Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1404: Gold mace moves mountains and rivers

Since Commissioner Qian said he wanted to make Lu Wan clear ten moves, he simply stared at the sword and thunder and fire, and checked the landscape in the mountains and rivers.

Although the scope of this mountain and river map is only a hundred miles away, it has all kinds of terrain and scenery.

Commissioner Qian was flying flowers, and there was a ray of swords and thunder outside.

The spring inside is beautiful and colorful.

It formed an extremely contrasting picture, with hundreds of thousands of people inside and out, whether it was a monk or a mortal, all of them were dumbfounded.

However, in a flash, Commissioner Qian suddenly saw a terrain that seemed a bit familiar.

Where is it?

Numerous information flashed by in the mind of Chairman Qian in an instant.

Commissioner Qian came to a shocking conclusion. This terrain is actually very close to the spatial coordinates of the main god's treasure obtained through the gravity seal.

Commissioner Qian was overjoyed first, then shocked!


Finally, I found a little clue related to the treasure of the Lord God.

Surprisingly, this related clue was actually in Lu Wanqing's magic weapon.

Could it be that the treasure of the Lord God was obtained by this Lu Wanqing?

Careful but it's not the same thing

The topography only conforms to the spatial coordinates of the main god’s treasure.

It is still unknown how much it has to do with the main god's Uzo.

In any case, this is the only clue that Commissioner Qian has found since he comprehended the spatial coordinates of the main god's treasure from the changes in the gravity seal.

This girl's magic weapon map of mountains and rivers, I am afraid it is something with a lot of history.

While thinking about it, the ten tricks promised by Chairman Qian have passed.

Now that this picture of mountains and rivers is judged to be of extraordinary origin, wait until later. We must find a way to figure out the origin of this landscape map.

Where did the mountains and rivers in this map of mountains and rivers come from?

Looking at the map of mountains and rivers, although Baili landscapes have been refined into the map, if Lu Wanqing's skill is superb, maybe he can expand more.

However, the mysterious power and even rules of the elements that make up this landscape of mountains and rivers are nothing but mountains, water, wind, light, and the fire hidden under the mountains and rivers.

The four elements of mountain, water, wind, light, and the mystic power of the four elements have been merged together.

As for the power of the fire element, Commissioner Qian had also cultivated to a considerable extent.

Unceremoniously, Commissioner Qian can see the context of this landscape map clearly.

As long as Commissioner Qian makes an all-out effort to destroy this landscape map, it will not be a problem.

However, whether it is because of Luanpo's face or the clues of the main god's treasure.

This landscape map is not only not destroyed, but also protected.

Committee member Qian has decided.

With a flick of his hand, there was already an eight-sided gold bronze like a golden mist.

Just in a flash, the eight-sided steel instantly turned into a giant chain that was dozens of miles long. The whole body was golden, about ten meters thick, burning with a deep yellow flame.

He didn't draw toward the ground, but toward the sky. It was just a draw. At the place of a thunderbolt, the giant golden chain tens of miles long passed through countless knife lights in an instant, splitting the sky of thunder and cyan vortex.

Amidst the loud sound of "Boom", the sky and the earth in the entire mountain and river map shook violently, and then shook violently.

Lu Wanqing felt that the blood all over his body was shaking for a while, and he was so uncomfortable that he almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The connection with this magic weapon of mountains and rivers is almost interrupted.

In shock, Fa Jue urged and closed it. The mountains, rivers and sky unfolding hundreds of miles are just a scroll, and then turned into a picture axis.

Then, I hurriedly exercised the energy and adjusted the breath, but found out. The qi and blood all over his body quickly calmed down, as if he hadn't suffered any damage.

Only then did I understand that Commissioner Qian’s methods were extraordinary, and if he wanted to destroy his magic weapon, it was not difficult at all.

Commissioner Qian could make her ten strokes, which actually saved her a lot of face.

Lu Wanqing nodded towards Committee Member Qian and said, "Thank you." The blue clouds under her feet fluttered, she was already out of Bijianchi.

So far, the high level of Commissioner Qian’s cultivation has become a reality confirmed by all parties.

The third thing. Before the opponent had finished, Commissioner Qian saw that someone had gone straight to Luanpo, and he must have interceded.

However, Commissioner Qian saw from a distance, with an indifferent expression, and instead of nodding, he shook his head slightly.

Luan Po said nothing to Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian smiled and didn't make any move. When the monk on the opposite side was now covered with a layer of silver brilliance, then, there was a layer of stone tablets on which were engraved with materials, and they kept spinning around him.

Then, the state materials on the stele flashed with light, swarming out of the outer layer, forming a very complex structure, like a honeycomb-like protective cover.

Commissioner Qian didn’t rush, and waited until the opponent had arranged all the three layers of protective shields, he said with a smile: "I don’t do too much. You only need to pick me up. Pick me up. Unbeaten, this set is

After that, he stretched out his hand, and a long cyan needle, which was half a foot long, appeared in the hands of Commissioner Qian.

