.

However, the leaders of the Haofeng Army turned out to be the five gold swallowing beasts of the Black Wind Legion. I only saw the White Ape King Longdao.

The leader of the Dongliu Army turned out to be Master Daoxi. "

I heard the names of these two people.

It is about how deep and indifferent this fat man is, and it is also moved.

"Oh? It turned out to be the two of them?

With the abilities of the two of them, they also entrenched themselves. So honest? "

The fat man stroked his cheek.

Everything was silent, and the night was heavy, except for the faint arc of light that had just been deep Zhilu's escape light. Aside from the pitch black sky that once pierced the moment, now it is exceptionally silent!

Even the crisscrossing golden rivers seemed to be quiet at this time.

"We also camp!

You go to explore and explore, just look far. "

The fat man, who looked like a hill, told Shen Zhilu.

Shen Zhilu, the sweat beads on his back came down instantly.

However, he didn't even show any hesitation. Turning around, it turned into a deep yellow light and disappeared into the dark night.

However, none of them noticed that some flowers grew on both sides of the original river at some point.

Of course, many of these flowers and grasses are just a few of the original plants blooming and newly grown.

These flowers, flowers and grass, are all members of Qian's use of the power of the wood element, unknowingly. Urged.

All the movement on this shore will be transmitted to the Commissioner Qian's Divine Mansion by these flowers and plants.

Therefore, even though Commissioner Qian had already used the golden core and godhead contributed by the Haofeng Army monks. Increased the number of Golden Fruit Shadows to about ninety. But someone new came to the river bank. He knew it all.

"I rely on, more and more people are coming."

Commissioner Qian cursed in his heart.

"I said, Ramstang, can you hurry up!

Outside the entrance, there are masters from all sides. It is more and more. "

Commissioner Qian couldn't help but urge it.

Heilong just grinned.

A sly light flashed through Sen Leng's golden pupils.

"Even if there are thousands of people, tens of thousands of people, so what?

I have to finish this Gravity Seal Ceremony before I can divide it.

Otherwise, there is no need to divide, I put this gravity seal in my divine mansion, how about a few of us running together? "


Commissioner Qian was speechless.

It’s just that the gravitational seal is not finished, even if there are thousands of people, tens of thousands of people, so what?

I had no choice but to continue and cover the black dragon.

Let this black dragon receive the gravity seal into his divine palace, that is absolutely impossible!

This guy already has the godhead of the Dark Lord God. Plus a complete gravity seal. God knows will the terrible magical powers be derived?

Commissioner Qian raised his head: "Thousands of people. What's so great about that?

Although thousands of people, I am gone!

Your cultivation is low, so stay here to refine the gravity seal!

How many they come, how much do I block! "

As soon as Commissioner Qian's cowhide blew, the nostrils of the black dragon air that had the upper hand burst into smoke.

"The cultivation base is low and low? Don't lift yourself too high. In my eyes, you are not as unattainable as you describe!"

Since the birth of the black dragon. It is the master of the mysterious fusion of the two elements.

When did this title fall on him?

The black dragon is furious!

The black light shot from the top of the black dragon's head was shaking violently.


Member Qian stretched out his index finger and shook it coolly.

"You are my defeat. So, what about me?

It's not something you can comment on, you should better practice the gravity seal.

If even a gravity seal is not good enough, what is the use of showing off? "


Heilong was so angry that he was speechless this time.

Just play a mouth: "There is a kind of you to try!"

However, the words have reached my throat, and I suddenly remembered, isn't this just in the middle of the money committee?

If the gravity seal is in the sacred mansion of Commissioner Qian. I don't have the ability to force it out.

Therefore, even though the black dragon is deflated on this day. Overcome all the setbacks he has suffered since he was born. Heilong had no choice but to bear it.

The air of Zihua, although it is the most pure air.

However, this Zihua Qi is produced by Zihua Qi.

Therefore, it still has some unique features of wood properties.

The restraint bonus to the earth force is one of these special functions.

Therefore, the main soul, the three-color spiritual root. Received a message from the shadows of ninety golden fruits: "After comparing the changes in the millions of images displayed by the gravity seal, we have found that in addition to the knowledge of the mysterious rules of gravity, we have also shown Hundreds of spatial coordinates,

These hundreds of spatial coordinates seem to be the coordinates of a spatial channel. "


Commissioner Qian, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes wider than a copper bell!

"Why is this crazy?"

Ramstein’s two cold golden eyes were suddenly filled with doubts.

The up and down scrambled a glance at Commissioner Qian.

But I saw that Commissioner Qian had returned to normal.

In the golden pupils, two cold and suspicious eyes suddenly swept toward the rolling gravity mark.

With the feeling of a black dragon, in these gravity seals, apart from the mystery and rules of gravity, there is nothing to be seen.

The golden pupils are on Commissioner Qian and the ever-changing gravity mark in the sky. back and forth


"Hey, what did you see?"

The black dragon, full of doubts, finally couldn't help it. Commissioner Qian turned his head, his eyes blinked, with a puzzled expression: "The changes in this thing are indeed profound, I really don't understand.

The black dragon shook his head with anger: "You don't look like an idiot, but you say such idiots. It really surprises me that all I have is pity for your naive behavior."


Commissioner Qian turned his head to look at the sky.

"Well, I admit that it is more difficult to get something from your kid than to squeeze oil from a stone!"

The black dragon roared angrily.

"Damn! Don't you know oil? It's the kind that is dark and burnable!

Are you still a dragon?


Commissioner Qian rolled his eyes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and threw it away.

Heilong's golden Sen Leng pupils turned around.

It took a long time to finally understand what "illiterate" means.

Pillars of fire spouted from the huge nostrils and mouth at the same time!

"You are blind!

That kind of thing only exists in the crevices of stones. Is not contained in the stone itself, do you understand one

The black dragon burst!

However, Commissioner Qian is like a clay sculpture of wood and plastic.

In fact, in Commissioner Qian’s palace, the flowers with the roots of the tricolor spirit trees are all crazy

It's simply so cool.

Able to hide hundreds of spatial coordinates in millions of images, the greatest possibility of this spatial channel is "treasure!"

This red hot word.

Moreover, there is a great possibility that the treasure of the Lord God!

Besides the treasure of the Lord God, what else is there? Is it worth hiding with such a big hand?

"Quickly check the coordinate map of the giant rock earth **** and the main **** of justice, and see if this space channel is located in these two places!"

Commissioner Qian immediately gave instructions to one of the Golden Fruit Shadows.

It only took a few breaths, and the original plan to look through the coordinate map for half a month had already been checked.

"This channel is not in these two ranges."

The Golden Fruit Shadow Array answered. , If you want to know what’s going on, please log on to the old Shan Xun book to ridicule Qi Yu

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