Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1377: situation

"You are too arrogant. The Bifu Army gave up the covenant with several other companies and didn't come to deal with you, so you paid such a small price?

You will regret this.

A disappointed smile appeared on Panaga's bronze face.

"If they send out the same lineup to attack you, how many times can you hold on?

Think about it! "

Panaga smiled softly again.

However, the words he said made Commissioner Qian feel unusually unhappy.

Commissioner Qian sneered: I am heartbroken? You violated your covenant with them, so think about how to deal with them! "

Commissioner Qian did not give in. At least in the mouth.

but. Commissioner Qian's eyes. Also flicker!

There are many people, and the member Qian is not afraid.

No matter how many people there are, the degree of rushing will not be the same.

As long as the degree of rushing is inconsistent. There is a time difference, then, it is the target of Zhan Haijian!

However, with so many people using teleportable scrolls on a large scale at the same time, it would be terrible.

Reaching the two elements of the mysterious power, the three elements of the mysterious monk's shot, one shot is a sword light bombarding dozens of miles!

Once several teams of monks use teleportation at the same time, they will surround themselves in all directions.

Even Zhanhaijian could not cope with so many attacks at the same time.

Although the power of Zhanhaijian is great, but. But there is a shooting process.

It is simply impossible to stab tens of thousands of swords in an instant like using Qingning Sword Art.

The two couldn't agree, Commissioner Qian was bored with the turtle and the big head and left.

It hasn't reached the black hole that is shining brightly. Commissioner Qian stopped. Turning to the soft-shelled turtle and said: "Turtle-shelled turtle, go and see, will the Bifu Army of the Taibai Legion collide with the other armies of the main gods!"

Turtle was taken aback for a moment, then showed an understanding smile.

Turning around, he flew towards the opposite side of the gravity pool.

"These other companies will do something with the Bifu Army of the Taibai Legion?"

The eight transparent wings behind the big head were retracted.

Said again to Committee Member Qian.

"I want them to fight, but. Taibai Legion is the most complete one in their military strength. I guess, maybe, the other main **** army doesn't have the guts to attack them."

Commissioner Qian said bitterly.

"Well, that's true."

The eyes of the big head stared at Zhanhaijian. Frenzy in the eyes!

This Sea Slashing Sword is really amazing!

None of the few pairs of people who attacked Committee Member Qian received a blow from this sea-cutting sword.

Just one blow. The formation was immediately broken up and the loss was at least close to half.

The two entered the big hole of immeasurable light.

Heilong turned his face. A pair of golden pupils stared closely at the Zhanhai Sword in the hands of Commissioner Qian.

The ruthless pupils were shrinking in a hurry.

Unconcealed shock and fear were revealed from his pupils.

Although it was cultivating the Gravity Seal, it did not prevent the release of the black dragon spirit and watch the battle of Commissioner Qian.

When those fifteen hundred people appeared in great numbers.

Through the air force between the heaven and the earth that they were pulling, Ramstang recognized that several of the strong players, compared to his own cultivation base, were only two or three different.

One-on-one, I'm absolutely fine.

One-on-two, you can also have the upper hand.

However, if the six powerhouses went together, the black dragon felt that he would only run away.

Coupled with the vast sword formation composed of 1,500 people, it is difficult to win.

When the armies of the main gods on all sides use teleportation scrolls at the same time, they instantly appear around the committee members.

Ramstang, the four-winged black dragon, was shocked immediately!

Almost abandoning the ritual gravity seal. Received the gravity seal into his own divine palace, turned around and ran away!

Because, with Ramstein’s own combat experience and inherited the combat experience of the Dark Lord, it can be said with certainty that Commissioner Qian will undoubtedly lose!

With the strength shown by the Qian Chief Committee member and Ramustang.

It is absolutely impossible to deal with so many monks, attack from so many directions at the same time!

It happened that all the black dragon's eyes fell to the ground.

Commissioner Qian won!

Although the victory was a bit tragic.

However, for innate preferences to fight. As for the black dragon clan with strong resilience.

This kind of injury is really not too serious.

The root cause of all this is the sea-cutting sword held by Commissioner Qian!

Fortunately, when he played against me. Did not use this sword!

I thought of the possible consequences if Committee Qian used this sword when he was playing against Committee Member Qian.

The scales of the black dragon's whole body are going to stand upside down.

If we say that the four-winged black dragon has always had the idea of ​​abducting this gravity mark.

But now, the four-winged black dragon has no such idea at all.

Once this Zhanhai Sword hits himself. Then, but even the soul will be turned into nothingness.

However, the current situation is severe.

What if the army of the main gods from those parties mobilize more monks to come?