It is a magic weapon that has not been used for a long time, the green bee needle.

After obtaining a variety of materials, Commissioner Qian recast and temper the green bee needles, and the sharpness of the green bee needles has increased more than ten times.

However, even the power and sharpness of the green bee needles have increased dozens of times.

The power of a hundred green bee needles with the power of the four elements of the mysterious fusion of the Qian Yuan committee is not as powerful as the Qian Yuan committee's apricot yellow light and a light blow.

Therefore, he has given money to most of the green bee needles.

He only left dozens of green bee needles, and when used as a refining tool, he only used the carving method.

Sculpt the magic array purely with divine mind. Many subtleties cannot be carved out.

It is indispensable if you want to refine better instruments and tools.

In the process of refining, you don't need any tools, and use the spirit package to beat the world.

Commissioner Qian felt that that was the real myth.

At least, in terms of engraving the tiny magic circle, condensing the energy on the green bee needle is better than engraving the magic circle with divine consciousness.

Therefore, seeing this monk in front of him with unique defensive methods, Commissioner Qian did not want to do his best, so he took out a green bee needle.

With a finger, a flame suddenly ignited on the blue wind needle, turning into a flame, and it had reached the monk in an instant.

In the heart of this monk, he was still not convinced.

Just now, Commissioner Qian took out eight-sided gold and bronze, and with a flick, it instantly turned into a mighty power of dozens of miles long. He actually witnessed it by the side.

If Commissioner Qian took out the eight-lens steel again, he might turn around and flee.

However, what Commissioner Qian gave this time was a bit tricky.

On this needle, there were no terrifying mana fluctuations.

If you don’t take out your powerful magic weapon, am I still afraid of a needle?

Seeing this tiny cyan fire blaring, in an instant, the characters on the material collapsed and the surrounding stone tablet burst. The silver shield shattered after shaking.

This cyan flame was already strong and blasted on his right chest.

In an instant, a hole the size of a sea bowl was already blasted on his right chest.

Around the wound. Before a drop of blood came out, it turned out to be completely burnt.

The monk, seeing the blue flames flying in, before he had time to react, he felt that his right chest was struck by lightning.

He was a bachelor, and he lowered his head to know that Committee Member Qian was merciful.

Looking at the cyan flame light, he returned to Committee Member Qian's hand, and he didn't even know how the cyan flame needle flew back.

The monk gave his hand: "Thank you for your mercy."

After turning around, he was out of Bijian Pond.

Outside the arena, I don't know when, Miscellaneous, has stood beside Lu Wanqing.

Seeing that this monk was hit hard was tantamount to losing another opponent on Lu Wanqing's promotion road.

Luanpo couldn't help it. It's just a dance.

"Wanqing, look, my friend, the flying sword artifact, there are countless, with his strength, I think, it is easy to win the first place than the sword."

Lu Wanqing had no choice but to nod.

Smiled: "Smiled, "Even, even, it is a great blessing to have your two help.

Luan Po meant that she understood that this time, if Committee Member Qian did not release the water, she might turn into ashes. Luan Po did a great favor to him. If someone speaks, let's express it.

After this battle, it was the last opponent of Commissioner Qian in this group.

The last opponent, UU reading www.uukanshu. Seeing that the situation was not good, com simply learned from the opponent Chijing met and abstained.

Next, it was Lu Wanqing who competed with this person for the second place in the group.

Lu Wanqing's pictures of mountains and rivers are really amazing, don't look at Committee Member Qian, they break easily.

However, against another opponent, the landscape of the mountains and rivers was displayed, covering a hundred miles in an instant. No matter how fast the opponent escaped, it was not fast enough to escape a hundred miles in an instant.

The pictures of mountains and rivers appeared, the sword light thunder fire, the blue vortex, swarmed up, and then the powerful sword light, magic weapon, mixed in the sword light thunder fire, but half a cup of tea, the opponent has already yelled to admit defeat.

All of them belonged to the Tianpeng Mountain line, and Lu Wanqing did not kill him either.

When the opponent called to admit defeat, Shanhetu put away.

Thus, in this group, Commissioner Qian and Lu Wanqing entered the final battle for the commissioners.

There are more than 30 people who have entered the competition for the seat of committee members, competing for the seat of 15 committee members.

By drawing lots, if two monks of the same brand are drawn, it is a group, and they must fight each other. Until there are only fifteen people left on the court, that is fifteen committee members.

After the first round of tea-drawing, Chi Jing shook the brand in his hand towards Commissioner Qian, Commissioner Qian smiled, and shook his own brand towards Chi Jing. The two brands are different.

Chi Jing's expression relaxed.

Luck is not bad, even Luanpo's face is relaxed. . If you want to know what's going on, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!

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