Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1389: 2000 times of gravity

For Zhujidan, Meng Dali and his companions, who have been born three feet long ago, have seen Zhujidan countless times as early as in the market, and are very familiar with the unique fragrance of Zhujidan.

This scent that overflows a few miles is just like Zhu Jidan!

It's just that this Jidan building that rains all over the sky has produced so many quantities in one furnace, and these monks in the Qi refining period are simply unheard of.

Even if it is an ordinary pill, it is in a pot. I can't make so much!

"So many Ji-Zhu Pills are made in one furnace. You're right!"

One person exclaimed!

The rest of the people were also stunned!

Sound point. This is the master of the door! "

Da turned around and glared at this person again, and ran forward on his own.

Then, one thousand and eighty pieces of Jidan, which came down!

One thousand and eighty monks in the Qi training period also entered a cross-sitting state of impacting the base-building period.

However, many people lack confidence in their hearts.

People with poor qualifications may even take a few Zhujidan. Can't build a foundation successfully.

After half an hour, some people tremble all over, bulging up and down everywhere. Medicinal power.

The foundation pill refined by Chairman Qian is much more refined than ordinary foundation pill.

Naturally, the medicinal power is also much greater.

The cultivator sitting next to him was doing exercises, but he was still very clear about the situation of his close companions.

Can't help but become flustered.

At this moment, Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

A bright apricot light!

In a flash, it has penetrated the top door of this person.

The monk's body immediately calmed down!

then. Someone keeps on showing up. but. Everyone who has a situation, Qian Dazhi even pointed out.

The power mystery degree passed, not only immediately returned to normal, but also the degree of impact on the base-building period increased a lot.

The minds of all the monks calmed down immediately.

In the vast mana of the Qian Da committee.

One thousand and eighty monks, all of them succeeded in building a foundation!

This is simply a miracle. "

More than a thousand monks in the foundation building period raised their arms and shouted at the same time.

Its voice. Enough to break the stone dome.

Let the Bifu Army on one side look dumbfounded!

You know, ordinary soldiers of the Bifu Army are at the mid-level and high-level during the base-building period.

What made them even more stunned. Afterwards, Commissioner Qian refined ten furnaces of elixirs in one go.

A total of more than 10,000 monks in the Qi training period have entered the foundation building period by the gravity pool!

"Old Qian, if you do this, you don't realize the process of gaining strength, I'm afraid it's a little bit of help."

Panaga asked sourly.

But a hundred days. Commissioner Qian owns a fraction of the soldiers of the Taibai Army.

This short guest, in such a short time. It's no longer a bear.

Why doesn't Panaga feel confused?

"Haha, as long as half of them can achieve gravity cores, I'm very satisfied.

As for the combat experience, it can be learned after the golden core is condensed.

After they achieve the golden core, it is not something I can worry about. "

Commissioner Qian wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Continue to help more than 10,000 people build foundations and protect the law.

The mana of Rao Shi Qian has reached the level of vastness, and it is too much to bear.

"This" is also true. With such a good thing as the gravity pool, it forms a 9th grade gravity gold pill. It's better than being stuck at the top of the base-building period, a hundred times stronger! "

Panaga's eyes shined.

Indeed, this is a good way.

Isn't this a good thing like a gravity pool that should be used like this?

Panaga immediately turned his head and ordered: "Quickly, inform the legion commander of this situation and ask him to send all the earth-type monks in the Taibai legion.

Also, I suggested to the legion commander that all the monks who were stuck in the middle of the foundation building period should be sent here to change the mystery of gravity.

They have already built the foundation anyway.

Improve the gravity mystery, on the edge of this gravity pool. The possibility of condensing golden pills will greatly increase! "

After all, he was a deputy commander-level figure, and he immediately understood the benefits of Commissioner Qian. Do the same right away.

The Gravity Seal is finally finished.

A big golden seal is suspended in the air.

Looking closely, there are countless golden runes rolling, and there seems to be infinite light inside.