Heilong hesitated for a while, and finally spoke.

"What if they mobilize more monks to come?

The ritual of this gravity seal is completed, and there is still some

Member Qian raised his head, almost expressionless.

"Wait until the turtle comes back."

Finished, sitting in the void, while observing the changes in the gravity mark, healed his injuries.

Heilong only saw that the back of Commissioner Qian was already a piece of cake.

but. Blood vessels and muscles are growing at a rapid rate.

"Your recovery ability is almost as good as that of ordinary dragons."

The black dragon gave out the first flattery in his life.

Since he was born in Longshan, the Black Dragon hasn't flattered anyone like this?

But after seeing Commissioner Qian’s Zhanhai Sword, Heilong said this flattery, and he only felt it was natural, and there was nothing wrong with it.

A few days later, a blood-colored long rainbow came flying in.

Scarlet Changhong had a meal, and the turtle showed a shadow.

Fear appeared on the turtle's face.

To committee member Qian, he shouted: "Old Qian. It's not good. The monks from the other sides confronted the members of the Taibai Legion for a while, and then they flashed.

I went to Pomatel, and he got the news that several other members of the Lord God Corps must go back to move reinforcements to deal with us."

Hearing what the turtle said, the big head clenched his fist and gave it a vicious wave.

"Behind the Bifu Army is the entire Taibai Legion. They won't easily turn against the Taibai Legion. Blame it, our manpower is a little short.

The big head said viciously.

"Then there is any way to train a large number of Golden Core cultivators. It is not possible to train them in a short while.

Hasn't money been condensed into a golden pill in the past few years?

Wasn't it to grab this gravity pool and go back to cultivate a large number of gravity-type golden cores?

What's the use of complaining? "The turtle waved impatiently.

Turtle is very much in favor of this. The gravity pool got it back.

After all, Commissioner Qian's department has limited strength, and in decades, there have not been many Jindan masters cultivated.

If there is no money committee member, relying on the four countries and the turtles, they are just sects comparable to the strength of Jinhumen. Maybe their strength is not as good as Jinhumen.

Commissioner Qian really frowned this time.

His eyes kept rolling on the black dragon.

"What are you doing? This gravity seal. I will never hand it over."

There was a chill on the black dragon.

With the wisdom formed over the years, the Black Dragon certainly saw it. Commissioner Qian wants to make his own decision.

"We fought in front, and you didn't get any strength!"

Commissioner Qian suddenly shouted!

"Don't force me! Without my Diablo Lord Godhead fragments, these changes in the gravity seal will not show up. You must see something from these changes, don't treat me as a fool."

The black dragon's neck slammed!

I yelled at Qian's committee as a bastard, and the flattery I made was useless.

"Don't worry. I didn't say I want you to give up the gravity mark.

In fact, as long as the Gravity Seal is successful. Even without this gravity pond, you, me, and Linda can still cultivate the mystery of gravity to the extreme, right? .

Member Qian said.

Heilong's eyes flashed, and he smiled: "No secret words in front of Mingren, it is true.

You, me, and this little girl. As long as one-third of the gravity mark is obtained, as long as there is enough time. Of course, gravity can be mysterious. Practice to a limit.

This gravity pool, for the three of us, is naturally a dispensable thing. "

As long as it's not recording the gravity mark, the four-winged black dragon doesn't care much about this gravity pool.

"Well, take out your share of the gravity pool."

Commissioner Qian said categorically ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and turned to Linda and said, "Linda, take out some of your gravity pool.

We divide this gravity pool into half and give it to the Taibai Legion. As long as the Taibai Legion is willing to mobilize the main force and force the armies of several other main gods to recognize our ownership of half of the gravity pool, it will do.

Linda was speechless for a while.

She deeply felt that in front of these people, she was really like an ant.

What is the use of agreeing or disagreeing?

"Oh, the remaining gravity pool, half of us are ready

Commissioner Qian added another sentence.

"Okay! With the gravity mark, this gravity pool is really useless to me."

Ramstang nodded quickly and agreed.

"Old Qian, this gravity pool, don't you plan to move back?"

The turtle asked in surprise.

Half of the gravity pool was allocated to the Taibai Legion, and the remaining half was allocated to Linda. Only a quarter of the money was left.

It was clear that Commissioner Qian wanted to stay above the plane of the Jinsha River for this quarter of the gravity pool.

Sure enough, Commissioner Qian just shrugged his shoulders: "What is the use of a quarter of the gravity pool?

A quarter of a gravity pool. God knows if there will be any changes, is there any original effect?

If we train monks in the future. Let them use the teleportation circle and come here to practice. But it’s just a bit more transmission fee

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