Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1441: Starlight Destroyer

Venerable Ganlu looked at Li Yaoshi, his eyes were as sharp as a falcon. b

"Pharmacist, this person heard that it was also under the command of your Lord Biyou, do you know his situation?"

Venerable Ganlu didn't tell the specific cultivation level of the Qian Da committee member, but directly asked Li Yaoshi.

Upon seeing Commissioner Qian’s figure, Yaoshi Li had already set off a violent storm in his heart. It turned out to be him?

This is even worse!

It was really damned to scold Liu Baixiu, the white-bone crocodile king in his heart. I also caught myself.

However, the position of the commander of the Griffin Legion, Medicine Master Li, was not for nothing.

Whether it’s on the face or in the eyes, it’s calm and quiet

But he snorted disdainfully.

"You are so funny.

There are billions of people under Biyou Lord God, how can I recognize them?

You said this, but it was funny!

Did I rush to you all the way to hear your jokes? "

Yaoshi Li's words were not polite.

For a while, there was a smell of gunpowder in the hall.

The bald-headed Dali Venerable Le Dayuan just laughed: "Hey, I said, we rushed here all the way to help you, do you have this attitude?

Hey, am I right? "

Venerable Dali Le Dayuan's opening made it clear that he was closer to Master Li Yao.

The scene suddenly became cold.

Venerable Bone and Liu Baixiu knew in their hearts.

Medicine Master Li and Venerable Dali Le Dayuan came to help, both because of the oath they had made in the Blood Gorge, and the process for the two of them to make this oath was not so... beautiful, so. It is not surprising that these two people have such a performance.

However, there was a gap between the plane where Ganlu Mountain was located and the plane governed by the Lord Biyou. The plane governed by the giant rock earth god.

The Giant Rock Earth God and Biyou Lord God fell together, and the planes under the jurisdiction of the two Lord Gods were all in chaos.

Information is not so smooth. You have to ask Li Yaoshi one or two.

Look at this monk surnamed Qian, is there any powerful means.

Seeing Li Yaoshi's answer like this, Venerable Ganlu's heart suddenly relaxed.

Among the four monks here, except Liu Baixiu's cultivation base is much lower, the other three are the cultivation base of the Four Diamond Flower God!

Three four-diamond flower gods, besieging one four-diamond flower god.

Moreover, in the Void Spirit Hall, there is a formation to help.

In the calculations of Venerable Ganlu, this battle, no matter how you say it, is set to win!

"It's so good, we will do evil

follow me. "

After that, Venerable Ganlu went ahead.

The Bone Crocodile King just nodded to the two and smiled: "You two, you have work."

Quickly followed.

Only Venerable Dali Le Dayuan passed in front of Li Yaoshi and glanced at Li Yaoshi in surprise.

Yaoshi Li's face has no expression at all, just like an ancient sculpture.

"Hey, I said, Donglang faint and clear jade grass, this is a natural spiritual thing, it can't tolerate the slightest mistake!"

Venerable Dali hurriedly shouted from a distance.

Then, he whispered, "This thing, but everyone snatched it out of the Blood Gorge back then?"

Although it was a low voice," everyone present could hear it clearly.

Venerable Ganlu immediately stopped, without knowing his head, and said coldly: "Da Yuan, this Donglang is quiet and clear jade grass, I have connected to the Lingquan, and we will transplant it ten miles away!

In addition, the ownership of this Donglang Yuxue Qingyucao was in the Blood Gorge and we had already discussed it. Could it be that today you have to regret it? "

Venerable Dali smiled awkwardly.

"Where. Where" this natural creature, if we damage it. What a pity. "

Commissioner Qian admired the song and dance with his eyes, and pondered the delicacies of fairy wine in his mouth. The ears listened to the sound of sluggishness.

The singing and dancing presents a vast and beautiful image, and at the same time reveals a vigorous and strong boundless spring.

Commissioner Qian had a smile on his face, and sighed in his heart: "The five desires deceive people's minds. I only know how powerful it is today.

If it weren't for the enemy of this true nectar, it would be difficult for me to know, I can really enjoy it.

Anyway, your own avenue has been completed, let you Yinggeyan dance. I can't shake my heart. "

"Just eat and drink like this:" Commissioner Qian sighed comfortably while chewing on the jerky meat and drinking the hot wine.

This Venerable Nectar, I probably wish I was drunk.

Then as he wishes"

Even the wine glasses are no longer needed. Grab the hip flask and pour it down directly

Soon, the jars of wine delivered by the waiter had already been drunk by Chairman Qian.

A large table full of food. It was also eaten up by committee member Qian.

Commissioner Qian only felt a rush of heat in his chest as hot as fire, and a gust of alcohol rushed from his stomach to his forehead.

A mouth: "Uh

A burst of alcohol spit out, and the rows of beautiful women singing and dancing in front of Committee Member Qian were rushed by the alcohol. Just feel dizzy for a while.

The broad and beautiful dance formation suddenly became chaotic.

The original charming scene turned out to be a bit funny.

Commissioner Qian just shot the table, pointing at them and laughing.

