Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1469: Our control

4 Earth-shattering loud noise. b echoed throughout Anshan, and then spread in all directions and thousands of miles.

The cyan shield covering the entire Anshan.

Under the heavy rain bombardment, it suddenly shattered and exploded!

In an instant, on the battlefield that was killing in full swing, the sword energy that was originally covered by the blue shield, thunder and fire, suddenly rushed into the sky.

In an instant, continuous, as if an endless thunder, shrouded the entire Anshan.

"Oh be careful"

The exclamation sounded one after another. The cultivators who are at war should be careful not to attack the opponent, but also to use their defensive methods to resist attacks from the top.

However, within ten or so breaths, a monk was under the attack of his opponent, and was bombarded by the endless thunder in the sky like a needle like a thread. The defensive Dao Fa, entered from the top of his head, and in a flash, Turned into a cloud of blood.

Masses of blood mist exploded and turned into blood mist. There were attackers and defenders.

Immediately, the yelling curses came and went one after another, spreading very far in the silent thunder, but it was unusually harsh.

"Anshan sent you **** and didn't raise the shield!

Isn't your shield the magic trick of the gods?

It is really unreasonable for Lao Tzu to send you Anshan to fight and to endure such a terrible catastrophe! "

"That's right, it's simply too unreasonable. When you Anshan faction called for Lao Tzu to help out, you said that you were fighting within the shield and you didn't need to consider the threat of heaven.

How long has it been fighting now, the catastrophe is imminent.

This is Yuan Ying's catastrophe!

Lao Tzu is the **** of flowers! "

The most angry were the monks who came to help Anshan.

They were promised by Anshan, with various conditions. Pulled over.

One of them is that Anshan will fully open the shield and fight within the shield without considering the threat of thunder.

Otherwise, fight under the robbery of Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation. Even if it is far away from the center of thunder thunder, how many people dare to fight?

Unexpectedly, after only three rounds of the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation, Anshan's shield was broken by the robbery.

If it is broken, it will be broken. The shield of the mountain gate, if it is broken, can be raised again.

However, after the shield of Anshan was broken, it did not rise again. The monks who came to support Anshan were directly exposed to the thunder. How could this not allow the various gates to support Anshan? The monks who were sent were extremely angry.

Although you can learn through Taoism, there are endless white clouds and thunder, one after another.

The sword light emitted not only to cut the five-color soil, but also to resist the white thunder that penetrated everything.

Everyone is fully urging the law.

However, once the Law Jue is fully urged, the more Jie Lei will be attracted.

From this point of view, the high-crown robe, describing the simple and simple monk of Qingqin, is right.

These monks, they urged the tactics with all their strength to attract a considerable amount of calamity to Hao Fei.

This five-color soil was originally a thing of gods and people, and the Anshan School was not the original owner of this five-color soil.

Everyone took a little bit of five colored soil, and the elders were so anxious that they really had no knowledge.

The several elders turned a deaf ear to the appeal of this group of people to their side, as if they hadn't heard it.

Looking at each other, one by one was very depressed. "Let them go. Anyway, the five-color earth circulates back and forth, endlessly, with some losses, automatically compensates, and it is very difficult to refine.

The elder with the bright moon and sea above his head comforted several companions.

Several elders suddenly rolled their eyes together, and they had no choice but to do so.

The five-color earth healed very quickly, and the dense thunder in the sky was tightening again and again. Very violent.

After the five-color soil is completely healed, everyone's sword light slashed toward the five-color soil!

In the vast white thunder. It turned out to be sparks flying all over. I can't cut it off at all.

At this time, the entire cyan shield of Anshan broke, and the cyan shield was never seen. Rise again.

Everyone on the top of the mountain felt it all at once. This is already as violent as a violent storm, but the intensity of the bombardment on the top of the mountain is slightly weakened by the lightning that is 100,000 times stronger than the destructive power of the violent storm.

"This Anshan guy is a good calculation. Let the thousands of enemies and friendly forces release the atmosphere of warfare to attract the target of the thunder bombardment, and reduce the pressure of the thunder on Hao Fei!

Good, good, good

Who is the monk who can still stay in the thundering center now is not the best among men.

Although blocked by the thunderous sky, the divine consciousness could not be extended.

However, the following sound of calls from the sky clearly conveyed the panic on the battlefield to your ears.

What is the situation below, in everyone's mind. Suddenly there are numbers.

Ansan clearly caused this situation on purpose, so I guessed it.

Sneer in their hearts one by one

Seeing that the five-color clay has healed, it is already difficult to get five-color clay on the top of the mountain.

Who would stay on top of this mountain to help Haofei attract Jie Lei.

You know, in the center of Jie Lei, even if you release the body protection Tao law, it will also attract Jie Lei’s attention.

In an instant, someone yelled: "Brothers. I can't hold it anymore. It's better to go to the foot of the mountain, where the thunder is weaker."