The black dragon Rams quickly knotted his fingerprints.

The black rays of light, as if swallowing the surrounding time and space, shot into the mark of gravity.

Immediately, billions of rune ghosts. Follow the black light and take it into the eyes of the black dragon Ramstang.

Aunt Stang felt proud of it.

After many days of hard work, isn't it just for now, to put all the mysteries of this gravity seal into my mind?

These two idiots divided the gravity seal into three, just in line with their own wishes. From then on, you two, especially the terrible old money. It is the all mystery of the gravity seal that can never be peeped.

It's getting farther and farther away from finding what the Lord God left behind.

Member Qian also sneered in his heart.

This silly reptile, the mystery of gravity. All in the changes that occur when you practice the gravity seal.

Although due to the interruption of the attacker, part of the image of himself was not seen.

However, the approximate star map coordinates are still sadly memorized.

When your Ramstein discovers the real mystery, it will be outdated!

The two of them were thinking in their hearts, with smiles on their faces.

The gravity mark follows the black light, spreading

Stop transporting runes in the Gravity Seal for a while.

Ramstang, who was dizzy, blinked his eyes vigorously and woke up.

Read the tactics in your mouth, one finger!

A black light shot out, and the gravitational mark whirled steadily.

Has been divided into three: Bu's golden seal.

Heilongyou Li Zhiqi made an introduction. Please gesture.

Commissioner Qian laughed at Linda.

"Lord Black Dragon is demeanor, and I know the lady would invite me first."

Linda smiled too, and stepped forward to take a gravity seal.

Then, Commissioner Qian's eyes shone.

Another gravity seal. He had absorbed the light, and went straight into the palace of Commissioner Qian.

Then, the black dragon took away the remaining gravity seal.

"I will see you again in the future, and I will definitely ask you for advice."

Heilong bowed his hands meaningfully to Commissioner Qian.

Committee member Qian Shi smiled: "Welcome, welcome."

Seeing that the black dragon turned into a billowing black light, fleeing into the sea of ​​clouds like lightning.

Commissioner Qian also hissed.

With the Gravity Seal, it is time to understand the mystery of gravity.

The mystery of gravity belongs to the power of the earth system.

Gravity mysticism cultivation to a high level is also of great benefit to enhancing the power of the four-system power mystery fusion.

When all the branch powers have cultivated to Consummation, the power of the four elements of power mysterious fusion will also reach Great Consummation.

At that time, the power of one's own blow would be much greater than that of the Fenghuo Qilin. As for the power of the Sea Slashing Sword, it would not be quiet.

However, all branches of Xuan'ao have cultivated to Consummation...that. It's simply too far away. In Commissioner Qian’s God’s Mansion, more than ninety golden fruit shadows nodded at the same time, sending a message to Commissioner Qian.

That is, as long as the number of Golden Fruit Shadows increases to a certain extent.

Well, there is still this possibility of lotus root

However, how much does the shadow of the golden fruit have increased? To achieve this goal, it is ninety yeah, the shadow of the golden fruit, in a short time, it can't be calculated.

On the gravity pool, Commissioner Qian sat upright.

Circles of light appeared on his body.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the light on Commissioner Qian's body has been completely the same as the light on the surface of the gravity pool.

"Look, Master Sect Master, but it took a few months to cultivate the mysterious gravity to the surface of the gravity pool!"

The gang of Fengyangmen, one by one. stunned.

The gravity on the surface of the gravity pool is about 200 times.

Although this group of monks succeeded in building a foundation.

However, in the same amount of time as Chairman Qian practiced, among them, the progress was the fastest. Only cultivate several times the gravity.

stand up. They are only a few of them, compared with the members of the committee and the turtles. They were on the edge of the gravity pool, and their cultivation level was faster.

Slowly, Commissioner Qian, together with the surrounding halo. It sank toward the surface of the gravity pool.

The surface of the gravity pool is different from the endless sea.

In the endless sea, just feel pure pressure.