At this time, at the entrance of the main hall of the Void Spirit Hall, the light of heaven flashed!

When the man appeared, Ao Dan exclaimed.

Even those who come here are dressed in ordinary cloth. It is also the meaning of the awe-inspiring space between the eyebrows, it is clear that it is a solo sword, Pang Fanyun who is fighting against the world's strong!

Ge Shi Pang turned the clouds!


Seeing that Ao Zhou was so surprised, the red-bearded old man's tyrannical and killing intent was suddenly condensed, and he looked at Jiao Dan suspiciously.

Jiaozhou seemed to know that the old man with red beard was puzzled, and quickly informed Pang Fanyun's identity one by one.

As the patriarch of the dragon clan, Aunt Ou knows Pang Fanyun’s identity. His expression sank and he coldly shouted: "Everyone has a word, and the overlord of the Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect is a hero, who is expected to break through the realm of great perfection. It's extraordinary! What a pity, what a pity!"

He bluntly repeatedly said "It's a pity. In his tone, there is no sign of a pity at all, and some have only a mighty killing intent!"

Gazing deeply at Omron, Pang Fanyun's face gradually showed a strong intent to fight, and the intent to fight became stronger and stronger. Finally, the sword intent radiating from his body became stronger and stronger, like a long sword. Rising to the sky, if you close your eyes, you will only feel that the person in front of you is a long sword

A sword opened wide, and the surrounding long swords were flooded with cold light!

The sharp edge of the long sword can kill the sun and the moon!

Standing quietly, Pang Fanyun’s light completely concealed this light. The countless air waves that rushed out of the sky behind him shrank under the suppression of a strange force, as if surrendering to the king, it was so quiet. .

"Can you fight?"

Pang Fanyun's question caused everyone to feel a stagnation, as if there was a strong wind blowing from their faces, it was actually difficult to breathe.

No one had expected that in the face of such an unfavorable situation as many strong people face to face, Pang Fanyun's first sentence was like this!

So unexpected, but so geographically ought to, it makes people feel that if Pang Fanyun is not like this, then, what should it be?

"Pang Fanyun! You are Pang Fanyun."

When it was true, an exclamation sounded, and Tang Chen's face was full of disbelief, and the fingers pointing at Pang Fanyun were trembling constantly, and his face was full of incredible.


Pang Fanyun's eyes fell on him, as if there was a flash of thunder, and a look of nostalgia and remembrance emerged. He whispered: "So it was Brother Tang! The battle that day had benefited a lot. Give Pang a certain battle again!?

With the power he has shown now, it is naturally impossible not to discover the strength of Tomson's cultivation base, but he still invites the battle frantically. From the moment he appeared, he has sent out invitations to two super powers one after another, which is not unarrogant!

Tang Chen's expression was still a bit weird. Although he had inquired about the current situation in the Endless Wasteland, he naturally knew that there was the existence of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect. But he also knew that a sect like the Sky Splitting Sword Sect would see a lot of beauty in the short term, but it might end up in the cruel and endless wasteland.

Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to this, and never thought that the overlord of the Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect was the Sanctuary Tanfeng powerhouse who couldn't bear even his own skills!

Until I saw Pang Fanyun with my own eyes, I still felt a little unbelievable.

"How about Sect Master Pang Xiaofeng? When I saw Pang Fanyun appear, Hua Weixia asked urgently.

Pang Fanyun looked at her with a gentle smile: "Sect Master Ling is him"

"Huh! Are you really a tea shop and wine shop for my dragon clan?" Angrily shouted, the old man with red beard showed a strong killing intent on his face, looking at the broken forbidden ground behind Pang Fanyun, UU看书www .uukanshu. com raised his eyes and saw many disciples still in shock on the nearby Dragon Island. The endless anger filled his mind, and he suddenly raised his head and screamed: "The old man will ban you from life to death!"

When the words fell, Ning Ruo's substantive killing intent rolled out from him layer by layer, slammed away like a stormy sea, and directly covered Pang Fanyun.

Pang Fanyun took a deep breath, and the air around him suddenly turned frantically. Rings of golden light exploded, and finally there were countless fine golden lights moving back and forth, as if swimming fish were swept in a large swath of water vapor. The meaning of agility.

It's tedious, in fact, from the moment his thoughts to the flashing light around his body, it was just a blink of an eye!

The light turned to the extreme, and his figure moved suddenly, and a light from the soles of his feet floated to the side with extreme speed. Then a loud laughter came out from his mouth: "Don't worry about the eight elders, naturally someone will come to deal with them specifically." "Dan"

Suddenly, as if in response to the call of the old man with red beard, I saw bursts of madness and anger suddenly rose from the entrance of Pang Fanyun's Forbidden Land. The bursts of air burst and continued to emit strong whistles. .

The calmness of the sky that was finally restored was immediately broken by a drifting dark cloud, which was thick and heavy, as if it was about to crush the entire sky.

The tribulation clouds of acres of acres began to converge, and in the middle of them were strips of lightning and thunder that were thick enough to have a child's arm. These thunders looked very strange. There seem to be endless mysteries unsolved

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