After that, several heavy sonic booms broke through the air. Howled toward the foot of the mountain.

Obviously, the thunder on the top of the mountain was too violent. There were already cultivators. They couldn't stand it and left.

"Haha, everyone, thank you for your hospitality, just as you wish, these five colors. Leave it to you

Commissioner Qian gave a long laugh. Together, there was a golden flower with a radius of several feet and thousands of petals. It hovered above the head. Under the golden flower, there was no thunder at all.

A golden flower was also born at the foot. It was a full square meter, carrying Commissioner Qian, breaking through the invisible thunder, and drifting towards the foot of the mountain.

Far from being acceptable, Commissioner Qian’s words came from Yao Shi’s ears: "Yao Shi, you recommended a good place. We are all taken advantage of by the Anshan faction. Only now we know it."

Yaoshi Li's face became hot, and he stared at the Ramzi next to him!

Gong Yangzi has only two drills of the flower god. Only with the cover of Committee Member Qian and Yaoshi Li, was it possible to stand at the center of this Yuan Ying’s calamity.

Otherwise, in the second heavenly calamity, it has been shaken into scum.

Seeing Li Yaoshi glared at him, Gong Yangzi grinned and spread his hands.

"Pharmacist, I don't know either. If I knew, I wouldn't have to wade in muddy water."

Pharmacist Li was helpless, and it was useless to discover what had happened.

Reaching out his hand, an ancient tree rushed out of the sky spirit cover, the tree body was like gold, and the leaves were like jasper.

Vigorous and simple, like a canopy.

A radius of nine feet, covering all the thunder in the sky.

At the same time, Wan Daohao light radiated, and the area around Gongyangzi whizzed towards the foot of the mountain!

In the blink of an eye, there were none of the spectators on the top of the mountain.

A round rushed out from the top door, water-colored clouds, and above the water-colored clouds, there were dotted elders dotted with white sails.

Countless white sails on the aqua-colored clouds blocked the thunderstorms.

Baifan disappeared. Suddenly regenerate from the water, but it is also endless.

The elder sneered: "I only know now that it's up to you to go. Anyway, at the foot of the mountain, the number of monks on both sides is already tens of thousands.

This light smoke mysterious thunder is the most long-lasting, and it is blocked by a cloud and thunder formation. Looking at the tens of thousands of cultivators, where can it go? "

"Everything is under our control."

These elders laughed at the same time.

Commissioner Qian drove Jinhua to the foot of the mountain. The intensity of the lightning here is only one tenth of that on the top of the mountain.

This is so, the monks with low cultivation base, at the same time offering magic weapons and carrying sword light, against the thunder light in the sky and the enemy on the opposite side, many people are already exhausted.

Take a moment to pay attention, either the magic weapon was blasted by the light smoke Xuanyin real thunder, or the enemy on the opposite side, blasted the magic weapon, sword light, countless light smoke Xuanyin real thunder, immediately penetrated mercilessly.

The body turned into a cloud of blood, but even the soul could not escape.

How many years of cultivation have all gone into nothing.

At the foot of Anshan, it has become a **** on earth.

Like Commissioner Qian, the two golden flowers under his head and feet are extremely cool and unrestrained.

There were no more than twenty monks in the battlefield at the foot of Anshan, who couldn't penetrate even the slightest thunder.

However, many of these masters are not interested in participating in this melee. Instead, they release thousands of sword light spells and dig out the five-color soil while absorbing the power of this light smoke, mysterious and real thunder.

At the foot of the mountain, the power of the catastrophe is indifferent, just to absorb the power of this Nascent Soul!

Commissioner Qian chose a site with fewer people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ while releasing golden flowers, cutting the five-color soil, while absorbing the power of this light smoke, mysterious shadow and real thunder.

Suddenly, a crazily red light rushed past Commissioner Qian several meters away.

Commissioner Qian didn't bother.

Thousands of golden flowers on his head can be seen by an individual. After Committee member Qian arrived at the foot of the mountain, apart from being attacked by the aftermath of the battle, no one took the initiative to attack Committee Member Qian.

However, this red and radiant light was wiped by, and with the spirit of Qian Qian, you can worship if you don’t think about it.

In this bright red brilliance, is a red peony, with thousands of petals, spinning rapidly. However, there are already several wounds in the rapidly rotating peony.

"Where to go, die"

A black brilliance kept catching up.

This red peony is in desperation. It turned around around Qian Yuan.

The black stunned the light, obviously not daring to directly look at Commissioner Qian, just making a strange cry: "There is a fight to the death".

Commissioner Qian frowned, and he was about to export with the word "roll".

I saw the bright red brilliance, directed at Commissioner Qian, just rushing over.


Just three feet around Jinhua, a golden wall of light appeared!

This red and beautiful peony just turned around, and there was a person in it, shouting to Commissioner Qian: "Lord Qian, save me".

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