However, in the gravity pool, there is gravity caused by the flow of gravity fluid like ocean currents. It is even more varied and varied.

Pulled by gravity in different directions.

The gravity shield around Commissioner Qian quickly deformed.

Ninety golden fruit shadows are running eagerly.

Quickly adjust the gravity distribution of Chairman Qian.

And the changes in these gravity pools were directly analyzed into Commissioner Qian’s palace.

Finally, Commissioner Qian's gravity mask was closed. Commissioner Qian's body has completely lost any light mask.

However, Commissioner Qian was already able to move freely in the gravity liquid environment, using the finger as a sword, and Commissioner Qian began to use swordsmanship in the gravity liquid environment.

As soon as the sword tactics are transported, in the gravity pool, there is a cloud of light, dense like a nebula.

In the gravity pool, there is a ray of light, carrying gravity liquid, soaring into the sky!


The people of Fengyangmen. It was an uproar again.

It's only been a few months?

Among them, they can only cultivate to twelve times the power of gravity.

However, standing in the gravity fluid, Commissioner Qian was very dissatisfied with the sword technique he used.

Seeing that the momentum is huge, but these sword lights are quite inaccurate.

The powerful gravity in all directions pulls it down from different directions.

With this kind of sword art that blossomed all over the sky, Commissioner Qian couldn't precisely adjust the force of each engraving light and the point of falling of each sword light as he did on the flat ground.

With countless swords pierced out, Commissioner Qian only felt that in every space in all directions, there were countless huge pulls.

When each path reaches the target, it has gone through dozens or even hundreds of bends.

The main soul of Qian Qian. That is, Sanwu Linggen, in an instant, unable to adjust so much sword light.

This led to the failure of most of the sword light.

The shadow of Jin Guo is involved in the deduction. Unable to participate in battle.

That being the case, keep practicing until the point of each sword light is accurate in this degree of gravity.

Originally, Commissioner Qian thought that with ninety golden fruit shadows, he could fully simulate the situation of the battle.

No need to practice anymore.

However, in this gravity pool, Commissioner Qian only appeared.

It is difficult to simulate an environment like a gravity pool of several hundred times.

Therefore, it is necessary to practice the use of swordsmanship.

The cyan sword gas was in the liquid of gravity hundreds of times. It lights up again and again.

Every time the cyan sword light burst, there were tens of thousands of sword lights, or even hundreds of thousands of sword lights.

Its brilliant and magnificent.

The depth of the opaque gravity pool is shining like a neon in the sky.

It can be said, no words

I don't know how long it has been before, every time a large committee member of this deep small money broke hundreds of thousands of sword lights. All can be pulled under heavy force. After reaching the predetermined goal accurately, Commissioner Qian satisfactorily closed his hand and dived to the next depth.

There is no time in the mountains to describe this kind of cultivation situation.

Until then, Commissioner Qian has been down to earth.

Hundreds of thousands of sword lights were released at a time, after the runner Ruyi.

Commissioner Qian, this is just now.

Has reached the bottom of the gravity pool.

And the mystery of gravity has reached about two thousand times!

Two thousand times the gravity. That is, the gravity value at the bottom of the gravity pool.

Commissioner Qian estimated that it was two thousand times the gravity. In terms of strength, it is not as good as the bottom of the endless sea.

However, in terms of power changes. It is a million times better than the bottom of the endless sea!

Commissioner Qian rose slowly towards the surface.

However, doubts arose in my heart.

The gravity of only two thousand times is already very strong for the monks outside in the foundation building period, and even the golden core period.

Two thousand times the vertical strength is enough to win the battle against the monks of the third grade golden core.

In the battle against the two-tier Golden Core, a tie is not a problem.

Of course, this is in the case where the Golden Core cultivator does not have the power and mystery of combining different elements.

However, for the role of Commissioner Qian, who is a fusion of four powers.

Two thousand times the gravity is obviously not enough.

