Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1379: Black Tiger God's Idea

Commissioner Qian gritted his teeth and turned the picture in \\\'empty\\\'.

With a wave of his hand, "Turtle turtle, go and tell him. I can go to their Taibai Legion as a guest clerk, "give them face,-it's their \\\'Rongyi!

That is

They are not bleeding at all, that is impossible!

Within the jurisdiction of the Taibai Legion, I have the right to buy all the materials for a 50% discount!

Turtle is just-for a moment. "50% off? Lao Tie, isn't your appetite a little too big? If you do this, the Taibai Legion will lose money? Will they agree?" Committee member Qian snorted angrily. "Why are you at a loss? There is no main **** anymore. The entire Taibai Legion is not only the few commanders, deputy commanders, and private owners. They all get the materials without spending a dime. Even at five of the market price. Give it to me, they can't talk about losses!" Er, Turtle was taken aback by the Qian committee. What Commissioner Qian said is simply too reasonable. Isn't that true in the four countries ruled by the Qian Chief Committee?

The four countries produce qualified materials, as long as the members of the committee and the turtles can see it, and they have to provide as much as they want.

There is no cost at all.

"Good one-I'll talk about it later.

The turtle turned \\\' body and turned into a **** light to escape.

"What? 50% off the market price?"

Hearing about the offer made by the Commissioner Qian, Panagar only felt his head dizzy!

This is too greedy.

"50% off, don't you do anything, do we want to eat in the Taibai Army?

Commissioner Qian, repaired \\\' to such a high level. It turned out to be such a difficult master.

As soon as the turtle's head lifted up and down, he talked about the rhetoric of Chairman Qian.

Panagar smiled bitterly.

"This rhetoric is really fresh.

However, the 50% discount is really cruel, not to mention that my deputy commander, the commander of the Taibai Legion, can't be the master.

The two bargained for a while, and finally reached an agreement with a 30% discount.

A post with countless nebulae spinning on it.

Countless stars, like flowers and leaves, form lines of text.


"The main force of my Taibai Legion is specially patrolling and governing. After reaching q, I will arrive at the Jinsha River and enjoy the beautiful scenery on the Jinsha River with all the monarchs. It is a great joy in life'!

This is the beginning of the post.

Bai Yuan Wang Longyu read the text on this, furious!

The green veins on his forehead bounced and bounced.

I used this post to get used to the ground fiercely!

Amidst a burst of starlight \\\', a bottomless pit appeared on the ground.

"The Bifu Army rushed to take the bastard! The monk was asked to join their Taibai army

The name of the group challenge decides the ownership of this gravity pool!

Bastard, where can I go to fight the five diamond flower **** to participate in this challenge!


Long Yu-the sundial jumped like thunder, Fang Yao drew a halberd and pointed fiercely towards the ground. A silver light blasted out murderously, instantly blasting the ground out of a bottomless pit.

"Their Taibai Legion came as a whole. Is our Black Wind Legion just air?

Lao Tzu also brings all the Black Wind-Legion!"

The White Ape King jumped like a thunder, shaking the entire Black Wind Army camp!

"Boss calms down: The loss in the all-out war between the legions is too great! Be careful, be careful!"

The Black Tiger God Kang Du quickly persuaded him.

In fact, Kang Du knew in his heart that the White Ape King was just talking.

In the all-out war between the regiments, the airships are on board together, maybe it can't be stopped!

However, if the boss is on fire, it is still very necessary to send it to a higher level in time.

"What the boss said is that even if you find a five-diamond flower **** willing to make a move, even if the gravity pool is offered as a whole, it will not satisfy the five-diamond flower god’s appetite.

The black tiger **** nodded repeatedly.

A pair of tiger eyes turned around.

He had the same figure as the black tiger god, very disproportionate.

Black Tiger God \\\'Although he is rough on the surface, he is actually extremely cunning in his mind.

Otherwise, having fought against Committee Member Qian twice in a row, and even when Committee Member Qian showed the Zhanhai Sword twice, there was no harm. This is the best proof.

"Boss, according to the agreement, the party who accepts the challenge has the right to choose which challenge method,"

Look, are you making a fuss on this? "

The black tiger **** \\\' said secretly.

"Make a essay, make a fart article!

Swinging that sword on the other person's \\\' is all bullshit, are you blind?

I didn't see it---!"

The white ape king showed a fierce light, just staring fiercely!

The challenge method is not higher than someone's cultivation base. It is better than whose sword art is stronger, and finally, it is better than whose magic weapon Hao Qi.

However, no matter which one is, in the final analysis, it involves the use of the most original ability.

With so many monks on the Jinsha River plane, can they find out who is the opponent of that servant?

This black tiger **** has a good brain, how could he come out with such a silly idea, is it scared by the invincible water color sword \\\'light?

The black tiger **** \\\' just shivered.

He knew the cruelty of the White Ape King too well.

"Big brother, I mean this. This family's \\' cultivation base is a combination of the four elements of power and mystery. We don't compare with him. His magic weapon is powerful, and we don't compare it with him. "The Black Tiger God hasn't finished speaking yet. The White Ape King just slaps on the palm, "Slap---." The Black Tiger God is like a cloth bag, tumbling in the air and flying out! "You dare to send me?

The strange cry of the White Ape King is like a group of ghosts in a barren mountain. All the survivors of the Haofeng Army were covered with hair standing upright, their heads lowered, and they didn't dare to make a sound!

Then, King Bai Jia's hands were only slightly slightly, and his head was white, already standing upright!

Numerous air currents began to circulate around the body of the king of white chopsticks. There were waves of miserable strange howls! The majestic half of the black tiger god's face ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was swollen like a huge pumpkin.

A mouthful of blood mixed with several teeth, spit on the ground.

However, the black tiger **** \\\'seeing that his majestic arms are just one, a face, it has turned pale!

This is a sign that the White Ape King is going to be violent. Once the White Ape King is furious, he will cut the one in front of him and tear it in half!

"Boss, don't \\\'fire, after listening to me, doesn't he have a pet? We can fight with him. We have five army-teams here, and the family's army has selected a powerful monster. I see that the pets that stay together are just eagles and pengs. I don’t believe them. His pets can

Five levels in a row!

The white monkey king's upright head began to fall, and the howling airflow began to stop.

"Well-" Why didn't you say it earlier, this idea is very feasible!"

The black tiger **** \\\' opened his mouth, and the teeth of the knocked-out \\\' have been pressed in place, and the light flashed past.

Another example

With a bitter face, I dare not say anymore.

The White Ape King just laughed \\\': "Big Brother has gotten a little short-tempered, don't care about it, please inform them of this matter, and we will make a good total. Total!

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