Could it be that the things built at the main **** level are at this level?

Perhaps the value of the entire gravity pool lies on this gravity seal.

Seeing Commissioner Qian rise to the surface, Dinyuer and Vidona greeted them.


Commissioner Qian quickly put a smile on his face.

This sinking into the gravity pool, all of a sudden, is the time of several years.

Of course, it has been a miracle to cultivate the mystery of gravity to two thousand times and reach the limit of the gravity pool in a few years.

Commissioner Qian, quickly offered the gravity seal with both hands. By the way, using God's mind, I told the two of them the space coordinates contained in the gravity seal.

"Nana, do you have any space described by these coordinates in the library of the Lord of Justice?"

Commissioner Qian is about this space coordinate. Always to no avail.

There are countless faces under the rule of each main god.

How difficult it is to find a plane that matches this spatial coordinate!

Since the last World War in Baoquan Mountain. Commissioner Qian felt that he had too little knowledge of these peculiar planes.

When Commissioner Qian wanted to come, only the library of the main **** of the Guangming family had a larger collection of books. Therefore, over the years, he commissioned Vidona to copy a large number of books from various libraries of the main **** of justice through his old friends on the main **** plane of justice.

Especially the description of various strange planes.

As for the books in the major libraries under the jurisdiction of the Biyou Lord God.

Commissioner Qian is also commissioning large collections.

In order to collect these books, a lot of distributed materials were spent.

Of course, with so many books, Commissioner Qian never went to read them... there was no such time.

Now, with these spatial coordinates, Commissioner Qian thought of these books again.

"Okay, we will check when we go back.

Oh, yes, a year ago, a two-diamond flower **** Mosotto came to you with Fang Zhengzhi. Said to exchange some of the blood of three-color Zhima, but. I said you were not here and I pushed it away. "

Indi Yuer said.

Oh? Fang Zhengzhi?

Commissioner Qian heard that it was him. After thinking about it for a long time, he remembered that this Mosotto and the ice phoenix in blue armor, didn't they bother him back then?

It is because Fang Zhengzhi told them. Three-color Zhima, in his own hands.

"Why, they dare to come?"

A trace of hideousness appeared on Committee Member Qian's face.

The grievances between Fang Zhengzhi and Member Qian. Commissioner Qian also mentioned it before. Indiyuer and Vidona knew that they came from a companion of each other.

"Now you are the patrol captain of the Temporary Management Committee of the Sky Earth Star. The two of them are honest."

Vidona smiled triumphantly.


Unexpectedly, the captain of the patrol, he had never been to a one-day shift, and the sign was quite useful.

However, this also illustrates. fact.

Commissioner Qian said solemnly: "Just a sign ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ scared a two-diamond flower god.

Feng. Bi Aolin, the chairman of the committee, did a really good job. "

What Commissioner Qian said, Indi Yuer and Vidona, they still don't understand.

"I went back to Tianyangxing and waited for them to be so personal that I wanted to see what Fang Zhengzhi was saying."

Commissioner Qian rolled his eyes.

Before finding the coordinates of this channel, the cultivation base seemed to be difficult to break through in a short time.

Committee member Qian suddenly felt bored.

The long-term practice and fighting have made Commissioner Qian extremely nervous.

It is also very interesting to see Fang Zhengzhi's children's shoes and hear what he said.

The sky above the earth star is still so blue, and the air is still so clear.

Commissioner Qian looked into the distance leisurely. The shadow of the golden fruit in the gods deduced the array. But it is constantly deducing, the power of the fire is the mysterious. Joining the fusion of the four elements becomes a matter of the mysterious fusion of the five elements.

However, the fusion of the mystery of the five elements of power is at least dozens of times more complex than the fusion of the four elements of the mystical power.

However, in the initial stage of the fusion, the power of the five elements is not dozens of times stronger than the four elements.

No wonder, the more power and mystery systems are integrated, the fewer people will practice. , If you want to know what's going on, please log in to Heartbeat More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!

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